How is the net pot working out, do you see any differences in the roots, or can you not get in there to see?
I haven't looked but it would be easy enough.

Also, do you add the EWC to your global mix before you start the cooking process? It's best cooked in.
Yes, one mixing of everything.

Azi I just thought of something. Do you defoliate leaves? If you do you should stop immediately
I'm not a big defoliator. I do take branches to open up the interior a bit given my space limitations. Typically I take the over/unders on the four legs of my quad in veg, and then anything that didn't make the canopy about 3 weeks after flip.

That and the occasional leaf for brixing.
I haven't looked but it would be easy enough.

Yes, one mixing of everything.

I'm not a big defoliator. I do take branches to open up the interior a bit given my space limitations. Typically I take the over/unders on the four legs of my quad in veg, and then anything that didn't make the canopy about 3 weeks after flip.

That and the occasional leaf for brixing.
OK good, good, and it will be interesting to hear about the roots in the net pot.
It's cold, crappy, and rainy outside but it's supposed to clear up in a couple hours, so no brix readings today but if the rain quits I will run out and grab some leaves. I would like to test them today and then steadily as this rolls back in.


There's the makings of a great September coming😊
OK good, good, and it will be interesting to hear about the roots in the net pot.
The stick said too wet so I drained the reservoir. Had lots of small, bright white roots poking out through the bottom section of the pot, and one big fishbone one coming out the side of the connector pot straight down into the reservoir, helping itself to the resource.

Without water down there anymore that one's probably not long for this world.

Too wet is likely (hopefully) the cause of my low brix readings. 🤦‍♂️
Todays readings are all over the place. It's cold out. 12C/54F out there.

The last number in each row is today's brix.

27 gal 21.5 - 19.5 - 16.5 - 16.5 - 22.5 - 19.5
7 gal 20.5 - 20 - 17.5 - 17.5 - 19.5 - 22
7gal 21 - 19.5 - 20 -20 - 22.5 - 21.5
All with perfect calcium.

BK manifolder 14.5 -14 semi fuzzy . This one still needs more calcium.
It likely is yes. So are these roots any more or less or better than a conventional SIP?
Hard to say as I never unpotted a SIP to look this early and with the NetPot the roots can poke out a bit before self-pruning while with the hard sided buckets the roots would migrate to the outer edges and then head down to the reservoir.

I'd imagine I'll get a bit of a different type of root structure by the end especially if I don't use the reservoir feature at least until later in flower.
Hard to say as I never unpotted a SIP to look this early and with the NetPot the roots can poke out a bit before self-pruning while with the hard sided buckets the roots would migrate to the outer edges and then head down to the reservoir.

I'd imagine I'll get a bit of a different type of root structure by the end especially if I don't use the reservoir feature at least until later in flower.
If it air prunes then it will build lots of feeder roots. This could be really cool Azi. Very interesting.
Does anyone take a second reading on the same leaf squish? I squeezed a leaf today and the initial juice was like lime green and easy to get out, the Brix said 4 almost a perfect line. That seemed really low so I cleaned the refractometer, gave the leaf mash another squeeze and it came out much better. The first squeeze was so watery and abundant it took me by surprise, the second was what I was more used to seeing. Which squeeze do I trust? I want the second one because it would mean my plants Brix is improving lol.

Day 31's and 22


#1 - LC-18 - Brix 15.
#2 - LC-18 - Brix 17.
#3 - Miss Sticky - Brix 14.
#4 - LC-18 - Brix 13.

Little LC got her clone branches clipped to help her catch up and manifolded to 8.

All with good calcium.

RVDV Clones - Day 12 in soil.




$1 - Brix 15 and almost crisp.



#2 - Brix 15 and almost crisp.



#3 - Brix 14 and almost crisp.

The crisp calcium line worries me a bit, but they haven't been fully watered yet.

Today they each got a full litre of fish water so that should mobilize calcium somewhat, and when they dry down they will get a full pot drench.

It may burn some tips but it will get them rolling.

Clones are very susceptible to bugs but these gals are past that stage now🥰.

Tall girls.
Does anyone take a second reading on the same leaf squish? I squeezed a leaf today and the initial juice was like lime green and easy to get out, the Brix said 4 almost a perfect line. That seemed really low so I cleaned the refractometer, gave the leaf mash another squeeze and it came out much better. The first squeeze was so watery and abundant it took me by surprise, the second was what I was more used to seeing. Which squeeze do I trust? I want the second one because it would mean my plants Brix is improving lol.

I roll the leaf firmly in my fingers until it starts to get my fingrrs wet, then squeeze it. I always take 2 readings and they come out the same. I've taken 3 and even 4 and they all read the same. If the refractometer rolls sideways after you close the flap sometimes it can mess up the reading drastically.

11 and fuzzy is close, is your weather crappy right now?
I roll the leaf firmly in my fingers until it starts to get my fingrrs wet, then squeeze it. I always take 2 readings and they come out the same. I've taken 3 and even 4 and they all read the same. If the refractometer rolls sideways after you close the flap sometimes it can mess up the reading drastically.

11 and fuzzy is close, is your weather crappy right now?
Hmm it was supposed to storm about 6 hours from when I took the reading. I'll squish again tonight to see now that the storms are over. It was just a drastic change at 4 and then 11 the second time.
Hmm it was supposed to storm about 6 hours from when I took the reading. I'll squish again tonight to see now that the storms are over. It was just a drastic change at 4 and then 11 the second time.
The 4 was likely a bad reading. Unless you get it again I wouldn't put much thought into it.

It's a leaf reading you want, not a petiole. Are you squishing the petiole too? There's a lot of liquid in the petiole.I usually only leave about a quarter inch of the petiole on, just enough to hold the leaf blades on.

From what we saw on your last grow, an 11 before a storm, so a 13-15 when pressure goes back up, sounds about right for a Gaia reading.

I think 17 was the highest I ever got with Gaia, and a 17 is pretty good, a plant will be nice and healthy at 17.

I lost 5 brix from 1 plant right before this last storm, so your 11 could even be a 16.

Any signs of bugs?
The 4 was likely a bad reading. Unless you get it again I wouldn't put much thought into it.

It's a leaf reading you want, not a petiole. Are you squishing the petiole too? There's a lot of liquid in the petiole.I usually only leave about a quarter inch of the petiole on, just enough to hold the leaf blades on.

From what we saw on your last grow, an 11 before a storm, so a 13-15 when pressure goes back up, sounds about right for a Gaia reading.

I think 17 was the highest I ever got with Gaia, and a 17 is pretty good, a plant will be nice and healthy at 17.

I lost 5 brix from 1 plant right before this last storm, so your 11 could even be a 16.

Any signs of bugs?
So I think you are correct it was a bad reading. This is a plant that has been over watered while I was out vacationing. So it's beginning to dry out and I tested it tonight during a storm and she's running at 11, not super fuzzy line but it is currently storming lol. Either way she's due for some Dolo water on her next watering.

I've been running a maintenance dose of 30 ml dolomite water on these plants in Veg every other feeding. I know that you said to be cautious with the calcium because it can go the other way quick. I'm feeding weekly with 1 tbsp/ gallon then watering in. That's about the amount of time that it takes to dry. Is this an effective way of dosing the dolo or should I bump it up slightly?

No bugs except for the occasional fungus gnat but the last of them will get it after a diatomaceous Earth top dusting when fully dry.
So I think you are correct it was a bad reading. This is a plant that has been over watered while I was out vacationing. So it's beginning to dry out and I tested it tonight during a storm and she's running at 11, not super fuzzy line but it is currently storming lol. Either way she's due for some Dolo water on her next watering.

I've been running a maintenance dose of 30 ml dolomite water on these plants in Veg every other feeding. I know that you said to be cautious with the calcium because it can go the other way quick. I'm feeding weekly with 1 tbsp/ gallon then watering in. That's about the amount of time that it takes to dry. Is this an effective way of dosing the dolo or should I bump it up slightly?

No bugs except for the occasional fungus gnat but the last of them will get it after a diatomaceous Earth top dusting when fully dry.
I'm not sure about a ml dose for dolowater, I use a ppm meter and shoot for 80 ppm if the line is fairly crisp, but if you catch it whan it's just getting unfuzzy I hit it with 50 ppm. Over 100 ppm and depending on tbe state of the pot, you could get tip burn, or you could get a day or two of the claw from releasing too much nitrogen too fast, and if your in flower you don't really want a nitrogen rush, but 80ppm or less and your good.


Another 4.5 gallons of EWC from the worm farm. I get this amount every 2 weeks. It takes 1 gallon per week over the course of a year to run my weed op, so as the year goes by it slowly builds up in totes and then during outdoor season all the excess gets used outside.


Worms sneak thru and end up in all the pots.


The foliage is growing faster now, the roots must have found the pot bottoms.


This one has a bit of a funk in her leaves. I'll leave her be for now and see if she can outgrow it.


Miss Sticky's clone branches are almost ready. I really hope She's a She.🤞

Little LC is topped to 8 itty bitty tops but she's starting to grow quicker. Almost time to start strapping her down.

The clones - Day 13 in soil. They are getting too tall for the veg tent. It's almost time to prune #1 down into a quad for a mother plant.







I'm not sure what to do with clones 2 and 3.

Maybe toss them outside and see how they do ad untopped 1.6gal flowers. If they don't finish before winter it doesn't really matter as they are heading to the worm farm once they suck the pots dry.

They were just extras. They don't even have spikes in them.
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