Yep I saw your pics, they're def little pots but the plants are nice. I'm always running into oopsies haha that's how you learn though. Also welcome to the organic club just don't drink the Kool aid its actually one of @Azimuth 's compost teas he's brewing.

O now Gee your going to inflate my ego haha I think I'm just getting lucky. I've been happy with my 1 gallon grow though.

For sure he will be able to crack walnuts this Christmas with his bare hands if he gets one now 😂

I think you are giving me too much credit because.... I have a may have problem which I think you just covered a couple pages back.


Is this the new soil lockout that you soaked your pots and drip dried to equal out the calcium? Not every leaf in that layer is that way so I was thinking it was from the aggressive tucking but it looks similar to what you posted.
How wet is your soil? It looks different than the "new soil blues". Got a picture of the whole plant from above?
@Kaldean this is my current 1 gallon organic girls. 3 plants top dressed with dry amendments, EWC, Fish nutes and Dolomite water. Small pots are def possible just consistent feeding, which is easier with top dressing.



Yes mate @g-one-three, they look lovely , buds all over the place,
And yeah I’m starting to understand that your gotta put the effort in if your pots are small,
But it’s possible and there’s the proof right there 💥
Ole and another thing I forgot to mention, iv hardly any trichs on my little ones, is that because the plants have just run out of fuel from the soil ?
How wet is your soil? It looks different than the "new soil blues". Got a picture of the whole plant from above?
So it's not overly wet, I don't think I could squeeze out a drop of water in a handful with all my might.

This was earlier and the lights just turned off for the second pic. Its so hard to tell because she's so green and growing great, and she tested at 20+ Brix.

So this is the same half of the tent as the last weird plant, coincidence I hope so lol.
So it's not overly wet, I don't think I could squeeze out a drop of water in a handful with all my might.

This was earlier and the lights just turned off for the second pic. Its so hard to tell because she's so green and growing great, and she tested at 20+ Brix.

So this is the same half of the tent as the last weird plant, coincidence I hope so lol.
To much light for the stage of growth IMO. The plants are not transpiring properly.

Less light is better in veg, you should optimally only use the light intensity to control undesired stretch in veg. Save on your power bill and your plants will thank you.

To much light for the stage of growth IMO. The plants are not transpiring properly.

Less light is better in veg, you should optimally only use the light intensity to control undesired stretch in veg. Save on your power bill and your plants will thank you.

I have to agree on the light, that looks like the start of light poisoning. What is your PPFD at? It shouldn't be over about 550 at this point, and 450 would be better. Is that part of the tent higher in PPFD?

Veg isn't really about pushing the plant, it's about growing the roots. The foliage will do better if it follows the roots, not forces the roots.

I would dim the lights a bit and give them time to recover. Maybe an extra fish watering.

I'm not a scrogger so it's foreign to me, but they look pretty squished under that net. Are they getting good air so they aren't transpiring moisture directly onto other leaves?

Plants don't want their leaves to touch. If one leaf lays on another the bottom leaf will lighten in the shape of the top leaf.

It looks more like stress than a deficiency.

Possibly a bit too much food too.

@Waistei if your going to hang out here you need to play nice, this isn't a grow journal, this is a spot for people to learn organics, not synthetics. You need to leave your asshole ways out in the hall.

Most in here are trying to just get thru a grow and understand it. Your smart mouth doesn't help anyone. If you can't play nice you need to leave.

Most of what I do here is grow plants with issues to show people how to correct them. Don't be a dick. Your on my last nerve.

If you don't like brix that's your issue. Leave it outside in the hall too. Synthetic pricks like you are why we hide in here.

If you aren't going to back read to understand where the conversation is at then please keep your mouth shut moving forward. This is about growing plants healthy enough to not have pests, not about growing unhealthy synthetic bug attractors that only look good.

You would probably be best to go start your own room but if you're polite then your welcome. Kapish?
So it's not overly wet, I don't think I could squeeze out a drop of water in a handful with all my might.

This was earlier and the lights just turned off for the second pic. Its so hard to tell because she's so green and growing great, and she tested at 20+ Brix.

So this is the same half of the tent as the last weird plant, coincidence I hope so lol.
Light issue I guess?
My ppfd is 490 at the highest. They were pretty crammed after last nights tucking and they are due for a pretty significant defoliation as the canopy has really bushed out. I can back the lights down another 10% to see if they get better. This is this morning after the lights just turned on.
@g-one-three , to answer your question, yes I would start with a full root dunk, but that may be hard in a scrog, and it looks like K is being locked out, which can be caused by too much calcium hogging too many places on the cation exchange platters.

So a gentle but thourough "flush" for lack of a better term under your scrogging circumstances could very well fix her right up, but she needs her leaves to breathe better too in my opinion.

If she's dry and she's water fat like she is, your not transpiring. You likely have 2 things going on.

Overdoing calcium when you first get a refractometer is very common. That's why I always emphasize the dangers of calmags and repeated low doses are better.

If you overwhelm the cation exchange platters other cations get locked out. You need better balance over a longer period, not a blast in a short period.

Too much light and the plant will restrict stomata to slow itself down, so check your light too. Restricted stomata can make new growth curl and leaves get fat. If you montor VPD drop it to about .9 or 1.0 for a few days to help her out.
My ppfd is 490 at the highest. They were pretty crammed after last nights tucking and they are due for a pretty significant defoliation as the canopy has really bushed out. I can back the lights down another 10% to see if they get better. This is this morning after the lights just turned on.
Yeah I would dunk that pot, you have an mg lockout starting too.
So does anyone out there have a plant with issues? If so toss some pics and info in here and we can all have a look and see what we can come up with.
My plants are happy, the gardener is the one with issues! You could hopefully protect them from me :thumb:

I showed you this pic when they were babies. The red stuff went away, whatever it was.

This is Sour Diesel in my first run of recycled soil, or 2nd generation TLO. They’re in their 4th week of flower under my Porsche of a light, my @Mars Hydro FC-1000. It’s about 22” above the tallest buds on the neighboring Green Crack, and 24-26” above the Sour D blasting away at 90%. They brixed at 16 a couple weeks ago & at 13 yesterday. Everything is good so far - I’ve got a good handle on the environment & nobody looks unhappy. I’ll send more pics & info along with a few questions to which I no longer dread hearing the answer.
My plants are happy, the gardener is the one with issues! You could hopefully protect them from me :thumb:

I showed you this pic when they were babies. The red stuff went away, whatever it was.

This is Sour Diesel in my first run of recycled soil, or 2nd generation TLO. They’re in their 4th week of flower under my Porsche of a light, my @Mars Hydro FC-1000. It’s about 22” above the tallest buds on the neighboring Green Crack, and 24-26” above the Sour D blasting away at 90%. They brixed at 16 a couple weeks ago & at 13 yesterday. Everything is good so far - I’ve got a good handle on the environment & nobody looks unhappy. I’ll send more pics & info along with a few questions to which I no longer dread hearing the answer.
Awesome Rob! 👍👊❤️. That lower 13, if that was early in the day don't worry too much about it. The reading at 9-10 hours after lights on is the one you want. Thats when it's peaking. It can really fluctuate thru the early day.
Yeah I would dunk that pot, you have an mg lockout starting too.
Awesome lol 😆. So they are sitting on those wicking bases that can hold up to 1.5 gallons or something like that so I could slowly flush and then suck out the water that collects into the base.

SO I totally bought a new bag and brand of worm castings and used them last week, could that contribute to the lockout as well? Is this going to be the final straw before I need to buy my own worm farm?
Awesome Rob! 👍👊❤️. That lower 13, if that was early in the day don't worry too much about it. The reading at 9-10 hours after lights on is the one you want. Thats when it's peaking. It can really fluctuate thru the early day.
I forgot about waiting. Shoot.

Here we go: Two Sour D up front - hard to tell in the pics, but they’re expressing themselves differently, like the last two I grew but not as much. The one on the right has super tight node spacing & she’s been a breeze from day one. I cloned her & the clone is vegging in a 5 gallon SIP as we speak, preparing for motherhood. The other one is a few inches taller & not as dense. They were both quite bushy & I had my hands full keeping them thinned out.

They’re in 10 gallon SIPs & they vegged for 8 weeks in them. I wonder if 10 gallons is enough soil to get them to the finish line? Should I top dress? I’ve given them one flowering tea per the revs recipe & plan to give them another one Thursday, then a finishing tea in 3 weeks. I’m splitting 2 gallons between 3 plants. Is that too much? Also, should I be measuring ppm? I’m using RO water, a little confused about should be in my water & how much.

Here’s a pic or maybe a few…

Awesome lol 😆. So they are sitting on those wicking bases that can hold up to 1.5 gallons or something like that so I could slowly flush and then suck out the water that collects into the base.

SO I totally bought a new bag and brand of worm castings and used them last week, could that contribute to the lockout as well? Is this going to be the final straw before I need to buy my own worm farm?
It definitely could. If you topdressed with them and issues started immediately after, thats a pretty strong coincidence. If you change back and it goes away then you have your answer.

Doing a flush into your wick bases can't hurt, but be very gentle so you don't trash your tilth. Your not really trying to flush, your trying to get everything overly wet to mobilize calcium so as it moves the cations can level out into balance on your colloids and humates, which is where your cation exchange runs, so it's the liquifying of the calcium that you are trying to achieve, not a rinsing action. Just a very gentle passing soaking of the entire pot, and then let it dry down.

You may see some leaf clawing as nitrogen gets released quickly, and you may see some tip burn if the cation exchange fires back up too fast for the plant, so this is your call and I want you to be aware.

But you haven't flipped yet so you have time to recover if needed, and I root drenched Gaia and had no issues.

Better a nitro rush now than having it go off like a bomb in flower.
I forgot about waiting. Shoot.

Here we go: Two Sour D up front - hard to tell in the pics, but they’re expressing themselves differently, like the last two I grew but not as much. The one on the right has super tight node spacing & she’s been a breeze from day one. I cloned her & the clone is vegging in a 5 gallon SIP as we speak, preparing for motherhood. The other one is a few inches taller & not as dense. They were both quite bushy & I had my hands full keeping them thinned out.

They’re in 10 gallon SIPs & they vegged for 8 weeks in them. I wonder if 10 gallons is enough soil to get them to the finish line? Should I top dress? I’ve given them one flowering tea per the revs recipe & plan to give them another one Thursday, then a finishing tea in 3 weeks. I’m splitting 2 gallons between 3 plants. Is that too much? Also, should I be measuring ppm? I’m using RO water, a little confused about should be in my water & how much.

Here’s a pic or maybe a few…

Wow!!😍🥰. Nice work Rob!👊. I grow Rev's in 10gals with spikes and only use EWC as a top dressing. I only grow sativas so I can't speak on indicas, but I've grown from seed to harvest in the one ten gallon pot without any top dressing other than EWC, and without more than 1 or 2 teas, and the pots never ran dry. I do use fish ferts weekly too. When I add teas I give them a full watering's worth, which is about 1 gallon per pot.

Keep us posted, I would love to watch this to harvest. Feel free to spam us with picks... please!

Do you have a journal going on them? Did I miss it?
Wow!!😍🥰. Nice work Rob!👊. I grow Rev's in 10gals with spikes and only use EWC as a top dressing. I only grow sativas so I can't speak on indicas, but I've grown from seed to harvest in the one ten gallon pot without any top dressing other than EWC, and without more than 1 or 2 teas, and the pots never ran dry. I do use fish ferts weekly too. When I add teas I give them a full watering's worth, which is about 1 gallon per pot.

Keep us posted, I would love to watch this to harvest. Feel free to spam us with picks... please!

Do you have a journal going on them? Did I miss it?
Thanks! I didn’t journal it, but I wish I had. I’ll drop a pic here now and then. Thanks for the offer!
Hello @Gee64
I didn’t wanna just jump in cos I see your helping @g-one-three
Sorry if this messes things up
But I read your reply to him about the leaf clawing, I have that going on, how bad is it ?
And could it be from over watering, cos I think I’m doing that
And the yellowing seems more vivid today after the calmag last night, is that normal ?
And my apologies if I’m jumping in here
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