Was just spinning my plant around looking at the buds and noticed these leaves. Seems how as this is the place for mutants and odd balls I figure I'd post them here.

That is an odd one lol. Are they grown together at the tips or is that just the angle? There are a lot of mutations this year tho. I wonder if elevated CO2 levels or something like that is doing it, or if it's from the huge surge in breeders since legalization, or maybe just coincidence and a long run of one-offs?
Love how those square smart pots maximize the real estate afforded by the milk crates
They work really well. They aren't quite big enough to grow from seed but they grow clones really well. They are 7gals.

Vivosun makes them. They're really well made. The milk crate makes them easy to lug around.
That is an odd one lol. Are they grown together at the tips or is that just the angle? There are a lot of mutations this year tho. I wonder if elevated CO2 levels or something like that is doing it, or if it's from the huge surge in breeders since legalization, or maybe just coincidence and a long run of one-offs?
They are 2 separate leaves. That whole branch had blemishes on the leaves, not like deficiencies but just weird patches of lighter spots.

I would go with the breeder thing. Always pumping out the next new thing. I like the new stuff but I'm finding myself leaning back to the old school stuff.

I just found a bunch of older (2010) seeds of Pure Power Plant I mail ordered from Amsterdam. Already trying to sprout them, they were in really nice shape and I'm hoping to do a run with them.
They are 2 separate leaves. That whole branch had blemishes on the leaves, not like deficiencies but just weird patches of lighter spots.

I would go with the breeder thing. Always pumping out the next new thing. I like the new stuff but I'm finding myself leaning back to the old school stuff.

I just found a bunch of older (2010) seeds of Pure Power Plant I mail ordered from Amsterdam. Already trying to sprout them, they were in really nice shape and I'm hoping to do a run with them.
lol why doesn't it surprise me that you have a plant with one weird arm🤣. Hete we go again?!🤣.

Hey on that topic G, were the flowers any different on the section of that plant you grew that was different than the rest of the plant, or did they flower out like the rest of the plant?

That one was a real head-scratcher.
lol why doesn't it surprise me that you have a plant with one weird arm🤣. Hete we go again?!🤣.
That was my thought exactly lol. Just been my luck but that's alright I like the odd balls.
Hey on that topic G, were the flowers any different on the section of that plant you grew that was different than the rest of the plant, or did they flower out like the rest of the plant?

That one was a real head-scratcher.
So in the end all of those flowers finished out correctly. It was like the plant kicked the damaged stripe into overdrive and the trichomes turned at the same time as the healthy part. I'm running a clone of her right now and it's been healthy through the whole grow, no weirdness in sight.

Nothing will top your giant fuzzy bud lol that was a sight to see!
That was my thought exactly lol. Just been my luck but that's alright I like the odd balls.
Oddballs are the best. They keep you on your toes and force you to learn new things😎
So in the end all of those flowers finished out correctly. It was like the plant kicked the damaged stripe into overdrive and the trichomes turned at the same time as the healthy part. I'm running a clone of her right now and it's been healthy through the whole grow, no weirdness in sight.
Nice! She took right off once she corrected herself. Its kinda sucky that you never got to the bottom of what it was, but it's probably a one-off thing that you will never see again too.

I wonder if her clones will have one gimpy arm?🤣
Nothing will top your giant fuzzy bud lol that was a sight to see!
That was a pretty cool plant. 2024 will definitely go down as Year of the Mutants.
Pretty happy looking plant after the tea but brixed at 6.5 (down from 7) a day after applying with an even crisper calcium line.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe I bought the wrong refractometer. Maybe mine was made for the southern hemisphere and numbers going lower are actually indicating improvement. :hmmmm: I know there are different compasses for northern and Southern hemisphere uses. :laughtwo:

Probably not so I dusted the soil surface with Oyster shell flour and misted in well as fixing calcium seems to be job one. The reservoir is now in use having caught the excess from the tea so it's going to be some time before I can water it well with dolo water.

I'll see how it looks in a couple of days and think about emptying it if the plant doesn't use it on its own.

The good news is I seem to be able to get those elusive brixing drops easier these days so that's something. :thumb:
As the NetPot SIP has dried out a bit, brix readings are improving. I got 8.5 with a fuzzier calcium line without adding anything to the pot. I did empty the reservoir a week or so ago and find this design makes that super easy. But the stick still says wet down low so I haven't wanted to exacerbate that problem by adding dolo water up top just yet. I painted myself in a corner by wanting to see how the reservoir would function in this new design and the small plant wasn't able to drain the wetness quickly enough.

I'm going to start brewing a new tea round tomorrow night and will probably start with my base dolo water since there seems to be plenty of room for more calcium and add some bone meal and my flower crumble to try to build the P component a bit since it seems like I'm still burning fuel on the launch pad but unable to attain liftoff.

I am planning on making a small change to the support structure down in the reservoir to make checking things easier, but I think that the reservoir function will not be in play until maybe mid-flower since I'm finding the soil has been staying too wet with any amount at all down there so that will inform the next round and how I manage that plant and watering for it.
As the NetPot SIP has dried out a bit, brix readings are improving. I got 8.5 with a fuzzier calcium line without adding anything to the pot. I did empty the reservoir a week or so ago and find this design makes that super easy. But the stick still says wet down low so I haven't wanted to exacerbate that problem by adding dolo water up top just yet. I painted myself in a corner by wanting to see how the reservoir would function in this new design and the small plant wasn't able to drain the wetness quickly enough.

I'm going to start brewing a new tea round tomorrow night and will probably start with my base dolo water since there seems to be plenty of room for more calcium and add some bone meal and my flower crumble to try to build the P component a bit since it seems like I'm still burning fuel on the launch pad but unable to attain liftoff.

I am planning on making a small change to the support structure down in the reservoir to make checking things easier, but I think that the reservoir function will not be in play until maybe mid-flower since I'm finding the soil has been staying too wet with any amount at all down there so that will inform the next round and how I manage that plant and watering for it.
What time of day and what’s barometric when doing your tests? Good thing to track in my opinion because of the variances. I started tracking based on Gee’s feedback and happy to report I’ve been 12 or 13 for my tests lately on clear sunny days between 1 and 3 pm or so…
Yea, that's part of my low readings as I take them shortly after lights on a lot, but it's not the whole story. I'll try again in the morning about 4 hours before lights out and see how much difference there is, but I wouldn't expect more than one or two points which still puts me in 'spinning my wheels' territory.
As the NetPot SIP has dried out a bit, brix readings are improving. I got 8.5 with a fuzzier calcium line without adding anything to the pot.
I did empty the reservoir a week or so ago and find this design makes that super easy. But the stick still says wet down low so I haven't wanted to exacerbate that problem by adding dolo water up top just yet. I painted myself in a corner by wanting to see how the reservoir would function in this new design and the small plant wasn't able to drain the wetness quickly enough.

I'm going to start brewing a new tea round tomorrow night and will probably start with my base dolo water since there seems to be plenty of room for more calcium and add some bone meal and my flower crumble to try to build the P component a bit since it seems like I'm still burning fuel on the launch pad but unable to attain liftoff.
Again, Beauty!😊
I am planning on making a small change to the support structure down in the reservoir to make checking things easier, but I think that the reservoir function will not be in play until maybe mid-flower since I'm finding the soil has been staying too wet with any amount at all down there so that will inform the next round and how I manage that plant and watering for it.
Once the pot roots in, you can start a more frequent top watering, or a heavier top watering, and let the res catch the excess. That will transition things much better, but feeder roots 1st or brix will crash.

Too much water forces excess nitrogen assimilation which forces that explosive SIP growth, but high nitrogen synthesis attracts bugs AND crashes brix. A two-fer.
Yea, that's part of my low readings as I take them shortly after lights on a lot, but it's not the whole story. I'll try again in the morning about 4 hours before lights out and see how much difference there is, but I wouldn't expect more than one or two points which still puts me in 'spinning my wheels' territory.
Time of day makes a huge difference. Plants are all over the map when they wake up, balancing the nights toll out.

You want at least 10 hours of light before taking readings to get a proper reading after they fix the nights demand, then convert to growing again, and settle into a hard working rhythm.

6-12 hours of darkness still requires sugars but the plant isn't producing any, so a deficit of sorts occurs every day until the lights have been on long enough to repay the deficit and build up sugars to ready for the next night.

Thats why brix are so much easier to raise in veg.... more light and less darkness.
Gender reveal party! Miss Sticky lives up to her name!


Very long hairs like RV has, but much thicker and very similar to my favorite strain of Durban🥰


Today the clone branches go into the cloner👍.


A mag def is occurring. This is Miss Sticky, but it's in all 4. It's not actually a deficiency, it's a lockout that occurs in almost every run of 1st run soil. It's actually a calcium issue. The pots need to be drenched. I will fill a tote with RO water today and start soaking pots. It's always fun, you never know what will happen, but almost certainly it will lead to tip burn. So we will see how it goes😊.



This plant is a symmetrical beauty, I'm stoked! I hope she's a good smoke🙏🤞.
Day 19 in soil (yesterday).



#1 - 34". Sorry, I cut the top of the pic off.


#3. 30.5".


#2. 31".






Today #'s 2 and 3 get set outside to grow as much as they can before they become worm food and #1 gets topped down low into a quad-mother.

And the good news, my son called to say he was offered a free worm farm so he grabbed it for me!

Pretty soon I will be producing 8-9 gallons of EWC every 14 days😎
Oh shiite, I didn't realize you were cooking in such small amounts. 20 gallons is about the minimum I cook at once for those very reasons. Hmmm. Maybe we need to do some research into cooking small batches.
I'm going to give a twist on the old Hay Box Cooker a go.

The hay box is an old school slow cooker used on the US Frontier as it was being explored. What you do is put your dinner stew in a cast iron pot in the morning, bring it to a boil, and then set it in an insulated box (insulated with hay, duh) and set off on your day's journey. By late afternoon your meal is fully cooked and there's a very wide window for consumption.

I found a 2G metal pot and a cardboard box and stuffed packing material all around the pot. Will be interesting to see if the temps increase over the next couple of days.
I'm going to give a twist on the old Hay Box Cooker a go.

The hay box is an old school slow cooker used on the US Frontier as it was being explored. What you do is put your dinner stew in a cast iron pot in the morning, bring it to a boil, and then set it in an insulated box (insulated with hay, duh) and set off on your day's journey. By late afternoon your meal is fully cooked and there's a very wide window for consumption.

I found a 2G metal pot and a cardboard box and stuffed packing material all around the pot. Will be interesting to see if the temps increase over the next couple of days.
That will be interesting. How much will it hold?
RVDV Clones - Day 20 in soil.


Clone #1 at 35" from the soil.


Clone 1 is now a quad mother.


She is not happy with me right now. She got a full root drench in a tote of RO water and trimmed while she was soaking.

Then she got 1/2 cup Gaia 4-4-4 topdressing and 2 heaping solos of EWC, then a light watering and a drip dry.

Clones #2 and #3 now reside outside in the shorter days so they will flip to flower. When they run out of food in the 1.6gal pots I'll chop them for the worms. May as well drain the pots 1st.
Lc-18's and Miss Sticky. Day 39's and 30.


All cleaned up. It's time to stretch the manifolds into place. Only 24-ish days to flip.

They all got root drenched in a tote of RO water and pruned up, topdressed, and EWC'd.

Let's see what the drench does. It could get ugly🤞🙏


Miss Sticky🥰❤️😍. She's a beauty.


All trimmed up. She didn't flinch.


She supplied 2 large clones. Lets see if they root. If not I have time to get more from side branching.


Little LC is trained pretty good already. She's getting bigger faster now. She still has a bit of a funk but hopefully a root drench and a trim will help. And topdressing/EWC.

I didn't clone the clone branches of the LC-18's. I will wait another 3 weeks and grab some right before flip.

Fish ferts next watering. Maybe a brix check in 3 or 4 days when they dry down.

This might be 1st run soil, but it feels good to have 40 gallons of Rev's soil that will start into rotation. I need to start thinking about starting batch #2 pretty quick. Gotta run inventory. I think I have most things.
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