How much variance in Brix is there from lights on to lights off? I'm running my lights at night to keep heat down so the check them I would have to be up around 3 am. I don't sleep a ton but 3 am is early 😂.
Ok so I say 10 hours after lights on because it's a pretty safe time to hit it for your solid maximums for the day, but really you know how about an hour before lights out, the plants actually start to look tired? They lose a bit of perk?

Well that's too late, you want it before that happens. On the other side of that once stretch is over and every day is the same for water consumption you can do it any time after about 7 hours.

Brix is definitely later tho because it's accumulative, but if 7 hours after lights on is when your plants are nicely in their groove you can definitely check VPD, and if you check brix too just remember that you can probably add a point or so for what it could have been later in the day.

If the lights are still on when you get up at least do it right away and see what you get. If it's later than 11 hours then VPD has likely changed as the plant will start preparing for dark when it switches from transpiraftion to respiration, so VPD may not be accurate to what it was earlier, but still close. You kind of want to know it's max tho, because if you read it earlier, think it's too low, reduce humidity to notch it up, and then 6 hours later it's now wound up full yhrottle, it may be too high.

So you only make adjustments at it's daily maximum time to be safe.

I check VPD every time I enter the tent just to see what they are doing. If they are warmer than normal all of a sudden they likely need water.

Once VPD is stable and your exhaust fan is set right for your tent, VPD has a way of settling in solidly. If the light is set just right and the soil is perfect dampness and air tempbis good, it gets much easier to hold RH stable.
Spam time again. It was another sunny day with great light. 23.8C at 4pm.





This one,


and this one are the 2 larfiest buds I could find. They were hiding under the fans in the shade.



VPD looks dialed for outdoors lol. Sometimes even in mid October you can catch a break😊


How much variance in Brix is there from lights on to lights off? I'm running my lights at night to keep heat down so the check them I would have to be up around 3 am. I don't sleep a ton but 3 am is early 😂.
Sorry G I didn't actually answer your question. It can vary a lot, like when a storm is coming. 2 or 3 for sure, but sometimes if the microbes need more sugars they can drop 5 or 6.

Leaves are expensive tho, so don't go too crazy plucking them for brixxing, they have VPD value too, now that you see how they work, but for science to learn, check brix all different times of day, just don't short change yourself on leaves after flip.

The reading in the plants late afternoon is your best brix of the day.
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