RVDV in 107litre tote of Rev's mix.



Brix is ready for flower. I'm calling it a 21.5.


RVDV in 7gal of Rev's mix.


Calling that a 20.5 brix.


RVDV in a 7gal of Rev's mix.


18-18.5 brix


BK manifolded Revegger in 25 gals of my compost mix.


Gonna say 18 brix, which is fantastic. 2 days ago it was 14 and a crisp line. One dose of dolo water jacked her back up. She needs 1 more shot.


And a storm is rolling in now, so you can add 2-5 brix. When I say that no matter how many soil recipes I have tried and I can't better Rev's, this is the proof.

The cagey old Fucker knows his dirt. And not once has he ever muttered the word brix. I wonder if he even knows?

I need to check in 48 hours after the storm, maybe I can beat my 26. 😎

The only straying from Rev's recipe is that I used The Answer potting soil as my carbon, not coco. Hopefully I don't get a K def in deep flower.

Of you remove the BK in compost from the equation I have 3 clones from the same mother registering 21.5, 20.5, and 18.5. The reason for the variance is because the 21.5 is on the south end of the 3 and it shades the 20.5 a bit, which shades the 18.5 a bit more, so light is a big player.

More photosynthesis means more sugar.

At a certain point genetics are the limit, but if you can make your soil better than your genetics then you can achieve full genetic potential.

Now I just have to maintain 3 leaf-eaters for 3 months, what could go wrong🤔
Day 15 and 6.

The 2 LC-18's are in the back. Miss Sticky is front left, and the 6 day old LC is front right.


Miss Sticky is a bushy beast.


LC's are tall and gangly. the manifold to 2 tops will be ready to be topped to 4 tops tomorrow or the next day.


This one is a day behind.


Baby has a few more days until her first topping.
So when we talk brix and mention the fuzziness of the calcium line, this reading line here is perfect calcium.

Any fuzzier and your getting too close to dangerville, and any crisper then you could use a bit.

This plant has never had dolo water. Thats global calcium in the mix at play, and I don't use EWC as a topdress outdoors. The mix is 25% EWC tho.


If you grow in LOS, a refractometer is far more valuable than a PH pen. I go for years without using a PH pen. The only thing I use it for is to check if my soil has finished cooking, but if you wait for 8 weeks it's finished for sure.

A refractometer, on the other hand, gets used weekly to tell me how my calcium is.

Calcium is the most important thing. If it's not good then nothing is, so if the fuzzy line gets less fuzzy use a calmag then, not 10 days later when the leaves go south.


This is from google, but this plant needs calcium. It would probably push the brix up to 17 or 18.
Some overhead shots of the RVDV clones.


The tote.


7gal .




The manifolders manifold.


And my eggplants🥰. Hard to believe they were severely wilted last week.

They each have 10 eggplants and dozens of blossoms. What we don't eat, the worms will. Gotta pay the worms or they get pissy.
@Gidorah be needing a helicopter to get overhead shots of his plants!🤣🤣
1 ounce of weed that is.
Depends on the weed, for my oil anywhere from 5-12 g oil per z. Not sure about powder yet.
So when we talk brix and mention the fuzziness of the calcium line, this reading line here is perfect calcium.

Any fuzzier and your getting too close to dangerville, and any crisper then you could use a bit.

This plant has never had dolo water. Thats global calcium in the mix at play, and I don't use EWC as a topdress outdoors. The mix is 25% EWC tho.


If you grow in LOS, a refractometer is far more valuable than a PH pen. I go for years without using a PH pen. The only thing I use it for is to check if my soil has finished cooking, but if you wait for 8 weeks it's finished for sure.

A refractometer, on the other hand, gets used weekly to tell me how my calcium is.

Calcium is the most important thing. If it's not good then nothing is, so if the fuzzy line gets less fuzzy use a calmag then, not 10 days later when the leaves go south.


This is from google, but this plant needs calcium. It would probably push the brix up to 17 or 18.
I didn't amend my ground with anything but 2 + 2 Rev spikes and Geoflora has been doing most of the heavy lifting. My top dresses of EWC have made a nice fuzzy brix line and I'm 2 weeks from the EWC dress so I'll leave it pout and watch the line this week. I may have gone over with it as my brix has gone down to 12.5 this week. This fall after harvest I have to get some carbon, P, and aeration in those holes to cook through winter. Haven't ever done that. 3rd or 4th year on the same FFOF soil.
I didn't amend my ground with anything but 2 + 2 Rev spikes and Geoflora has been doing most of the heavy lifting. My top dresses of EWC have made a nice fuzzy brix line and I'm 2 weeks from the EWC dress so I'll leave it pout and watch the line this week. I may have gone over with it as my brix has gone down to 12.5 this week. This fall after harvest I have to get some carbon, P, and aeration in those holes to cook through winter. Haven't ever done that. 3rd or 4th year on the same FFOF soil.
The only reason I don't topdress EWC outdoors is because my worm farm only produces enough for indoors. If you got it, use it. As long as your calcium is good you can get your brix up easily with some feed. Any chance your weather is poor right now?
The only reason I don't topdress EWC outdoors is because my worm farm only produces enough for indoors. If you got it, use it. As long as your calcium is good you can get your brix up easily with some feed. Any chance your weather is poor right now?
We're coming out of lots of rainy days connected with the mid east coast storms and flooding going on. Looks like 4 sunny days in row coming up, I'll be away for the first two but I plan a recheck Wed/thurs. They should be higher than 12.5 I'm thinking. Bugs still haven't attacked them though They get bavieria bassiana sp? every 4 weeks so that helps but they appear healthy to me.
We're coming out of lots of rainy days connected with the mid east coast storms and flooding going on. Looks like 4 sunny days in row coming up, I'll be away for the first two but I plan a recheck Wed/thurs. They should be higher than 12.5 I'm thinking. Bugs still haven't attacked them though They get bavieria bassiana sp? every 4 weeks so that helps but they appear healthy to me.
I would guess they will climb when the pressure goes up. That bav bas stuff sounds interesting. I wonder how it works exactly?
Day 12 for the RVDV clones.


They are starting to look hungry.


These 2 are ready. The taps are 11 and 12 inches long.


The left one is almost ready.


The others need a few more days.




Such a great rooter😊
Inspired. Almost makes me want one lol, if I did have the ability to run two rooms I would absolutely add this to my collection, bonus points for having the multicolor plugs. Thanks for showing the grow gromie
Inspired. Almost makes me want one lol, if I did have the ability to run two rooms I would absolutely add this to my collection, bonus points for having the multicolor plugs. Thanks for showing the grow gromie
Howdy @KBUENOS , It's called a cloneKing 36. It works really well.

I prefer aero clones to soil clones. You don't have to cut leaves back or harden off aero clones.
I just pruned node 1 branches off the seedlings and topped the 2 older LC seedlings again to get them manifolding to 4 tops each.

All the prunings were just enough to roll into a ball big enough to squeeze some juice out of, so I brixed them. Got an 11 with a fairly good calcium line. I'll take that for 2 1/2 weeks old😊👍.

They are looking hungry. Tomorrow I will uppot them and the clones.

The RVDV's in the flower tent are still pushing out white tufts and only about 10% of the trichs are slightly milky, the rest are crystal clear, however I need the room in the flower tent as 4 10gals and a bunch of 2gals won't fit in my veg tent. I think it's time to put the RVDV project to rest.

I still have 3 RV's outdoors, so thats enough. I will keep a mother to play another day. If the outdoor crop ripens before winter then it may be a great outdoor sativa. It brixes high so it's a grower.

The Miss Sticky, that may be a Mr Sticky, will get uppotted to a 10gal too in case it's a She.

The smaller LC will get a 10gal too.

RV was a fun run. Weird, but fun😊❤️.

Tomorrow they get the axe.

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
And by now, you should've somehow realised what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now 🥰

My thoughts exactly! Lets see if she throws my efforts back. 😎

Iklwa with 10 weeks on the cure, it's time to see how it really is. All the early testers were fantastic.

I better make the coffee before I start🤣
So I'm flowering a clone of the Purple Lemonade, the one that had all the problems. The fish nutes along with the Dolomite water and Gaia Green have got her just looking amazing. The trichomes have appeared about 5 days earlier than the mother plant. I'll get a Brix on her tonight hopefully but she looks night and day different than the mother did.

I'm going to use her nutrient schedule as kind of a basis for my next grow with just minor tweaks on amounts depending on the plants.

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