I've thought about a tincture but I like the form factor of an edible with its longer lasting effects. It can be a bit bitter because of the plant material so i have tried caps as well.
I take a heaping teaspoon out of the jar and use the back of a fork to flatten it out to an even teaspoon. You can't shake it around to fill the voids like you could with say flour because of the consistency as it pretty well stays where you put it which can lead to undissolved clumps in cold liquids.
Then i add that teaspoon of powder to foods like yogurt, stews, teas, or now warmed nut milk.
I try to take 1 gram per day broken up into 4 doses, so an ounce would last 28 and 1/3 days.
My box can produce 2-3 oz every 6 weeks when things are running properly, and I run 8 plants per year, 6 CBD, 1 CBG and 1 THC. That works out to needing about 71 grams, or just over 2 ounces, from each of the CBD plants, and the others are accents since cbd is more potent with some cbg or thc and vice versa.