Stop talking about days of flower to harvest please, that goes for all of you! Unless you have environmental issues that cause PM, bud rot or any of those ugly factors just focus on trichomes. For you new folks, if your baby isn’t on verge of death and conditions allow be patient. Grab a jewelers loupe off amazon and don’t chop that byotch until at least mostly milky trichomes. As I recall lady canna loves mostly milky very little amber, gee and azi are happy with whatever they get and I love 30% amber and closer to 50^ amber for indiceas. All that being said as lazy and knowledgeable as gee, azi, bill and I may be it’s really up to you what you prefer. I’ll try to convince you to be patient and not chop till I do but better yet keep that byotch alive and take samples here and there to learn what’s best for you!!! Need more info or have questions? We are here even to be jerks about it. That’s half the fun 🎈
I wouldn't say jerks, jokesters for sure tho🤪, and I actually prefer when folks say how many days in they are, that way I know how old the plants are, or at least how long they were flowering before problems arose.
I wouldn't say jerks, jokesters for sure tho🤪, and I actually prefer when folks say how many days in they are, that way I know how old the plants are, or at least how long they were flowering before problems arose.
Better yet make then pay attention to avoid mistakes we’ve all endured, no harm in a little tough love, if these effees are half as stubborn as we’ve been gonna need to suffer for themselves anyhow, why delay the inevitable
Love you all, now that you all are learning I’m not full of shit, I hope you’ll take the time to go back and see all I have to say because it’s to all of our benefit which is the goal. I’m super grateful for all the new knowledge that’s helped me correlate everything I’ve been doing right with all the science that the smarter folks have shared with me. And even more grateful to see my ideas being adopted by what I’ve learned from grandpa. I’ve been watching closely and haven’t missed a beat. As much as I’ve been learning I’ve also noticed I’ve gotten to be a teacher as well. I feel confident saying that I’ve earned the respect from many more than I expected - even those far smarter than me so check my stuff out and everyone else’s too. We’re on to something great. Let me say that again, we’re into something great and the more of us that commit to it the better :)
Love you all, now that you all are learning I’m not full of shit, I hope you’ll take the time to go back and see all I have to say because it’s to all of our benefit which is the goal. I’m super grateful for all the new knowledge that’s helped me correlate everything I’ve been doing right with all the science that the smarter folks have shared with me. And even more grateful to see my ideas being adopted by what I’ve learned from grandpa. I’ve been watching closely and haven’t missed a beat. As much as I’ve been learning I’ve also noticed I’ve gotten to be a teacher as well. I feel confident saying that I’ve earned the respect from many more than I expected - even those far smarter than me so check my stuff out and everyone else’s too. We’re on to something great. Let me say that again, we’re into something great and the more of us that commit to it the better :)
I'm not about making anyone commit to anything. People are free to choose any way in life they wish.

Whenever in life I have asked a question someone has stepped up and helped me out.

I built GeeSpot as a place for help and to collect like minded people, not really as a place to get commitments from people.

GeeSpot is a safe place for anyone who wants to ask questions or seeking some help or just hanging out watching what I do on a day to day basis. I have to journal all my stuff somewhere, so I may as well help out other members as a form of rent to 420 for supplying a service, and in real life you have no idea how many times I have taught someone something, or helped them fix a mistake or process, and then have them come back and show me some pretty cool stuff that I would have never stumbled across.

I don't want any commitments from people. Basic human respect for one another, and friendly conversation and company. No trolling. That's all I ask in return. Also every time someone needs help, there are silent others with the same predicament, so helping one person usually helps far more than one.

You have been growing organically with what sounds to be a great mentor for pretty much your whole life, thats a privilege almost no one else in life gets. I too was lucky enough to grow up in a world of organic farmers ranging from straight off the farm to extremely well educated tenured professors running entire plant biology wings at major universities. My home growing up was a food forest on the edge of an old growth forest. That was my lucky card in life. If I can help anyone out with all the knowledge that was given to me for free I will gladly pass it along without commitment. People wouldn't be asking if they already hadn't committed to themselves to try it.

How soil works and how a plant takes full advantage of that is a subject that is very hard to study on your own unless you know the right questions to ask, so if someone is interested or in a jam, they are committed already to trying to save their plants and are asking strangers for help. That's commitment already. How can I not help.

If you demand commitment you gotta take that up thru your Salt Farmer thread Bud, it's not nescessary here.
Thanks for the demo Gee man. I see the merit in this practice but physically can't pull this off as you say. I don't have the physical strength. Is there another way to do similar without the heavy lifting?
Sorry Carmen, I meant to get back to you but it was a long day and I fell asleep.

I know root drenching was too cumbersome for you now.

You can put a tray under your pot and really gently water it to complete saturation, letting it reabsorb the tray as it fills, but you end up in the same place, with a really heavy pot in a tray of water.

You should feel how heavy a 10gal pot gets lol. I sometimes forget that I'm a big guy and tossing around a 70 pound pot with a plant in it and that isn't so easy for a lot of folks.

I suppose you could use a rack of sorts over your sink and gently water a lot of water thru the plant, then let it drip out, but it will still be quite heavy for a long time, and a lot of goodness will wash down the drain, but at least you wouldn't have to lift it out of a tub.

Or you could put your pot into a tub before you plant your seed, and if you ever need to do a root dunk you just fill the tub and then use a Wet 'n' Dry vacuum to empty it, but then you have tubs on your table forever.

Don't hurt yourself trying tho, it's not worth it. After enough waterings the soil will correct itself, but a good root drench accelerates the fix.
Am I wrong bro! Cut that shot out
You kind of are, as we need to know how long the plant has been in the stage it's in. Definitely use a magnifier to watch for ripeness, but I always want to know where the plant is at. Adding nitrogen at Day 75, for example, isn't always a good idea.
Stop talking about days of flower to harvest please, that goes for all of you! Unless you have environmental issues that cause PM, bud rot or any of those ugly factors just focus on trichomes. For you new folks, if your baby isn’t on verge of death and conditions allow be patient. Grab a jewelers loupe off amazon and don’t chop that byotch until at least mostly milky trichomes. As I recall lady canna loves mostly milky very little amber, gee and azi are happy with whatever they get and I love 30% amber and closer to 50^ amber for indiceas. All that being said as lazy and knowledgeable as gee, azi, bill and I may be it’s really up to you what you prefer. I’ll try to convince you to be patient and not chop till I do but better yet keep that byotch alive and take samples here and there to learn what’s best for you!!! Need more info or have questions? We are here even to be jerks about it. That’s half the fun 🎈
Gotta say I'm with Gee on this one. I never said to harvest according to a breeders estimate as you seem to be implying. But knowing how deep he is on his schedule gives us some idea on what to expect. If he's 20 days into flower and getting yellow leaves, there's an entirely different suggested remedy than if he's 40-50 days in like he is.
Better yet make then pay attention to avoid mistakes we’ve all endured, no harm in a little tough love, if these effees are half as stubborn as we’ve been gonna need to suffer for themselves anyhow, why delay the inevitable
Not getting your point here, but sounds like letting him struggle just for the sake of a lesson isn't how I would approach it. For me, he asked for suggestions and help and we should supply the info. If he chooses to disregard it and turns out we we right, then there's a lesson to be learned.

But I've always believed in learning lessons through others experiences and haven't felt the need to necessarily relearn them for myself.
Yesterday. Miss Sticky clones - Day 10.


Still looking fine🥰.



side branching is still healthy too, in spite of the mg issue at time of cutting.



And roots are really coming in now on both😊.
Yesterday. Miss Sticky clones - Day 10.


Still looking fine🥰.



side branching is still healthy too, in spite of the mg issue at time of cutting.



And roots are really coming in now on both😊.
The babies are looking good Gee.
After letting the pot dry out a bit I gave my plant some dolo water. Brixed at 7.5 with a well defined line before, and a 10 with a fuzzy line two days after. I'm going to flip it in a few days so hopefully I can cross the 12 threshold before I do.
Two days later and I'm still at 10 brix with a line that looks a bit more defined that two days ago.

I've got good moisture through most of the pot though reading too wet way down low. I had hoped that the smaller connector pot protruding out the bottom of the main NetPot would help drain out the extra water but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It does lower my perched water table which is good, but I think for the next round I'll try adding some wicks to the bottom of the pot to see if I can eliminate that lower wet zone. If I can, I'll be able to add water more frequently which will give me the ability to rotate through FAA, dolo water, and teas on a more frequent and shorter time table.

I've used polypropylene rope in the past which does a great job wicking water up, wonder how it would do draining it out. 🤔
Two days later and I'm still at 10 brix with a line that looks a bit more defined that two days ago.

I've got good moisture through most of the pot though reading too wet way down low. I had hoped that the smaller connector pot protruding out the bottom of the main NetPot would help drain out the extra water but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It does lower my perched water table which is good, but I think for the next round I'll try adding some wicks to the bottom of the pot to see if I can eliminate that lower wet zone. If I can, I'll be able to add water more frequently which will give me the ability to rotate through FAA, dolo water, and teas on a more frequent and shorter time table.

I've used polypropylene rope in the past which does a great job wicking water up, wonder how it would do draining it out. 🤔
Only 1 way to find out😎👍👊. It sounds to me like you need more available calcium in your soil mix prior to planting. Your not getting a solid ph buffer if Ca is always on the low side so your CEC is quite possibly not functioning at top level.
@Gidorah hows life these days? Gals still scraping the sky?
I just got back from Georgia, trying to catch up on this thread, it moves fast! We had a heat wave with temps over 100 for a week and fried two of the plants. Thankfully, it was 2 that I wasn't very interested in. The IKLWA from TMSC didnt mind the heat and is doing great, starting to drop a lot of yellow leaves. Hope it's senesence creeping in. Will post some pics later. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Only 1 way to find out😎👍👊. It sounds to me like you need more available calcium in your soil mix prior to planting. Your not getting a solid ph buffer if Ca is always on the low side so your CEC is quite possibly not functioning at top level.
This soil mix has the relative ca from the rev's soil mix, but different components. You'll recall I used nettle as a material part of the calcium but maybe like all meals that's a faster breakdown than the minerals so perhaps it's better used as part of my top dressing and stick to the mineral calciums in the mix.
This soil mix has the relative ca from the rev's soil mix, but different components. You'll recall I used nettle as a material part of the calcium but maybe like all meals that's a faster breakdown than the minerals so perhaps it's better used as part of my top dressing and stick to the mineral calciums in the mix.
Did you use prilled or powdered dolomite?
Sunday feed day. Gonna scratch in some Geoflora bloom and water with a light dose of calmag. Need to buy some grilled dolomite and a refractometer, thanks for the suggested one Gee.

Group photo

Crispy apple fritter that didn't survive the heatwave, to be chopped soon

Burnt buds on OG kush. Thought it was worms but didn't see any and most of the bud tips are brown. Some salvageable buds, will monitor

Chocobang is doing great, looks like a double head forming

And finally, my favorite child, Iklwa. Packing buds on now, need to measure it again, I swear she got taller


Happy Sunday everyone, good to be back in this group.
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