2 gallons of soil is probably just too small to generate enough heat to overcome ambient air.
Oh shiite, I didn't realize you were cooking in such small amounts. 20 gallons is about the minimum I cook at once for those very reasons. Hmmm. Maybe we need to do some research into cooking small batches. Does your outdoor compost heat up? I'm thinking maybe put your soil in a cloth bag and bury that in an active compost pile?

The other thing you could try is a pot drench. I do them when calcium isn't working when it should be. The water seems to activate the calcium. If it is a composting thing then your used soil is probably still quite fertile. Maybe you should try a test grow in a pot of just used unammended soil and see how it grows.
Never cooked less than 3.8 cu ft at a time but I suspect heat would help. Have you tried a heating pad or something similar and have you added bone meal, compost, ewc, etc?
I jist brixed the outdoor crew. The sun is breaking thru, it's a bit breezy, but the kind of breezy of a warm front moving in, and temps are rising.

The BK that was down to 12 is up to 14.5 and the dolo-water is working, the crisp line is semi fuzzy now. I'll give her another shot of dolo water tomorrow.

As for the 3 RV clones:

27 gal 21.5 - 19.5 - 16.5 16.5 and now 22.5
7 gal 20.5 - 20 - 17.5 17.5 and now 19.5
7gal 21 - 19.5 - 20 -20 and now 22.5

all with excellent calcium lines. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.


The 27gal.
Wow G you got 'em dialed! I forget, do you have a refractometer? if so, how's your calcium line? Keep a close eye on that and I bet you get them to the finish.

lol You think the whole world would know about Gaia. It's almost like cheating😎
I haven't Brixed them yet, haven't had time but possibly tonight. Gaia Green really makes it very repeatable results. The addition of fish ferts is I believe what has sent the trichome production into overdrive.

I'm really interested in seeing how this goes with reusing some of the soil from my last grow. Those plants were brixing around 14 just before harvest, so hopefully the microbes can keep it up when mixed with some new soil.
I haven't Brixed them yet, haven't had time but possibly tonight. Gaia Green really makes it very repeatable results. The addition of fish ferts is I believe what has sent the trichome production into overdrive.

I'm really interested in seeing how this goes with reusing some of the soil from my last grow. Those plants were brixing around 14 just before harvest, so hopefully the microbes can keep it up when mixed with some new soil.
The fish ferts are for the myco.

Here's a freebee for you, 1 cup of organic basmati rice, uncooked, per 10 gallons of soil, mixed in when you add the ammendments and cook the mix, will boost your myco even more.

Myco loves uncooked rice as much as it loves fish ferts.
The fish ferts are for the myco.

Here's a freebee for you, 1 cup of organic basmati rice, uncooked, per 10 gallons of soil, mixed in when you add the ammendments and cook the mix, will boost your myco even more.

Myco loves uncooked rice as much as it loves fish ferts.
I love freebies haha.

So I'm still trying to get the basics of the myco relationship but as I understand it, we as farmers cultivate the myco so that the myco can make nutrients available to the roots?
Both cooked and uncooked rice go into my piles as well. And when I manage humidity levels with uncooked rice I always throw it in piles when done.
The other thing you could try is a pot drench. I do them when calcium isn't working when it should be. The water seems to activate the calcium
It got 25% of pot size in the tea which should have wet it pretty thoroughly, and it should have enough raw calcium at least compared to Rev's mixes. I could do a pot drench as this NetPot design would make that easy.

If it is a composting thing then your used soil is probably still quite fertile. Maybe you should try a test grow in a pot of just used unammended soil and see how it grows.
My mixes are still in the "in process" stage, meaning continuously upgraded and this new one is the first one I'd consider doing that with, but i guess we'll have to see how this grow progresses.

Good looking plant at least.

Never cooked less than 3.8 cu ft at a time but I suspect heat would help. Have you tried a heating pad or something similar and have you added bone meal, compost, ewc, etc?
Haven't tried a heating pad but I have all the other things you mentioned as well as blood meal which, being super high N, should do the the trick if the trick is doable. 2G says apparently it is not. :(
I love freebies haha.

So I'm still trying to get the basics of the myco relationship but as I understand it, we as farmers cultivate the myco so that the myco can make nutrients available to the roots?
The easiest way to explain myco is this...

Think of myco as a microbe manager that works for the plant.

The plant says "Hey myco, I would like some magnesium please", and myco takes some exudates from the plant, squirts them on some magnesium in the soil, and the microbes show up to eat the magnesium that is now covered in sugars.

Then the microbes poop it out and myco absorbs it and transfers it back to the root, of which it attaches itself to via a special pore in the root made for myco.

Myco lives underground and can't photosynthesize in the dark so it relies on the plant for carbon from exudates and in return transfers food to the roots. It's the key to the whole operation.

You want it as healthy as possible, and hydrolysed fish ferts and raw basmati rice really boost it's health. Rice is a carb and the fish is a protein so together it's a balanced meal.

Mycorrhizae translates to root fungus. It's been with plants since the beginning of time.

Most geneticists predict that one day in the future myco and the plant will become one.

So it's another mouth to feed, that's why your plants improved with the addition of the fish ferts.

If you have some damp used soil put it in a tub, sprinkle some dry basmati on top, mist it, and put a lid on it in a dark place for a week.

When you open it theres a pretty good chance it's going to be fuzzy with myco.

When a plant dies (harvest) the myco spores out and goes dormant over time, waiting for the bioslime of a root to propogate it.

There are many strains, so every time you reuse soil the myco becomes more indigenous to the soil mix/soil biota/plant strain (cannabis in our world), so adding used soil brings both microbes and myco that you spent 5 months cultivating, and innoculates the new mix.

This is how myco became so good at mining minerals, and P in particular. It simply squirts plant sugars onto raw minerals and the microbes literally chew rocks to get the sugars and then poop out the minerals in a plant available format.

Certain microbes evolve to do this better than others, and myco propogates them, so when you reuse soil it gets innoculated with specialists.
It got 25% of pot size in the tea which should have wet it pretty thoroughly, and it should have enough raw calcium at least compared to Rev's mixes. I could do a pot drench as this NetPot design would make that easy.

My mixes are still in the "in process" stage, meaning continuously upgraded and this new one is the first one I'd consider doing that with, but i guess we'll have to see how this grow progresses.

Good looking plant at least.

Haven't tried a heating pad but I have all the other things you mentioned as well as blood meal which, being super high N, should do the the trick if the trick is doable. 2G says apparently it is not. :(
I think you’re right but no harm in adding heat and moisture for a bit to prove it.
It got 25% of pot size in the tea which should have wet it pretty thoroughly, and it should have enough raw calcium at least compared to Rev's mixes. I could do a pot drench as this NetPot design would make that easy.

My mixes are still in the "in process" stage, meaning continuously upgraded and this new one is the first one I'd consider doing that with, but i guess we'll have to see how this grow progresses.

Good looking plant at least.

Haven't tried a heating pad but I have all the other things you mentioned as well as blood meal which, being super high N, should do the the trick if the trick is doable. 2G says apparently it is not. :(
I think your biggest issue is the lack of amount when you cook it. Most compost dudes swear you need a cubic yard minimum, but I get lots of heat in a black tote with 20 gallons of mix in it. You know what, maybe you should try powdered dolomite. Maybe a mix of powdered and prilled. Try 1 test plant and see if your line fuzzes up.
Both cooked and uncooked rice go into my piles as well. And when I manage humidity levels with uncooked rice I always throw it in piles when done.
Manage humidity, that reminds me of a funny story. When ipods 1st came out a buddy was showing his off to the gang.
Then he went to the washroom.

When he came back he was almost crying. He dropped it into the toilet and it was hooped. I put it into a tub of rice and 2 days later it was good as new. He said "How can I ever repay you, I woulda never thought of that" I said "Easy Bud, just eat the rice"🤣 He didn't.... fucker....
I did similar for my phone but wasn’t as fortunate. My cousin and I were walking out on a sandbar into the ocean, water was only up to our thighs and she decided we should take a selfie and grabbed my phone to do so. Next thing I know I’m digging my phone out of sand bar. Powered off immediately and put in bowl of rice for 3 days. Got excited when it powered on but then I watched the screen start doing the kaleidoscope effect and turn black within 30 seconds. Salt water is much more aggressive :)
That's literally what this mix has.
OK let's see where this mix ends up at. If your plants are looking better and getting thru without deficiency your winning, so lets see how this round goes.

If we can't get it we go back to basics. Remove all carbon and replace it with coco, and if brix climbs then it's carbon. If it doesn't then carbon is off the list. That sorta thing.

But first lets see where this mix ends up, and you have 1 more mix cooking that you haven't tried yet as well correct?
I did similar for my phone but wasn’t as fortunate. My cousin and I were walking out on a sandbar into the ocean, water was only up to our thighs and she decided we should take a selfie and grabbed my phone to do so. Next thing I know I’m digging my phone out of sand bar. Powered off immediately and put in bowl of rice for 3 days. Got excited when it powered on but then I watched the screen start doing the kaleidoscope effect and turn black within 30 seconds. Salt water is much more aggressive :)
Well that sucks. But yeah, salt water is a whole different animal.
OK let's see where this mix ends up at. If your plants are looking better and getting thru without deficiency your winning, so lets see how this round goes.

If we can't get it we go back to basics. Remove all carbon and replace it with coco, and if brix climbs then it's carbon. If it doesn't then carbon is off the list. That sorta thing.

But first lets see where this mix ends up, and you have 1 more mix cooking that you haven't tried yet as well correct?
Yes, correct. That one's not heating up either, but I dump and remix weekly to get air involved. That one's the one with the spreadsheet tweaks. I really think it's the P component I have to get right so the additions of the aerated teas hopefully push me over the line.

My plants have been mostly deficiency free for several runs now, but bugs are my main issue (mites and thrips) which is why I'm so interested in getting the brix levels up.
Yes, correct. That one's not heating up either, but I dump and remix weekly to get air involved. That one's the one with the spreadsheet tweaks. I really think it's the P component I have to get right so the additions of the aerated teas hopefully push me over the line.

My plants have been mostly deficiency free for several runs now, but bugs are my main issue (mites and thrips) which is why I'm so interested in getting the brix levels up.
OK good. That's what I thought. How is the net pot working out, do you see any differences in the roots, or can you not get in there to see?

Also, do you add the EWC to your global mix before you start the cooking process? It's best cooked in.

Azi I just thought of something. Do you defoliate leaves? If you do you should stop immediately.
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