RVDV Momma.

She's training in pretty well and starting to grow really fast.


These 2 could be cut now. Instead I'll lay them flat and turn them into main pipes to feed more clone branches. They are the two front branches from the top picture.


There's some low hanging fruits that I'll let get bigger before I trim them off for the worms.

Mother plants produce a lot of weed meal if you want them too, so I'll drain this 7gal dry over the next few months, cut a new one, and do it again.


More low hanging fruit, but the ones pointed up look great.


Same on this branch.


This branch has 2 going sideways as well, so I'll strap them down and turn them into main pipes too. They are on the opposite side of the plant from the 2 in front, so it will balance the plant.

High brix wormfood🥰.
Miss Sticky Clones - Day 8.


Still looking good.



The lighter growing tips are very apparent now.


But we have roots popping!


This one too, sorry it's bad focus.

Now it's a race. The deficit caused by the mag lockout is in these clones, so the food in the leaves that the cutting uses to grow roots is out of balance.

If I can get them rooted and into soil before the growing tips get damaged I'm golden. If the tips get damaged I'll have to grow them longer as they recover.

I need 10 more days in the cloner still, it's going to be close. I need to mix up some soil.
Hey Gee man.....good news! I got some blood from that stone. The big gun and some slugs finally worked. I got 10% on the gizmo. Not good but she had just woken up.

More importantly the line was pretty defined so she's low on calcium. Your suspicion was correct.

Hope all is good in your neck of the woods.
Miss Sticky Clones - Day 8.


Still looking good.



The lighter growing tips are very apparent now.


But we have roots popping!


This one too, sorry it's bad focus.

Now it's a race. The deficit caused by the mag lockout is in these clones, so the food in the leaves that the cutting uses to grow roots is out of balance.

If I can get them rooted and into soil before the growing tips get damaged I'm golden. If the tips get damaged I'll have to grow them longer as they recover.

I need 10 more days in the cloner still, it's going to be close. I need to mix up some soil.
So I know you’re ahead of me on many levels of knowledge and probably better equipped to answer why it works for me, and I hope it may help you and others too. When it comes to clones which I like to do for everything I grow I have had a nearly 90% success rate doing the following during outdoor season. I cut off branch that is at least 5” long, remove all lower leaves just keeping top, cut top leaves in half, make sure end is at least 45° angle cut min, dip at least 4” into rain water, dust with root hormone, put into soil so stem is all the way down to within 1-2 in of the top - closer to 1”. Keep moist under the sun. This is how all clones ended up being generated this run with exception of first three that started indoors.
Hey Gee man.....good news! I got some blood from that stone. The big gun and some slugs finally worked. I got 10% on the gizmo. Not good but she had just woken up.

More importantly the line was pretty defined so she's low on calcium. Your suspicion was correct.

Hope all is good in your neck of the woods.
10 isn't bad and if it was early in the day it will rise, and at about hour 10 of lights on is where it's usually max. It's cool to see the state of your calcium hey?

Now you can slowly dose it up over the next few waterings until it's optimum, and then nust maintain it.

You should never experience a calcium deficiency again😊😎
10 isn't bad and if it was early in the day it will rise, and at about hour 10 of lights on is where it's usually max. It's cool to see the state of your calcium hey?

Now you can slowly dose it up over the next few waterings until it's optimum, and then nust maintain it.

You should never experience a calcium deficiency again😊😎
Good stuff Gee man. I'll get the hang of it eventually. Have a great evening my good man.
So I know you’re ahead of me on many levels of knowledge and probably better equipped to answer why it works for me, and I hope it may help you and others too. When it comes to clones which I like to do for everything I grow I have had a nearly 90% success rate doing the following during outdoor season. I cut off branch that is at least 5” long, remove all lower leaves just keeping top, cut top leaves in half, make sure end is at least 45° angle cut min, dip at least 4” into rain water, dust with root hormone, put into soil so stem is all the way down to within 1-2 in of the top - closer to 1”. Keep moist under the sun. This is how all clones ended up being generated this run with exception of first three that started indoors.
I've rooted many clones pretty much that exact way.

I prefer aero-clones because it's a way to dust the entire root with myco, and there's no leaf clipping or hardening off, but some strains don't like aero-cloning so I use soil to root those. Quite often I'll do both at once.

Clones don't have a tap root so they tend to flop or lean quite easily, but if you combine aero-cloning with my potting technique you in essence get a tap root and the clone stands up stronger.

That's really why I prefer aero-cloning. Figs also root well in aero-cloners.


I rooted this one in the aerocloner this spring. It's in Geespot somewhere but I can't remember exactly when. I may get figs on it😊
Good stuff Gee man. I'll get the hang of it eventually. Have a great evening my good man.
12 is where the rubber starts to meet the road as far as witnessing the claims about pests and plant health. My only caution to anyone is that I’ve been as high as 18 from memory and 22 looking back on notes from MN. And I’ve NEVER attained the magical 80% or above pest free level; rather somewhere between 60-70% for whatever reason or other variables that may have contributed. That’s not to say, heck with this, not worth the effort. It absolutely is! Not only are pest issues greatly reduced, but you are going to have the best smoke, best meds, best edibles you’ve ever had as long as you make your meds with flower only and use a combo of lower flower and sugar leaf for edibles and keep at least half of colas and prime flower for smoke/special reserve. There should never be larf or sugar leaf in your concentrate, hence why I always make my own!
12 is where the rubber starts to meet the road as far as witnessing the claims about pests and plant health. My only caution to anyone is that I’ve been as high as 18 from memory and 22 looking back on notes from MN. And I’ve NEVER attained the magical 80% or above pest free level; rather somewhere between 60-70% for whatever reason or other variables that may have contributed. That’s not to say, heck with this, not worth the effort. It absolutely is! Not only are pest issues greatly reduced, but you are going to have the best smoke, best meds, best edibles you’ve ever had as long as you make your meds with flower only and use a combo of lower flower and sugar leaf for edibles and keep at least half of colas and prime flower for smoke/special reserve. There should never be larf or sugar leaf in your concentrate, hence why I always make my own!
Indoors I never have pests. I do get the occasional spider in the tent.

Outdoors no matter how high the brix, a grasshopper will still take a nibble. I never get mite or aphids or PM tho, just gr-ASSHO-ppers. Fkrs...

The outdoor ladies brixxed at 13/fuzzy for BK, 18.5/perfectly fuzzy for the RV in the tote, and both 7gals were 17/fuzzy
Indoors I never have pests. I do get the occasional spider in the tent.

Outdoors no matter how high the brix, a grasshopper will still take a nibble. I never get mite or aphids or PM tho, just gr-ASSHO-ppers. Fkrs...

The outdoor ladies brixxed at 13/fuzzy for BK, 18.5/perfectly fuzzy for the RV in the tote, and both 7gals were 17/fuzzy
I can only add that for those who’ve never monitored brix- that even my paultry high of 18 ended up being better than anything I’d ever had by a factor of at least three! At the time I did that grow my younger cousin came home on leave from the Army and brought a friend from IA to visit who was on leave that grew up on a farm there and was going on and on about how great the weed was where he was from. We had dinner and went out back to smoke a normal ez wider size 70s style joint from my stock. The 24 year old aficionado spent the next 3 hours with his head glued to the picnic table and couldn’t speak coherently for at least another 3 hours after coming to partially once the glue effect subsided a little. No joke, organic with high brix is where it’s at for quality. I can not even fathom how awesome getting to 30+ would be but pray we master it some day!
Brix numbers are slowly winding down here. The days are getting shorter and the lesser photosynthesis means less sugars.
Me too, was 12-13 this run at highest, back down to 10-11 this week at peak reading times but not worried at all :) nights are getting down to low 50s
Brix numbers are slowly winding down here. The days are getting shorter and the lesser photosynthesis means less sugars.
Also, did you see my post about purple leaves? I’d appreciate anything you could add to that!
And my cherry tomatoes are still at 22 based on fruit readings and very tasty so far, can’t wait to see how the still greenies end up at maturity. Didn’t even bother with eggplant readings because they are less than stellar so far and just by looking at them I know they’re probably below a 6 or worse :) didn’t pay much attention to them though so my fault for sure.
Indoors I never have pests. I do get the occasional spider in the tent.

Outdoors no matter how high the brix, a grasshopper will still take a nibble. I never get mite or aphids or PM tho, just gr-ASSHO-ppers. Fkrs...

The outdoor ladies brixxed at 13/fuzzy for BK, 18.5/perfectly fuzzy for the RV in the tote, and both 7gals were 17/fuzzy
That's weird since me and others see thrips damage on your plants indoors? The lack off foliage and heavy removal of leaves are both telltale signs of thrips damage? Where's all the leaves going?

I will say it again but Brix is a standardization and measure that was put in place to give an easy explanatory number for investors with no previous education in agriculture. It's a measure for carbohydrates in food crops. Cannabis production is focused on producing essential oils ie Cannabinoids.

It makes sense to follow standards and guidelines that's been put in place for food crops like corn and wheat but there's no standardization or guidelines for Brix growing Cannabis in commercial agriculture, the data is simply not there and is still targeted towards investors.

Real farmers and people educated in agriculture do rigorous soil tests and focus on mineral content and their ratios. You get way more usable info from a soil test than what a Brix reading can ever give you? A refractometer measures solids, the problem is what are those solids when the sample's never been properly analyzed or measured for content? A refractometer is most often used in manufacturing industries to measure dirt and TOTAL solids in a coolant solution. I use it weekly in my work.

I have yet to see or come across a large scale Cannabis production focusing on Brix levels to this day and I've been at this for soon to be 30 years. There are other parameters that's more important to keep track of in Cannabis production IMO.

I have only seen hobby growers and YouTubers discussing the subject matter to be fully honest.
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