That's weird since me and others see thrips damage on your plants indoors? The lack off foliage and heavy removal of leaves are both telltale signs of thrips damage? Where's all the leaves going?

I will say it again but Brix is a standardization and measure that was put in place to give an easy explanatory number for investors with no previous education in agriculture. It's a measure for carbohydrates in food crops. Cannabis production is focused on producing essential oils ie Cannabinoids.

It makes sense to follow standards and guidelines that's been put in place for food crops like corn and wheat but there's no standardization or guidelines for Brix growing Cannabis in commercial agriculture, the data is simply not there and is still targeted towards investors.

Real farmers and people educated in agriculture do rigorous soil tests and focus on mineral content and their ratios. You get way more usable info from a soil test than what a Brix reading can ever give you? A refractometer measures solids, the problem is what are those solids when the sample's never been properly analyzed or measured for content? A refractometer is most often used in manufacturing industries to measure dirt and TOTAL solids in a coolant solution. I use it weekly in my work.

I have yet to see or come across a large scale Cannabis production focusing on Brix levels to this day and I've been at this for soon to be 30 years. There are other parameters that's more important to keep track of in Cannabis production IMO.

I have only seen hobby growers and YouTubers discussing the subject matter to be fully honest.

Nobody here cares about what you think. Really.

Just go away, troll. Please.
That's weird since me and others see thrips damage on your plants indoors? The lack off foliage and heavy removal of leaves are both telltale signs of thrips damage? Where's all the leaves going?

I will say it again but Brix is a standardization and measure that was put in place to give an easy explanatory number for investors with no previous education in agriculture. It's a measure for carbohydrates in food crops. Cannabis production is focused on producing essential oils ie Cannabinoids.

It makes sense to follow standards and guidelines that's been put in place for food crops like corn and wheat but there's no standardization or guidelines for Brix growing Cannabis in commercial agriculture, the data is simply not there and is still targeted towards investors.

Real farmers and people educated in agriculture do rigorous soil tests and focus on mineral content and their ratios. You get way more usable info from a soil test than what a Brix reading can ever give you? A refractometer measures solids, the problem is what are those solids when the sample's never been properly analyzed or measured for content? A refractometer is most often used in manufacturing industries to measure dirt and TOTAL solids in a coolant solution. I use it weekly in my work.

I have yet to see or come across a large scale Cannabis production focusing on Brix levels to this day and I've been at this for soon to be 30 years. There are other parameters that's more important to keep track of in Cannabis production IMO.

I have only seen hobby growers and YouTubers discussing the subject matter to be fully honest.
I gotta agree with Azi.

If you would read more than the post that appears in "What's New" you and whoever else you are referring to would know exactly what's going on. Asking where my leaves went only makes you look like an idiot.

I don't care how much synthetic knowledge you have, and it's pretty clear you don't really understand plants.

Cannabis is classified as a vegetable, theres a good reason for that, it's a food crop you moron. Maybe try growing it like one.

There's no thrip damage here. As for where my leaves went, I got a great idea. Why don't you read back and see where they went.

I will take it as a compliment tho, that you and your bug-spray smoking buddies discuss me and my ways. We never discuss you guys, I hope that doesn't offend you.

It's probably because organics is a threat???? Talk about paranoia.

Probably a bug spray thing I suppose.

The people actually following along are getting rid of bugs on their own grows. They are getting better results than they ever have.

If that makes me a useless, lying SOB then so be it. Really, I never meant to offend the Great God Wastei.

OK everyone, pack up the organics, Wastei says we gotta go back to synthetics, bugs, and untold other toxins. Get ready to punish Mother Earth too.

A refractometer tells you a lot more than just brix. How do you see a calcium issue 2 weeks before it shows in the leaves? That's a serious question by the way.

But mostly I've asked you to block me and I'm asking again. Please take your narrow synthetic mind and whatever your mission is, and leave. I'm really not the guy you want to troll.

If what I'm up to rubs you the wrong way then move along.

We could discuss the misery your synthetic ways bestow upon the planet all day long, but I don't ever bash you synthetic guys. We could talk about why you shouldn't smoke bug spray all day long, but again... not my business.

Go back to wherever it is that you all discuss my "thrips situation" and "missing foliage" and get a life. Maybe read a book.

As for your lifetime in the industry, you probably should have paired yourself with a better role model than the underground crowd.

If you actually read more than the post that popped up in Latest Activity you would see that most of the cannabis I grow gets used for feeder stock for my composting/vermicomposting system that I grow my food with because it's such a mineral rich plant. I know you don't want to hear this next part but... USING HIGH BRIX CANNABIS AS COMPOST RAISES FOOD CROP BRIX. I, unlike you, care about what goes into my body.

Wanna compare personal health and mental state? My health is literally poster-child perfect and my mental state is fine enough to troubleshoot real life problems for some of the biggest corporations in North America, how about you? Help anyone other than yourself lately?

This is a run of 1st run soil built by a very popular recipe and it's purpose is to show people the issues that will arise, and more importantly how to navigate thru them, as most don't ever rebuild their soil to get to where the good stuff is, so they see the same issues every grow.

Like my magnesium def that is actually lockout caused by a calcium imbalance that is typical in new soil, that can be fixed simply by dunking the pots, not with some synthetic additive.

Whodda thunk huh?

People who want to grow organically don't have much help around here so help or fuck off.

If you have been in the synthetic system smoking bug spray and only God knows what else since you were 17, as by your own admission, that explains a lot.

If the buddies you discuss me with have any balls, ask them to stop by. But please read all 300+ pages 1st, before opening your yap, and maybe try some of the things in here that I have tried and tested dozens, hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of times 1st, then chime in with your greater knowledge.

If I ever do get thrips, or any pests for that matter, you will be the guy I call, as I'm sure your an expert on pest erradication. I am not, as I really have no experience at it. (Yeah theres a hidden message there.)

Thats far more words than you are deserving of, now please go smoke your bug spray somewhere else, your not welcome here if you only came to be a troll.

Better yet, fire up a pot of LOS and help out. Maybe teach people how to cut a clone and have it 3 feet tall and ready to flower in LOS in 5 weeks from the day you take the cutting. With no bugs btw....

I am flattered that you're stalking me tho😘.

And what Azi said.
After letting the pot dry out a bit I gave my plant some dolo water. Brixed at 7.5 with a well defined line before, and a 10 with a fuzzy line two days after. I'm going to flip it in a few days so hopefully I can cross the 12 threshold before I do.

I'm also trying a new training tactic for me on this round. I've taken all of the growth points off on each of my 5 limbs all along the stems, leaving only the final couple and the tips have mostly all reached the pot edge and will start upwards. This should give me no lower/inner larf and just the 5 spears. I did leave all of the fan leaves along the way, save for those I've brixed with.
Mornin' Stone, Mornin' 013. 😊👊☕

Our sun came back too. 26C yesterday.

Brix, as apparently unimportant as they are, all shot back up, so we have energy for the future😎

The Outdoor Africaans are finally starting to flower.
Brix ain't bullshit to me Gee! As you mentioned, my outdoor grow has benefitted in a big way since catering to it! Bugs, PM, both improved!

What a season we're having here too! I'm in a drought area. It's small so it won't be a huge issue I think. It's creating a real nice grow season so far! I'm going to need it in October!
Good Morning Stone Otter have a fantastic day and happy Friday.:slide:
Happy Friday Ramblin! Let's get some sun on us today!
Happy Friday to everyone😊👊.

@StoneOtter I don't think brix is BS either, but I suppose if you are an excellent grower in the industry for 30 years and you still have bugs and can't figure out how to raise the refractometer reading, and every once in awhile the darn refractometer goes wacky and the reading line gets blurry so you, i dunno, re-calibrate it? maybe? you might come to the conclusion that brix is some marketing snake oil.

This is fun. Childish, but fun. I could do it all day long🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Happy Friday to everyone😊👊.

@StoneOtter I don't think brix is BS either, but I suppose if you are an excellent grower in the industry for 30 years and you still have bugs and can't figure out how to raise the refractometer reading, and every once in awhile the darn refractometer goes wacky and the reading line gets blurry so you, i dunno, re-calibrate it? maybe? you might come to the conclusion that brix is some marketing snake oil.

This is fun. Childish, but fun. I could do it all day long🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Happy Friday Gee man. Man you don't need that negativity. wtf??
Happy Friday Gee man. Man you don't need that negativity. wtf??
It's all good.

Organics threatens some people, or they are paid to dissuade, or they are just quirky. I don't get it but whatever....

Mr W has a reputation that precedes him and is very well known for his behaviors, so any future posts from him just ignore them.

I've asked him to go away, to quit stalking me, and to block me, so it is what it is.

It's all good. 😊👊
It's all good.

Organics threatens some people, or they are paid to dissuade, or they are just quirky. I don't get it but whatever....

Mr W has a reputation that precedes him and is very well known for his behaviors, so any future posts from him just ignore them.

I've asked him to go away, to quit stalking me, and to block me, so it is what it is.

It's all good. 😊👊
Right on Gee
Have a great weekend.
That's weird since me and others see thrips damage on your plants indoors? The lack off foliage and heavy removal of leaves are both telltale signs of thrips damage? Where's all the leaves going?

I will say it again but Brix is a standardization and measure that was put in place to give an easy explanatory number for investors with no previous education in agriculture. It's a measure for carbohydrates in food crops. Cannabis production is focused on producing essential oils ie Cannabinoids.

It makes sense to follow standards and guidelines that's been put in place for food crops like corn and wheat but there's no standardization or guidelines for Brix growing Cannabis in commercial agriculture, the data is simply not there and is still targeted towards investors.

Real farmers and people educated in agriculture do rigorous soil tests and focus on mineral content and their ratios. You get way more usable info from a soil test than what a Brix reading can ever give you? A refractometer measures solids, the problem is what are those solids when the sample's never been properly analyzed or measured for content? A refractometer is most often used in manufacturing industries to measure dirt and TOTAL solids in a coolant solution. I use it weekly in my work.

I have yet to see or come across a large scale Cannabis production focusing on Brix levels to this day and I've been at this for soon to be 30 years. There are other parameters that's more important to keep track of in Cannabis production IMO.

I have only seen hobby growers and YouTubers discussing the subject matter to be fully honest.
Even the agriculture folks with vineyards, food crops etc will tell you, or should tell you that reading brix is a tool to provide an indication of plant health. I personally disagree with many claims made by youtubers etc because they tend to be exaggerated. However, I’ve seen the differences for myself at least up to the improvements noticed up to the 22 range. It’s worth tracking in my opinion.
Two steps forward and one back. Brixed my plant today and got an 8 with a crispy line so added some dolo water in addition to the weekly top dressing and RWC they all get.

Here's an interesting (to me) observation on my dolo water. To make it I soaked 8oz oz dolomite lime powder in 64oz (2L) of 6ppm rainwater and then shake it up periodically. Then I take 1 tablespoon of that to add to 1L of rainwater for my plants and whatever I don't use stays in the 1L container for the next watering.

I've taken to measuring ppm's of that 1L container which starts out at about 45ppm at first mixing but then increases to mid-60's two days later and mid-seventies two days after that which kind of surprised me.

I would expect the ppm's in the original container with the dolomite lime residue to increase as more dissolves in the water, but didn't expect the levels to rise, especially that quickly, in the 1L container. 🤔
Two steps forward and one back. Brixed my plant today and got an 8 with a crispy line so added some dolo water in addition to the weekly top dressing and RWC they all get.

Here's an interesting (to me) observation on my dolo water. To make it I soaked 8oz oz dolomite lime powder in 64oz (2L) of 6ppm rainwater and then shake it up periodically. Then I take 1 tablespoon of that to add to 1L of rainwater for my plants and whatever I don't use stays in the 1L container for the next watering.

I've taken to measuring ppm's of that 1L container which starts out at about 45ppm at first mixing but then increases to mid-60's two days later and mid-seventies two days after that which kind of surprised me.

I would expect the ppm's in the original container with the dolomite lime residue to increase as more dissolves in the water, but didn't expect the levels to rise, especially that quickly, in the 1L container. 🤔
Are you using prilled or powdered dolomite? Prilled is more stable.
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