Hi @Gee64, found it lol
Some stuff in a bit confused with here, so here I go, ole and no, I didn’t give the older ones synthetic nutes,
may of been easier to do that but I didn’t

Right, the calmag, are you on about the bottled stuff ? I did get some a week or so ago but wasn’t sure if that was safe with the living, so I didn’t use it, I will put a pic up of the one I have :thumb:

And you mention organic certified 2-8-4
Do you mean the dry one, or the liquid one ? I can’t seem to find a dry one with those numbers, any recommendations would help greatly

And lastly, I’m lost :rofl: the myco, I will put a pic of what I have, I’m thinking it’s not what you mean, but if need be I will get some, as with all that’s needed:thumb:

And yeah mate, I knew the soil was completely exhausted with the older ones, that’s why I first reached out on here, the 420, lesson learned I think lol

And sorry for being a pain, and thank you for all your help, and to everyone who’s trying to steer me in the right direction, it’s very much appreciated,
And right, just realised with the mycro :thumb:

There’s the 2-8-6 early bloom
Or the 1-6-8 late bloom

Which ones do you think ?
Forgot the pics lol, here they are


That Calmag will work fine. Thrive is great stuff but it doesn't contain a lot for plant food, it makes the soil more conducive to feeding so when you add the food it gets processed better. It makes the root zone healthier so better feeding can occur. That is referred to as a "soil conditioner".

It does contain a very light dose of food, but not enough. Looks like an excellent conditioner though👍.

The Biosys, that is a great tea, it also contains myco. Have you used it recently?

If not then after a watering or 2 with calmag you should use it. Just don't mix it strong. Myself I would go half or three quarter strength, unless you have used it already and the plants were happy, then mix it the same as before.

After you get those 2 in, say the day after the tea, I would use this as a top dressing

It too contains myco. Add a layer of topdressing as per it's instructions, then some EWC about a quarter to a half inch deep, work the EWC and top dressing ferts into the top inch of your soil, breaking up any crusting, but be gentle as you may encounter roots, and take your time and be very thourough.

Water that in but only with about a quarter to a half of the normal watering amount to rinse it in a bit and activate it all.

Then find a good fish fertilizer. One that says fish hydrolysate is better than one that says emulsion. Mix it as per the instructions and water with it on the next watering day.

Then start a routine. Use calmag every 10 days or so in place of a watering but otherwise add fertilizer topdressing every week, water back and forth between fish ferts and plain water, cycling the calmag in every 10 days.

Every time you water, check the soil surface 1st for crusting and break it up every time. After 2 or 3 calmags the crustiness should stop.

You do need to be aware that the top dressings will crust every time, but break them up once and it should quit. It is constant crusting every drydown that you are looking for. That's an indicator of low calcium.

Then if @g-one-three doesn't mind, you should head over to his journal. He runs a system with Gaia Green dry ammendments that are very similar to the dry ferts above. He had a few small isdues that we tweaked and he has it working really well now, so he can help you prepare your next batch of soil to ensure you don't run into this again. His last grow and current grow would be very good reads for you, and he's a regular in here so he's likely aware already of your issues.

If you need guidance or are still unsure please ask immediately, as it's better to ask than make a mistake.

Let us know how it goes. Post pics in here every 2 or 3 days if you like so we can watch your progress.

What you are dealing with is pretty common in small pots so don't despair, they can be saved, it's just going to be constant maintenance on your part.

Small pots are excellent practice devices lol. Once you go to big pots it will feel like a vacation.
That Calmag will work fine. Thrive is great stuff but it doesn't contain a lot for plant food, it makes the soil more conducive to feeding so when you add the food it gets processed better. It makes the root zone healthier so better feeding can occur. That is referred to as a "soil conditioner".

It does contain a very light dose of food, but not enough. Looks like an excellent conditioner though👍.

The Biosys, that is a great tea, it also contains myco. Have you used it recently?

If not then after a watering or 2 with calmag you should use it. Just don't mix it strong. Myself I would go half or three quarter strength, unless you have used it already and the plants were happy, then mix it the same as before.

After you get those 2 in, say the day after the tea, I would use this as a top dressing

It too contains myco. Add a layer of topdressing as per it's instructions, then some EWC about a quarter to a half inch deep, work the EWC and top dressing ferts into the top inch of your soil, breaking up any crusting, but be gentle as you may encounter roots, and take your time and be very thourough.

Water that in but only with about a quarter to a half of the normal watering amount to rinse it in a bit and activate it all.

Then find a good fish fertilizer. One that says fish hydrolysate is better than one that says emulsion. Mix it as per the instructions and water with it on the next watering day.

Then start a routine. Use calmag every 10 days or so in place of a watering but otherwise add fertilizer topdressing every week, water back and forth between fish ferts and plain water, cycling the calmag in every 10 days.

Every time you water, check the soil surface 1st for crusting and break it up every time. After 2 or 3 calmags the crustiness should stop.

You do need to be aware that the top dressings will crust every time, but break them up once and it should quit. It is constant crusting every drydown that you are looking for. That's an indicator of low calcium.

Then if @g-one-three doesn't mind, you should head over to his journal. He runs a system with Gaia Green dry ammendments that are very similar to the dry ferts above. He had a few small isdues that we tweaked and he has it working really well now, so he can help you prepare your next batch of soil to ensure you don't run into this again. His last grow and current grow would be very good reads for you, and he's a regular in here so he's likely aware already of your issues.

If you need guidance or are still unsure please ask immediately, as it's better to ask than make a mistake.

Let us know how it goes. Post pics in here every 2 or 3 days if you like so we can watch your progress.

What you are dealing with is pretty common in small pots so don't despair, they can be saved, it's just going to be constant maintenance on your part.

Small pots are excellent practice devices lol. Once you go to big pots it will feel like a vacation.
Thank you for getting back quickly @Gee64 :thumb:

I’m pretty much with what your advising me to do, thank you mate.

Firstly, yeah I have given one dose of the tea, that was about a week or just over ago, and it says add 5g of the tea to 10L of water for established plants, I think I went just under, about 4g, there dodgy little cups so it’s hard to get it dead right.
And last time I watered, I added a top dressing of the charge stuff as instructed

I was going to water last night with the calmag but wasn’t too sure if it was safe, and luckily, my ladies soil was still a little damp about an inch in, and no droop on the plants, so I held off to do them tonight, I did find some mould stuff on the soil of one of the plants, and when checking, it says it’s a good thing, I’m not too sure thou so I will put a pic up for you to see.

And and lastly lol, this fish stuff, I could only find 2 with just fish, the bio bizz one, and the other don’t say very much, I will put pics up, the rest are fish bone and blood ferts and I don’t know if that’s right

Ole and before I forget ( head like a sieve here lol ) the calmag, other grows I used the vitalink one, and it says with that one to use 1 mill per 1L of water, I use to go half that , this new one I have now that I showed you, says 2 mill per litre of water, I’m not sure what to do, surprised ya there ain’t I :rofl:

And I was reading some bits last night with one of @g-one-three posts and the Gaia green, so yes I will go over and there and have a read

And once again, thank you very much for your help :thanks::thumb:

Here’s the pics




Thank you for getting back quickly @Gee64 :thumb:

I’m pretty much with what your advising me to do, thank you mate.

Firstly, yeah I have given one dose of the tea, that was about a week or just over ago, and it says add 5g of the tea to 10L of water for established plants, I think I went just under, about 4g, there dodgy little cups so it’s hard to get it dead right.
And last time I watered, I added a top dressing of the charge stuff as instructed
Perfect, your already on track👍
I was going to water last night with the calmag but wasn’t too sure if it was safe, and luckily, my ladies soil was still a little damp about an inch in, and no droop on the plants, so I held off to do them tonight, I did find some mould stuff on the soil of one of the plants, and when checking, it says it’s a good thing, I’m not too sure thou so I will put a pic up for you to see.
That mould is myco propogating. It's a beautiful thing👍🥰
And and lastly lol, this fish stuff, I could only find 2 with just fish, the bio bizz one, and the other don’t say very much, I will put pics up, the rest are fish bone and blood ferts and I don’t know if that’s right
Biobizz is great. It's a bit heavy on nitrogen, but it will work fine. Maybe go 3/4 strength on it for the ones deep in flower.
Ole and before I forget ( head like a sieve here lol ) the calmag, other grows I used the vitalink one, and it says with that one to use 1 mill per 1L of water, I use to go half that , this new one I have now that I showed you, says 2 mill per litre of water, I’m not sure what to do, surprised ya there ain’t I :rofl:
All calmags are concentrates, so mixing instructions can be different from brand to brand. If yours has mixing instructions for light feeding use that, otherwise stick with the instructions.
And I was reading some bits last night with one of @g-one-three posts and the Gaia green, so yes I will go over and there and have a read

And once again, thank you very much for your help :thanks::thumb:

Here’s the pics




Perfect, your already on track👍

That mould is myco propogating. It's a beautiful thing👍🥰

Biobizz is great. It's a bit heavy on nitrogen, but it will work fine. Maybe go 3/4 strength on it for the ones deep in flower.

All calmags are concentrates, so mixing instructions can be different from brand to brand. If yours has mixing instructions for light feeding use that, otherwise stick with the instructions.
That you very much @Gee64
I already feel better now knowing what to do

Your helps very much appreciated mate, thank you :adore: :thanks:
@Kaldean I should mention this. Myco is the key. That fungii is the middle man between the microbes and the plant, so it needs to be treated well. All it needs from you is a weekly dose of fish fertilizer. Every 10 days will do, so work that into your water calmag cycling, it's very important. It also enjoys a mulch.
Evening guys and gals

Just gave the Blue Sunset Sherbert a squeeze. The lights just came on so The brix is sitting at 13%. What do you think about the border line? This is the first Brix test on her. The last two waterings I gave her 1/2 a teaspoon/ gallon of calmag. This is half the manf. dose. It's been 2 days since her last drink. PH of the water was 6.3 after letting the calmag sit for a couple of hours. Any help would be great.

Hey RR, sorry for missing this. Thats a good brix number and a really good calcium line. Try to keep it right there or a smidge fuzzier, and brix should also be higher at about 10 hours AFTER lights on. Nice work!👍👊🥰
Hey RR, sorry for missing this. Thats a good brix number and a really good calcium line. Try to keep it right there or a smidge fuzzier, and brix should also be higher at about 10 hours AFTER lights on. Nice work!👍👊🥰
Thanks Gee you rock buddy. No worries, I know your busy helping all us greenhorns. All your help is much appreciated.
Thanks Gee you rock buddy. No worries, I know your busy helping all us greenhorns. All your help is much appreciated.
Thanks RR👊 To be honest I somehow completely missed it, I apologize. Try to grab a brix reading after about 10 hours of lights on, that's the true reading you want to see.
Perfect, your already on track👍

That mould is myco propogating. It's a beautiful thing👍🥰

Biobizz is great. It's a bit heavy on nitrogen, but it will work fine. Maybe go 3/4 strength on it for the ones deep in flower.
Double check this product. I thought it was an ordinary fish emulsion. I struggled to find a hydrolysate and if I'm not mistaken, the Biobizz one was a pass?
Thanks RR👊 To be honest I somehow completely missed it, I apologize. Try to grab a brix reading after about 10 hours of lights on, that's the true reading you want to see.
I would but that's at 4am my time. I can't get my lazy ass outta bed that early. :rofl: But I will try......
Yes your right @Carmen Ray :thumb:

Thankfully you was on the ball there before I used it, :thanks:

Hard work trying to find one in it :rofl:
What did you go with ?

And thank you :adore::thanks:
Hey Kaldean,

You're welcome. I found one called Biogrow SeaBrix here in South Africa. I would ask around at nurseries and press them that it must be hydrolysate and not emulsion. You could use the Biogrow SeaBrix as your guide. It's used as an organic fertilizer for fruit, lawns, ornamentals and vegetables so you should find a local brand. You could google "fish hydrolysate near me" and see what that nets you :)
Hey Kaldean,

You're welcome. I found one called Biogrow SeaBrix here in South Africa. I would ask around at nurseries and press them that it must be hydrolysate and not emulsion. You could use the Biogrow SeaBrix as your guide. It's used as an organic fertilizer for fruit, lawns, ornamentals and vegetables so you should find a local brand. You could google "fish hydrolysate near me" and see what that nets you :)
Thanks for your reply @Carmen Ray

Yeah I’m gunna try that :thumb:
Iv found loads but when I’m looking at the ingredients its emulsion lol

I did find something saying that the difference between the emulsion and the hydrolysed is when they press the fish, one’s cold, the one we need, and one’s done hot, now I don’t know how true that is, but I do remember reading on one that it was pressed cold. And nope, I can’t find it now :rofl:

Thank you again for your help :thanks::thumb:
Thanks for your reply @Carmen Ray

Yeah I’m gunna try that :thumb:
Iv found loads but when I’m looking at the ingredients its emulsion lol

I did find something saying that the difference between the emulsion and the hydrolysed is when they press the fish, one’s cold, the one we need, and one’s done hot, now I don’t know how true that is, but I do remember reading on one that it was pressed cold. And nope, I can’t find it now :rofl:

Thank you again for your help :thanks::thumb:
Good luck. Even "hydrolyzed fish emulsion" is not the right thing :) Gotta find that fish hydrolysate. I'm pretty sure you will find it if you keep looking.
I found this. 10L is way too much. I have 500 ml and it lasts.
Good luck. Even "hydrolyzed fish emulsion" is not the right thing :) Gotta find that fish hydrolysate. I'm pretty sure you will find it if you keep looking.
I found this. 10L is way too much. I have 500 ml and it lasts.
Yeah I see that one, and like you say, 10L is just a tad too much in it :rofl:

Iv emailed a few company’s asking if it’s fish emulsion cos it’s not clear in the ingredients, so hopefully they will get back pretty quick, I have near on a week to find some, and iv got one that looks like the right thing, but I’m not sure if the numbers on it are right, do you know ?
And thank you @Carmen Ray for your help :thanks::thumb:
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