fingers get wet but can't get a large enough drop to register on the refractometer.

I just watered the girls with a 1/2 dose of calmag. So maybe the leafs didn't have enough moisture in them.
Almost sounds like I was looking for that elusive G spot.
Wow those girls were in High gear.
Some strains have the dna to photosynthesize more than others.

All you can do is offer them primo conditions and after that it's up to them to be all they can be.

This RVDV strain is solid 21.5's to 22.5's. It's a solid strain, it doesn't fluctuate much.

Lots of strains jump around but RVDV just rev's right up and stays there. Well until she cannibalizes all her leaves around day 35 of flower, but even then she stayed above 13.

Hopefully Miss Sticky will get into the 20's.

It took me a few grows to figure RVDV out, hopefully not as many to figure out LC and Miss Sticky.

LC seems to be stressed a bit in strong soil, but she's improving.

Miss Sticky is a beast. If she turns out as good as RVDV that would be 2 stellar phenos out of 1 seed order. That doesn't usually happen.

Miss Sticky looks very very similar the my usual strain of Durban Poison. šŸ„°
Thanks for the breakdown. I have a couple Durban poison beans I got a while ago. I figured I would wait until I got more experience under my belt before I popped them.

Your ladies are looking fantastic.

Thanks for all your help. I'm gonna get some slugs and a pair of vice grips tomorrow and give those leaves another squeeze.
Pliars, baby. Pliars.
Just throwing it out there but I found the the longer the handles the easier to squeeze lol I use 12" channel locks and 2 quarters.

Honestly I just swear at Gee the whole time and try to keep the sweat from contaminating the sample. If you need a little extra pep just take a big whiff off the Dolo water, works just like smelling salts šŸ¤£.
Just throwing it out there but I found the the longer the handles the easier to squeeze lol I use 12" channel locks and 2 quarters.

Honestly I just swear at Gee the whole time and try to keep the sweat from contaminating the sample. If you need a little extra pep just take a big whiff off the Dolo water, works just like smelling salts šŸ¤£.
Thanks for the breakdown. I have a couple Durban poison beans I got a while ago. I figured I would wait until I got more experience under my belt before I popped them.

Your ladies are looking fantastic.

Thanks for all your help. I'm gonna get some slugs and a pair of vice grips tomorrow and give those leaves another squeeze.
It takes a few tries to get the hang of it. Once you get the hang of it it becomes pretty easy. Sort ofšŸ¤£
catching up on some reading and found this linked up over at InTheSheds place, wanted to shareā€¦ā€¦ sounds like it might be good idea to zap beans / new sprouts with ethylene then raise them in a minimalist seed programming type soil.

Hereā€™s link - Shed called it the Banana germination technique
The Outdoor Gang.
BK is flowering finally.





RVDV's not so much.




There's a few hairs starting finally.


The two RVDV 7gals are the same.

catching up on some reading and found this linked up over at InTheSheds placeā€¦ sounds like it might be good idea to zap beans / new sprouts with ethylene then raise them in a minimalist seed programming type soil.

Hereā€™s link - Shed called it the Banana germination technique
Ethylene is an entire rabbit hole unto itself, except it's been used for over a hundred years. This article is an "everything old is new again" article, but the process, of which there is a lot of online data available, is very cool.

Plants already do this, but less than properly ripened seeds or old seeds greatly benefit from it.

If you google "the effects of ethylene on seeds" you will see what I mean.

Seeds actually produce their own ethylene when triggered to do so, and the healthier the seed the better it can use this to prep itself for germination.

The dramatic results come from exposing poorer seeds. It is a great learn as to what goes on in germination, and the pre-germination prep a seed goes thru.

The people in that article actually need to source better seeds is what it really indicatesšŸ¤£

It's fascinating stuff. The real key, as they briefly mention to not detract from their "discovery" is ROS, which means aerobic microbes. A better primed seed mixed with good microbes gives the best results. Part of ethylene hormonal signalling is to prep the seed to germinate and interface itself with the dormant microbes in the seed that will become active upon germination.

Remember that if you pop in paper towel or a glass of water and then throw away or dump out all the microbes. They are your innoculation.
Yesterday got away from me, it was a busy day, but here are a couple pics.


The 2 on the right, LC in the back and Miss Sticky up front, have really come around. The 2 LC's on the left are still a bit more stressed. Little LC front left is coming around and on her way, but the left rear one is hurting.

I'll let them really dry down and see if a big breath of air helps. While doing that I'll give them small doses of fish water.

After they dry down, if they aren't all on the mend, I'll root drench a 2nd time on the ones that need it.

1st run soil blues.



The clones are still looking great but if you zoom in to look at the tops on the overhead shot you will see the new growth tips have lightened a bit. That's usually a sign that in 3-4 days roots will appear.

Fingers crossed that She's a fan of aero-cloning because these cuts are primo.

I love huge clones.šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ¤ž
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