Gee, was it you who was recently using a moisture meter to check the moisture levels in your pots on the sip / swick? I thought it was either you or Otter but I now see I am probably mistaken as I don't find the reference combing through your recent updates.

Azi, perhaps you recognize who it might be?
Gee, was it you who was recently using a moisture meter to check the moisture levels in your pots on the sip / swick? I thought it was either you or Otter but I now see I am probably mistaken as I don't find the reference combing through your recent updates.

Azi, perhaps you recognize who it might be?
Carmen, are you referring to this post?

Today is Day 30 of the 12/12 experiment for The Mutant. Still no sex showing.

So far its 3-3, males to females, and The Mute decides to take the tie-breaker to overtime.

It did state 30 days + or - 3 days.

6 for 7 in under 30 days is a convincing number.

Yep so exactly like I said and definitely worth the 60 hour loss.. interesting.. is it possible the mutant is a herm?

Also yes the middle of your pot should always be wettest as opposed to the bottom.. that’s where the majority of your root ball and your food web is hosted
Yep so exactly like I said and definitely worth the 60 hour loss.. interesting.. is it possible the mutant is a herm?

Also yes the middle of your pot should always be wettest as opposed to the bottom.. that’s where the majority of your root ball and your food web is hosted
Shhhhh... Keff's back. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👊
The Mutant is a Girl❤️. She actually showed on the evening of Day 31 but I wanted to wait to make sure.

Shes only mutated on the main stem though, all the side branches are of the conventional alternate phyllotaxy, so cloning it isn't really an option.

I want to flower it out and see how it does.

If it gets too tall by the time its ready for flower I may attempt to clone the top.
The Mutant is a Girl❤️. She actually showed on the evening of Day 31 but I wanted to wait to make sure.

Shes only mutated on the main stem though, all the side branches are of the conventional alternate phyllotaxy, so cloning it isn't really an option.

I want to flower it out and see how it does.

If it gets too tall by the time its ready for flower I may attempt to clone the top.

This is an amazing find, glad I decided to read through all of Revs descriptions on the seed bank, it was tucked away in a corner like it was no big deal lol.
This is an amazing find, glad I decided to read through all of Revs descriptions on the seed bank, it was tucked away in a corner like it was no big deal lol.
Its a huge find. I don't have room to flower them out, other than The Mutant, who isn't a good example, but on my your next run you should start some seeds this way and see if they flower OK, or if it messes them up.
Also.. here’s the super crop done at night on the main stem

And here it is the following morning

There was no slow down of growth at all.. no recovery, no shock, it just took it and went on. I even messed it up and split the outer shell of the stem but it still took it with no issues.

I did the other tall plant last night and am getting ready to check that one.. I pulled that one off well

NIce to see you Keff! :love:

I’ve been known to go too far some times 😂

That little kernal of information is going to help us all!

I’m impressed it showed in a solo cup honestly.. this gives me more questions than answers as usual though lol

Showing in a solo cup in 30 days can save time, resources, heartache.. I’m hoping we all see it and Gee just isn’t super lucky
I’ve been known to go too far some times 😂

I’m impressed it showed in a solo cup honestly.. this gives me more questions than answers as usual though lol

Showing in a solo cup in 30 days can save time, resources, heartache.. I’m hoping we all see it and Gee just isn’t super lucky
Too late, you guys are already my role models=super lucky.👊
Also.. here’s the super crop done at night on the main stem

And here it is the following morning

There was no slow down of growth at all.. no recovery, no shock, it just took it and went on. I even messed it up and split the outer shell of the stem but it still took it with no issues.

I did the other tall plant last night and am getting ready to check that one.. I pulled that one off well
Very cool! Isn't it amazing how resilient this plant is? I have used duct tape on splits many times, some so bad it was unbelievable, and once I popped a branch clean off and taped it back on. That one took 4 days to perk back up but the regular splits barely wilted the limb.

Here is my stump from last fall. The top 2 limbs were really split. It required a lot of tape. All the lighter parts on all limbs was duct tape from June-Oct. The middle branch on the right and the bottom left one both split in a wind storm. The top split was on me.
No one knows where the line cross it...then every one tells you where they think the line is!!

The interesting thing about crossing the line is, once you do it, the line gets moved forward a little bit and is a little bit closer than it was before you crossed it 😂 I need to remember to smoke when I think I have an issue/problem. If after I’ve smoked it’s still a problem then it’s a real problem, otherwise I’m probably just letting my mind get the best of me

Very cool! Isn't it amazing how resilient this plant is? I have used duct tape on splits many times, some so bad it was unbelievable, and once I popped a branch clean off and taped it back on. That one took 4 days to perk back up but the regular splits barely wilted the limb.

Here is my stump from last fall. The top 2 limbs were really split. It required a lot of tape. All the lighter parts on all limbs was duct tape from June-Oct. The middle branch on the right and the bottom left one both split in a wind storm. The top split was on me.

Yep that was one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned out of everything. Plants want to live, really badly. It’s gonna take effort on my part to kill it off. I didn’t even think of using duct tape or electrical tape but thats a great idea, it’ll give some extra support. The plant tape was kind of a pain in the butt.. It doesn’t have adhesive so you’ve gotta wrap it tighter than I wanted to get it to hold.
Also yes the middle of your pot should always be wettest as opposed to the bottom.. that’s where the majority of your root ball and your food web is hosted
Thanks. There are so many pearls I learn from reading these forum posts. I supplement this with books. Keep going down rabbit holes, and you guys keep pulling me back up. Curently reading Jadam book but I am only 15% through Teaming w microbes. Too bad I have full time job.
The interesting thing about crossing the line is, once you do it, the line gets moved forward a little bit and is a little bit closer than it was before you crossed it 😂 I need to remember to smoke when I think I have an issue/problem. If after I’ve smoked it’s still a problem then it’s a real problem, otherwise I’m probably just letting my mind get the best of me

Yep that was one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned out of everything. Plants want to live, really badly. It’s gonna take effort on my part to kill it off. I didn’t even think of using duct tape or electrical tape but thats a great idea, it’ll give some extra support. The plant tape was kind of a pain in the butt.. It doesn’t have adhesive so you’ve gotta wrap it tighter than I wanted to get it to hold.
My last grow I accidently broke a lower smaller branch. I noticed it days later. It had yellow leaves. It had a small flower I was going to cut it off. I taped w masking tape. It perked up and I eventually harvested 2 gms from it. For me thats a party.
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