Question for the group, ok to water fish and calmag at the same time or should each input be spaced out?
The N is often the carrier for CaMg/Fe so I would think it's ok
Maybe next batch trade the powdered for prilled and see if you notice an improvement.
Just went back and checked the recipe and it's this next upcoming round that I used the spreadsheet for so I guess I'm still in reaction mode. But I used more powdered dolomite, Gypsum, Oyster shell, than the spreadsheet suggested so I should have enough Ca in there.

But maybe the powdered form takes longer to break down than the prilled and it'll be better on subsequent rounds?

I can try swapping the powdered for the prilled. Is it a 1:1 swap or something different? I know he says if you use a different version of Gypsum to adjust the amounts. I'll be making a new batch maybe next weekend so I guess I'll have another crack at the spreadsheet.

Here it is.
Sunday feed day. Gonna scratch in some Geoflora bloom and water with a light dose of calmag. Need to buy some grilled dolomite and a refractometer, thanks for the suggested one Gee.

Group photo

Crispy apple fritter that didn't survive the heatwave, to be chopped soon

Burnt buds on OG kush. Thought it was worms but didn't see any and most of the bud tips are brown. Some salvageable buds, will monitor

Chocobang is doing great, looks like a double head forming

And finally, my favorite child, Iklwa. Packing buds on now, need to measure it again, I swear she got taller


Happy Sunday everyone, good to be back in this group.
🤣 OK I had to reread it too, I missed the grilled dolomite the 1st time🤣.

Sorry you lost a couple, that sucks.

The mutant looks pretty cool tho, and Iklwa looks fantastic!😍 She's so freakin' big!🥰

Hopefully you had a great time in Georgia. Welcome back😊👊
Evening guys and gals

Just gave the Blue Sunset Sherbert a squeeze. The lights just came on so The brix is sitting at 13%. What do you think about the border line? This is the first Brix test on her. The last two waterings I gave her 1/2 a teaspoon/ gallon of calmag. This is half the manf. dose. It's been 2 days since her last drink. PH of the water was 6.3 after letting the calmag sit for a couple of hours. Any help would be great.

Well, worms are not even similar worms actually. There are 3-4 different types typically used with Red Wigglers being the most common.

But it's more important what they've been fed since they process the inputs before they cover them in a calcium carbonate slime. It's this calcium component that will loosen the crustiness of your top soil layer, but the nutrients contained in them are what the plants need. But if the worms were fed say just cardboard, there won't be much in the way of nutrients.
See @Azimuth , now you’ve complicated worms for me :rofl:
I’m just kidding lol,
And now I’m understanding why people farm their own,
Give them the right stuff to eat, get the best stuff back, makes sense :thumb:
Iv got a little lost with all the notifications on here lol.
I will do my best to catch up, thanks mate :thanks::thumb:
See @Azimuth , now you’ve complicated worms for me :rofl:
I’m just kidding lol,
And now I’m understanding why people farm their own,
Give them the right stuff to eat, get the best stuff back, makes sense :thumb:
Iv got a little lost with all the notifications on here lol.
I will do my best to catch up, thanks mate :thanks::thumb:

Speaking of worms, this showed up today. Worm farm #2.😎

Wednesday is my weekly worm feeding day, so I'll transfer some worms to this and get the 1st tray started.

In a few months I'll be getting 4.5 gallons a week between both farms😊

Speaking of worms, this showed up today. Worm farm #2.😎

Wednesday is my weekly worm feeding day, so I'll transfer some worms to this and get the 1st tray started.

In a few months I'll be getting 4.5 gallons a @Gee64
Sorry mate, trying to reply but I’m pressing wrong buttons :rofl:
I did see a messsge you sent and I’m trying to find it to reply
And is that your worm farm ?
Im picturing a big heap of soil with loads of worms in it :rofl:
That’s cool, love it :adore::thumb:
The outdoor Gang.


The taller one in the tote is 6.5' tall.

Miss Sticky and the LC's - Day 50's and 41.

I still haven't gotten around to tying the colas into place. I need to make time tomorrow.

All the new growth is looking great now but the front right one still isn't quite fully happy. She's almost there tho.

She's falling behind. I think she would do better in the milder Gaia mix.


From the other side. The 3 pheno's of LC-18 are really diverse. Miss Sticky is so much bigger.

Miss Sticky clones - Day 11.




RVDV Mumma.

She's on the go now. Too bad I don't need clones, but I do need more worm food now with 2 farms.


3 x 3 isn't enough for her, She's about to take up the full 3 x 4 space. Crates gotta go.
Sorry mate, trying to reply but I’m pressing wrong buttons :rofl:
I did see a messsge you sent and I’m trying to find it to reply
And is that your worm farm ?
Im picturing a big heap of soil with loads of worms in it :rofl:
That’s cool, love it :adore::thumb:
I have another just like it that I have used for years, this one was given to me today so I will start it up.

It's 4 trays of 5 gallons each so you start a tray, fill it full of scraps, dirt, carbon, and worms, and let it be.

As the worms multiply you add to it and once the worm population establishes (6-8 weeks) then you add a 2nd tray which is like a seive on the bottom, fill it, and the worms eat their way up into the 2nd tray.

Every 2 weeks you add another tray until all 4 are full, then 2 weeks after the last tray is added you start removing the bottom tray and harvest the EWC out, refill it with scraps, carbon, etc, and put it on top.

I add rock dusts and meals to every tray along with all the cutting board scraps, and each tray gets a half cup of kelp meal and a large ziplock of weed trim, fan leaves, stems, etc as well.

The grand kids love it. They are in there all the time and I let them add EWC to some veggies but not others so they could see the difference. Now they won't stand for that, every plant MUST get some according to them, otherwise it's not fair.

Gotta love kids🥰🤣
Hey Kal, glad you made it✌️

These ones look very hungry, and a bit confused. Have you added any synthetic fertilizers?

If the surface of the pots are crusty when dry, then you are running low on available calcium, and calcium should always be corrected 1st, as everything works better when calcium is correct. So if you have any Calmag then you should mix some up as per the instructions for Light Feeding, and give it to them 2 waterings in a row. If the younger ones are crusty then the same for them. That will open your soil up and the nitrogen deficiency should ease off somewhat.

Then I would immediately hit them with a drink of dechlorinated water with some hydrolysed fish fertilizer mixed in as per the mixing instructions. Hydrolysed, not fish emulsion or hydrolysed fish emulsion. Hydrolysed with no reference to emulsion. I would give the younger ones some too. At least once a week.

Any of those EWC's will work but get at least one dose calmag in 1st, then top dress a half inch layer of EWC across the top of each pot. Then at each watering or calmag or fish watering you will be rinsing the EWC into the roots too.

If you start this immediately you can easily save the younger ones, and certainly salvage a somewhat good harvest from the older ones.

If you have access to any organic flower fertilizers with numbers around 2-8-4, or slightly less, a top dressing of 4 tablespoons per 12 liter pot (less for smaller pots, but 1 tbsp per 3 litres soil per week) layed on and worked in with your finger tips evenly across the pots right before the EWC topdressing, and then watered in, every week on the same day will do wonders, and in about 4 or 5 days you should see improvement start, and in a couple weeks they should look much better.

Also, if you have any myco then after you get the calmag in, add a level teaspoon of myco to each pot and gently water it in with just water before applying the topdressings. It doesn't look like your myco has died, but adding more will help and it is insurance and can't hurt.

So to summarize:

Get some Organic Calmag and mix it for light feeding and give every plant a full watering with it.

As soon as the pots dry down do it again.
2 light feedings are way way better than 1 heavy feeding.

The next day topdress one tsp myco and gently water it in with only about 25% of a normal waterings amount of water. Just rinse it in a bit.

Then let them dry down, top dress with some organic certified 2-8-4 or something close to that, some EWC on top of that, and water it in with a full watering of fish water.

Then start a regiment of one calmag watering a week-ish, one fish watering a week-ish, and at least one straight watering a week-ish, and topdress with the 2-8-4 and EWC every week. Try for the same day every week.

This is the high maintenance caused by small pots. It's a pain.

Watch carefully and get your fingers in the dirt. Every time they dry, break up the crusting really well. After a couple doses of Calmag the crusting should stop and then you can give them a light feeding every 10 days or so to maintain calcium.

There are other ways but you need to act fast to turn them around fast. Get them on the right track and hang out in here at least until you get things straightened out. Keep us updated, good or bad, and use pictures. Lets see if we can get you to a better place.

Once they are safe you can explore other suggestions, and we can explain deeper what/how things work.

Mostly it's too small of pots that have run out of food, organic matter, and calcium.
Possibly soil carbon too but calcium, food, organic matter, and myco 1st.

And Welcome to the nerdiest room on 420👊

PS. It looks like you had them growing really well until the pots ran dry on nutrients. If those were 10 gallon pots or larger you would have made harvest no problem.
Hi @Gee64, found it lol
Some stuff in a bit confused with here, so here I go, ole and no, I didn’t give the older ones synthetic nutes,
may of been easier to do that but I didn’t

Right, the calmag, are you on about the bottled stuff ? I did get some a week or so ago but wasn’t sure if that was safe with the living, so I didn’t use it, I will put a pic up of the one I have :thumb:

And you mention organic certified 2-8-4
Do you mean the dry one, or the liquid one ? I can’t seem to find a dry one with those numbers, any recommendations would help greatly

And lastly, I’m lost :rofl: the myco, I will put a pic of what I have, I’m thinking it’s not what you mean, but if need be I will get some, as with all that’s needed:thumb:

And yeah mate, I knew the soil was completely exhausted with the older ones, that’s why I first reached out on here, the 420, lesson learned I think lol

And sorry for being a pain, and thank you for all your help, and to everyone who’s trying to steer me in the right direction, it’s very much appreciated,
Hi @Gee64, found it lol
Some stuff in a bit confused with here, so here I go, ole and no, I didn’t give the older ones synthetic nutes,
may of been easier to do that but I didn’t

Right, the calmag, are you on about the bottled stuff ? I did get some a week or so ago but wasn’t sure if that was safe with the living, so I didn’t use it, I will put a pic up of the one I have :thumb:

And you mention organic certified 2-8-4
Do you mean the dry one, or the liquid one ? I can’t seem to find a dry one with those numbers, any recommendations would help greatly

And lastly, I’m lost :rofl: the myco, I will put a pic of what I have, I’m thinking it’s not what you mean, but if need be I will get some, as with all that’s needed:thumb:

And yeah mate, I knew the soil was completely exhausted with the older ones, that’s why I first reached out on here, the 420, lesson learned I think lol

And sorry for being a pain, and thank you for all your help, and to everyone who’s trying to steer me in the right direction, it’s very much appreciated,
Forgot the pics lol, here they are


I have another just like it that I have used for years, this one was given to me today so I will start it up.

It's 4 trays of 5 gallons each so you start a tray, fill it full of scraps, dirt, carbon, and worms, and let it be.

As the worms multiply you add to it and once the worm population establishes (6-8 weeks) then you add a 2nd tray which is like a seive on the bottom, fill it, and the worms eat their way up into the 2nd tray.

Every 2 weeks you add another tray until all 4 are full, then 2 weeks after the last tray is added you start removing the bottom tray and harvest the EWC out, refill it with scraps, carbon, etc, and put it on top.

I add rock dusts and meals to every tray along with all the cutting board scraps, and each tray gets a half cup of kelp meal and a large ziplock of weed trim, fan leaves, stems, etc as well.

The grand kids love it. They are in there all the time and I let them add EWC to some veggies but not others so they could see the difference. Now they won't stand for that, every plant MUST get some according to them, otherwise it's not fair.

Gotta love kids🥰🤣
That’s cool mate, and yes,the kids know best :rofl:

Now I’m liking worm farming in i, and my brains already going into overdrive :rofl:
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