In other news, I gave the plants the second round of tea yesterday at 9 days from the first round but this will put me on an every two weeks schedule going forward. I diluted the tea in half for my main plants but gave the rest in a more diluted version to the veggies, input plants, and my compost pile because who wouldn't want some of that love?

The garden plants got a top dressing of compost prior to the tea and the two should work really well together, and I'll cover that with grass clipping this afternoon to protect the microbes from the sun's UV rays.

I'll plan on every couple of weeks for a few and see what I see. Hopefully the first round will be fully operational in the plants by now and this second round helps goose things.
It should still be early enough in the season that all your efforts now will be in the fall harvest of composts. That should start next year off in a better place👍👊
It should still be early enough in the season that all your efforts now will be in the fall harvest of composts. That should start next year off in a better place👍👊
I have really poor garden soil and this is my first year in the ground. First year soil as you say.

There's very little organic matter in it and lots of clay and the plants looked pretty poor, with yellow color.

This morning they all look very green and lush which surprised me since this was the first tea they all got. So maybe there really is something to this stuff. I guess I'll be using it routinely every few weeks now.
Artificial sugars can really eff up your gut microbiota in a manner that causes immuno-supressing inflammation.

It's the chemical makeup at play.

Real pure sugar, such as organic cane sugar or pure maple syrup is C6 H12 O6. So it splits into C and O really easy as there is 1 hydrogen to neutralize each C and O. It falls apart easily.
So something like brown sugar might work? Or maybe even straight up molasses. 🤔
So something like brown sugar might work? Or maybe even straight up molasses. 🤔
Brown sugar is just cane sugar stripped into white sugar, and then a bit added back to give it color. All the rest of the good stuff they remove is molasses.

Organic cane sugar, and that is a legal product label, must be not only organic, but unprocessed to be called organic cane sugar, so either organic cane or molasses will work.

Molasses is much easier to mix in.

Unsulphured is the kind of molasses you want, so read the ingredients and if it includes sulphur don't use it.
Yeah, I've got a big jug (1g?) of the unsulfured kind.

If either will work, I think I'll make a small batch of each and see how they are to work with. I made a jar of the olive oil extract already so it'll be easy enough to test them both.
Day 11 and all seven clones have roots. 2 are just little nubs sprouting now.


So I made up some soil to pot them in.

4 gallons of used soil and 4 gallons of "The Answer" potting soil. Its just carbon and perlite.


I added 3 tablespoons of Gaia 4-4-4 per gallon, so 3/4 of a cup, 1.5 cups dolomite, 3/4 cup gypsum, and 3/4 cup oyster shell flour. It's all mixed up and moistened.

When I use it I will add 2 gallons of EWC and about 2 gallons of perlite.

That should allow me 3 pots at 1.66 gals and 1 at 7gals.

The 7gal cube will be the mother plant.

The other 3 will be used somehow😈


It's pretty dense stuff.


Day 14 for these Gals. LC's are in the back, Miss Sticky is up front.


Day 5 for Lil LC
What, are try to run up your post count? You know you can go back and edit a post to get all your questions in in one go, right? :rolleyes:


This is interesting. So how do you powderize your weed, and how fine does it get?

If you can stomach it, a tincture may work really well here instead of sugar.
Well, this is not powderized weed, though that's what I have been using before this stuff. That's called Dust and I grind up a combination of decarbed and not in a coffee grinder, so kind of like dried herbs you get in a jar, but the oils in the cannabinoids make it like almost a wet powder if that makes any sense.

But that's not the powder we're talking about here. With this one your herb weed gets extracted into coconut oil (I use olive) with lecithin and that then gets mixed with the maltodextrin powder which has the consistency about like powdered sugar before adding the oil, but the oil changes the texture a bit.

I've thought about a tincture but I like the form factor of an edible with its longer lasting effects. It can be a bit bitter because of the plant material so i have tried caps as well.

Do you take it off a spoon or in a cap?
I take a heaping teaspoon out of the jar and use the back of a fork to flatten it out to an even teaspoon. You can't shake it around to fill the voids like you could with say flour because of the consistency as it pretty well stays where you put it which can lead to undissolved clumps in cold liquids.

Then i add that teaspoon of powder to foods like yogurt, stews, teas, or now warmed nut milk.

And how many days worth will 1 ounce give you?

1 ounce of weed that is.
I try to take 1 gram per day broken up into 4 doses, so an ounce would last 28 and 1/3 days. ;)

My box can produce 2-3 oz every 6 weeks when things are running properly, and I run 8 plants per year, 6 CBD, 1 CBG and 1 THC. That works out to needing about 71 grams, or just over 2 ounces, from each of the CBD plants, and the others are accents since cbd is more potent with some cbg or thc and vice versa.
What, are try to run up your post count? You know you can go back and edit a post to get all your questions in in one go, right? :rolleyes:

I blame it on the Durban/Iklwa spliff. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

Well, this is not powderized weed, though that's what I have been using before this stuff. That's called Dust and I grind up a combination of decarbed and not in a coffee grinder, so kind of like dried herbs you get in a jar, but the oils in the cannabinoids make it like almost a wet powder if that makes any sense.

But that's not the powder we're talking about here. With this one your herb weed gets extracted into coconut oil (I use olive) with lecithin and that then gets mixed with the maltodextrin powder which has the consistency about like powdered sugar before adding the oil, but the oil changes the texture a bit.
Ok I see, no need for tincture then. The oil will pull the good stuff out.

Do you use raw or cured cannabis?

I've thought about a tincture but I like the form factor of an edible with its longer lasting effects. It can be a bit bitter because of the plant material so i have tried caps as well.

I take a heaping teaspoon out of the jar and use the back of a fork to flatten it out to an even teaspoon. You can't shake it around to fill the voids like you could with say flour because of the consistency as it pretty well stays where you put it which can lead to undissolved clumps in cold liquids.

Then i add that teaspoon of powder to foods like yogurt, stews, teas, or now warmed nut milk.

I try to take 1 gram per day broken up into 4 doses, so an ounce would last 28 and 1/3 days. ;)

My box can produce 2-3 oz every 6 weeks when things are running properly, and I run 8 plants per year, 6 CBD, 1 CBG and 1 THC. That works out to needing about 71 grams, or just over 2 ounces, from each of the CBD plants, and the others are accents since cbd is more potent with some cbg or thc and vice versa.
I see your need for purity now. You really need to get high brix rolling.

You need each of those strains to reach their full genetic potential, untainted.

High brix LOS will do that.

You really need to up your P a fair bit in the next batch of soil you cook.

Try really hard to match Rev's recipe by filling those holes. P mainly. Even if you have to buy some ingredients to get started, once the soil is fortified it's easier to keep it there than get it there.

Maybe buy the right annual flowers to jack up P too, and then harvest your own seed crop year after year.

Sunflower seeds are really high P and sunflowers make excellent compost carbon too. Plus everyone loves sunflowers.

Tell me your exact soil path.

What size container do you start a seed/root a clone into and whats in that soil, then at each uppotting, what size and what is in each of those soils, until you are in your flower mix and final container?

There may be a shortcut. Maybe an easy way to boost brix early and get the snowball rolling sooner.

Also to fit your schedule, how long do you plant/veg a clone before flip?
Day 11.


2 could be planted now and the 3rd tomorrow or the next day, but I am going to let them all root up a bit more.

6 for 6 so I'm gonna say RVDV is a good rooter. I did use a light dusting of stimroot #2 on each that was on for a full 30 seconds before going into the cloner.


Still popping white.



These are the coolest flowers.
Ok I see, no need for tincture then. The oil will pull the good stuff out.

Do you use raw or cured cannabis?
It does pull it out. I put 2-3 grams of dried and cured bud into each tablespoon of oil and then run it through the Instant Pot and then add lecithin.

But the oil is pretty bad tasting, the powder with the oil not so much. I'm going to taste test both the sugar and the molasses version tomorrow.

Tell me your exact soil path.

What size container do you start a seed/root a clone into and whats in that soil, then at each uppotting, what size and what is in each of those soils, until you are in your flower mix and final container?

There may be a shortcut. Maybe an easy way to boost brix early and get the snowball rolling sooner.

Also to fit your schedule, how long do you plant/veg a clone before flip?
In my veg box I usually have one plant vegging in my 2G SIP prepping for flower, and its replacement comes out of the perlite cup cloner and into a 9oz SIP, though I'm not currently using the reservoir function.

I start new clones every couple of weeks from all my mothers and pick the best of the current lot of the strain I want to grow next according to the schedule to grow on, the rest go to the worms.

The 2G plant veg's for 5-6 weeks but the first couple is stall mode as it adapts to the reservoir. That schedule will change slightly until I get back to utilizing the reservoir.

I only have one soil mix so the clones get the same soil as the vegging plant that then goes on to flower.

Assuming I have a reasonably sized plant, I'll fill a hole in the flower box early to try to maximize my annual turns since an extra plant is a significant percentage increase in overall yield at the end of the year, but dedicating 12 weeks in the flower box per plant usually gives me some flexibility of schedule.
Maybe buy the right annual flowers to jack up P too, and then harvest your own seed crop year after year.

Sunflower seeds are really high P and sunflowers make excellent compost carbon too. Plus everyone loves sunflowers.
I like that idea. I could definitely grow sunflowers from seed. Actually did it one year. It was fascinating to watch the face of the flower follow the sun.
You really need to up your P a fair bit in the next batch of soil you cook.

Try really hard to match Rev's recipe by filling those holes. P mainly. Even if you have to buy some ingredients to get started, once the soil is fortified it's easier to keep it there than get it there.
I did break down and got some bone meal to use in my teas. Do you think that will suffice for now using it both in teas and as a soil amendment in addition to my dried flowers? I also run a fair amount of fruits through my worm bin so there's P from that angle as well.

I know The Rev uses various versions of P inputs.
I like that idea. I could definitely grow sunflowers from seed. Actually did it one year. It was fascinating to watch the face of the flower follow the sun.

I grow a few every year. They turn dirt into compost really well and attract pollinators. Seeds for life. If you leave one for the birds you will have them popping up everywhere. I planted them once 5 years ago. Now every fall I let one go to the birds and every spring I cull them all out when they are little and only leave 3 or 4. Rinse and repeat.

I grow a few every year. They turn dirt into compost really well and attract pollinators. Seeds for life. If you leave one for the birds you will have them popping up everywhere. I planted them once 5 years ago. Now every fall I let one go to the birds and every spring I cull them all out when they are little and only leave 3 or 4. Rinse and repeat.
I've got the perfect spot for them. I'm growing Jerusalem artichoke (sunchoke) that's supposed to be good for bugs according to Jadam so if I can cross the high brix threshold I won't need them. But I do need more P so a chance to upgrade on two fronts!

Those have what look like mini-sunflowers so I plan on using them this year as well.
I've got the perfect spot for them. I'm growing Jerusalem artichoke that's supposed to be good for bugs according to Jadam but if I can cross the high brix threshold I won't need them. But I do need more P so a chance to upgrade on two fronts!
I've seen people sprout the seeds like bean sprouts, then blender them in water and pour that in, and I know people who toss the seeds, still in the shells, into a blender dry, turn it into a seed meal and cook it into their mix.

I just compost mine, but cooking it in sounds like a great idea. The sprout tea would probably work too but I'm a fan of cooked in.

The tea would take time to work but cooked in is ready from day 1.

The plant itself may be high in certain things too. Carbon for sure, but possibly other minerals.
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