To much light for the stage of growth IMO. The plants are not transpiring properly.
Less light is better in veg, you should optimally only use the light intensity to control undesired stretch in veg. Save on your power bill and your plants will thank you.
I have to agree on the light, that looks like the start of light poisoning. What is your PPFD at? It shouldn't be over about 550 at this point, and 450 would be better. Is that part of the tent higher in PPFD?
Veg isn't really about pushing the plant, it's about growing the roots. The foliage will do better if it follows the roots, not forces the roots.
I would dim the lights a bit and give them time to recover. Maybe an extra fish watering.
I'm not a scrogger so it's foreign to me, but they look pretty squished under that net. Are they getting good air so they aren't transpiring moisture directly onto other leaves?
Plants don't want their leaves to touch. If one leaf lays on another the bottom leaf will lighten in the shape of the top leaf.
It looks more like stress than a deficiency.
Possibly a bit too much food too.
@Waistei if your going to hang out here you need to play nice, this isn't a grow journal, this is a spot for people to learn organics, not synthetics. You need to leave your asshole ways out in the hall.
Most in here are trying to just get thru a grow and understand it. Your smart mouth doesn't help anyone. If you can't play nice you need to leave.
Most of what I do here is grow plants with issues to show people how to correct them. Don't be a dick. Your on my last nerve.
If you don't like brix that's your issue. Leave it outside in the hall too. Synthetic pricks like you are why we hide in here.
If you aren't going to back read to understand where the conversation is at then please keep your mouth shut moving forward. This is about growing plants healthy enough to not have pests, not about growing unhealthy synthetic bug attractors that only look good.
You would probably be best to go start your own room but if you're polite then your welcome. Kapish?