Day 69 I think. Still sucking every leaf dry and brix is 13 with a crisp line so they each got 2 quarts of 80ppm dolo water. Kinda strong, I hope I don't burn a leaf tip🤣



White flushes are beginning again, but in smaller tufts. The trichs are 99% clear 1% cloudy, no amber. Carry on.

Yesterday they got fish, today dolomite, and tomorrow a full Gaia and EWC topdressing.



Day 10. The clones are doing good. 2 here,


and 2 more here. The one on the right has 2 wee little roots starting right on the bottom. They are about a quarter inch long each.

So 4 of 6 so far👍. I only need 1... again.

Maybe someone might die in the name of science. We will see. If nothing else they are high grade wormfood factories in veg.


The tall LC is barely taller now. The shorter squatter one is almost exactly as tall but a much sturdier pheno. The one on the left looks delicate. I'm good with 2 different phenos😎

Mr or Miss Sticky up front is a very nice plant. It's very solid.


Little LC, she's 4 today. She is off and running now too. 🥰

Fingers crossed that Sticky is a Miss🤞
I've not been very impressed with my droughting results on my latest plant as I think the repeated rounds of droughting disrupted its ability to finish properly. I've had mostly clear trichs for longer than I should now so I assume the plant created the trichome structures but didn't have enough energy to fill them properly.

The plant also had bug issues (mostly mites this round), has lost all fan leaves and the rest of the plant is browning out so I'll likely harvest it this weekend and maybe feed it to the worms and plan on trying it again with hopefully a higher brix soil and therefore less bug issues because if it.

Kind of a shame as it was a pretty good looking plant before I droughted it (aside from the bug damage) and a new strain for me, but I'll just have to try it again in the future.
Sorri Azi I just saw this post now. That sucks. Have you grown this strain before?

To drought properly I think you would have to know how long the plant flowers for to get the timing right.

I'm not a droughting expert by any means, the only droughting I have ever done was back in the day when we all used to drought into harvest because we seemed to feel it upped potency, but there was zero science attached to that.

I wonder if Maritimers threads indicate that timings are different for strains that run longer?
Sorri Azi I just saw this post now. That sucks. Have you grown this strain before?

To drought properly I think you would have to know how long the plant flowers for to get the timing right.
No, new strain for me so went off breeder's estimates. I took cuttings so if they root I'll run it again in what should be higher brix soil so should be a better plant all the way around. Kinda sucks though since my operation is so small and each plant is a big percentage if my annual total.

Oh well. Lessons learned. 😢
How in the hell are you getting any drops to test brix with?!?!!
If you take a green leaf, roll it into a tight ball, then roll it slowly and tightly in your finger tips after 10-15 seconds your fingers will feel wet.

At that point I squeeze it and hold for 5 seconds or so and then dab it onto the refractometer very lightly and a drip pulls out and onto the glass.

When I squeeze it to get the drip, I place the wad into the tips of my fingers, so about a third of the wad is sticking out, then squeeze and very slowly roll my fingers to envelope that last third down to just a bit, maybe 10%, sticking out and pointing down. Thats where the drip forms.

I usually pinch it in my right hand and then use my left hand to squeeze my right even tighter.
No, new strain for me so went off breeder's estimates. I took cuttings so if they root I'll run it again in what should be higher brix soil so should be a better plant all the way around. Kinda sucks though since my operation is so small and each plant is a big percentage if my annual total.

Oh well. Lessons learned. 😢
Theres a lesson in breeders times to be learned too. When I run a new strain I usually let it tell me, not expecting anything really. Some seed companies are spot on, but some have no idea really.

Do you think the time to initiate droughting is determined from flip date, or from time left to finish?

Time left to finish makes more sense to me, but again, I really know very little about it other than it causes multi-headed trichomes.
Theres a lesson in breeders times to be learned too. When I run a new strain I usually let it tell me, not expecting anything really. Some seed companies are spot on, but some have no idea really.

Do you think the time to initiate droughting is determined from flip date, or from time left to finish?

Time left to finish makes more sense to me, but again, I really know very little about it other than it causes multi-headed trichomes.
It's end of life so different for sativas than the indicas I grow, though the paper this is all based on was a PhD study and it wasn't all that robust in my opinion so I think there's more info in Krissi's thread than there is in the science so we're all kinda flying blind really.

The official version was a drought in week 7 of an 8-9 week strain if memory serves, but to my knowledge that official version was not run again to test different time periods, nor different strains, different conditions, mediums, etc. Maritimer has some good info as well.

in Krissi's thread we tried all kinds of different variations and one thing that seemed consistent was the elongation of trichs that we called corralling since it looked like sea corral under a loop.
If you take a green leaf, roll it into a tight ball, then roll it slowly and tightly in your finger tips after 10-15 seconds your fingers will feel wet.

At that point I squeeze it and hold for 5 seconds or so and then dab it onto the refractometer very lightly and a drip pulls out and onto the glass.

When I squeeze it to get the drip, I place the wad into the tips of my fingers, so about a third of the wad is sticking out, then squeeze and very slowly roll my fingers to envelope that last third down to just a bit, maybe 10%, sticking out and pointing down. Thats where the drip forms.

I usually pinch it in my right hand and then use my left hand to squeeze my right even tighter.
I do the roll it around between my fingers too but then I squeeze it between coins with pliers and dab it onto the glass, but I still wrestle with getting that drop from full fingered fan leaves.
Any fortified plant based "milk" will work well, as long as your alergy isn't to nuts, as most others are almond based.

Oat is a good one if it's fortified but oat does lack on taste in my opinion.

Even cow milk is heavily fortified with most of the same, it's not as good as most think in it's raw form, so generally speaking, their nutritional values are similar across the board but the carbs and proteins do fluctuate quite a bit from product to product.

If your main goal is to lose weight then fixing your available calcium combined with a proper ratio of carbs to proteins has an immediate effect.

When I figured it all out and changed my eating habits I dropped from 226 pounds to 155 pounds in 3 months.

I told the wife I need to go get tested as I think I may have cancer as I couldn't stop the weight loss.

She started laughing and threw one of my statements in my face. She said," You said when you started this that if it works like you think it should, then your math tells you that you should quickly revert back to your weight at 18 years old. Trust your math stupid!". Damn she was right lol.

When carbs and proteins (browns and greens) are balanced on input our internal composting gets very robust. You extract huge amounts of energy from your food but you don't store any excess carbs.

Our bodies are extremely efficient so once the inputs are balanced and appear to be remaining that way our bodies will burn the stored carbs by increasing our internal temperature in order to get rid of the excess around our waistline. I lost 2 of my 3 chins and 4 full inches off my waistline, which doesn't sound that drastic, but I'm quite tall so 4" was huge on me.

When we were both a full year in we went and had blood pressure and glucose levels tested as we were both starting to get high blood pressure and warned that we were pre-diabetic. We are both poster children for BP and blood sugar levels now. The body adapts quickly just like a plant does.

So to quote a wise SoCal dude, "Love yourself like you love your plants!" 🤣
I have a non-plant related question regarding your above post.

The water soluble cannabis powder @Lady Cannafan posted about uses maltodextrin as a delivery agent into which you mix your cannabis oil extract and that has the highest glycemic index value of anything out there. The original index was based on glucose at 100 (sugar is 80) but then this stuff was discovered/created that was even higher at 110 blowing the top off the scale.

Every tablespoon of the canna oil is mixed in with 16-18 tablespoons of the malto which isn't necessarily a big deal if you're using it with a THC strain, but I use it with CBD and there the doses are  much higher requiring me to consume 1-2 tablespoons a day of the stuff.

Since the spike in blood sugar from those empty calories seems less than ideal, I've been taking the powder dissolved into warm nut milk (cashew this first round for me) with the theory, based on your comments above, that balancing out the carbs in the malto with extra calcium in the milk will help my body burn the malto off rather than storing the sugar-like substance as fat in my body. In that way the less than desirable carrier gets burned up in the process and my body gets a little more calcium for other things than it otherwise would have.

Do I have that right? I know you were more speaking of carbs to proteins and not calcium but I read it that sufficient calcium was required to burn the others off.
Theres a lesson in breeders times to be learned too. When I run a new strain I usually let it tell me, not expecting anything really. Some seed companies are spot on, but some have no idea really.

Do you think the time to initiate droughting is determined from flip date, or from time left to finish?

Time left to finish makes more sense to me, but again, I really know very little about it other than it causes multi-headed trichomes.
I don't pay too much mind to the breeders timeline. Maybe I pay 10% mind to it..but yeah not too much. Pequito. 🤏🏻 :blunt:
I have a non-plant related question regarding your above post.

The water soluble cannabis powder @Lady Cannafan posted about uses Maltodextrin as a delivery agent into which you mix your cannabis oil extract and that has the highest glycemic index value of anything out there. The original index was based on sugar I believe at 100 but then this stuff was discovered/created that was even higher blowing the top off the scale.

Every tablespoon of the canna oil is mixed in with 16-18 tablespoons of the malto which isn't necessarily a big deal if you're using it with a THC strain, but I use it with CBD and there the doses are  much higher requiring me to consume 1-2 tablespoons a day of the stuff.

Since the spike in blood sugar from those empty calories seems less than ideal, I've been taking the powder dissolved into warm nut milk (cashew this first round for me) with the theory, based on your comments above, that balancing out the carbs in the malto with extra calcium in the milk will help my body burn the malto off rather than storing the sugar-like substance as fat in my body. In that way the less than desirable carrier gets burned up in the process and my body gets a little more calcium for other things than it otherwise would have.

Do I have that right? I know you were more speaking of carbs to proteins and not calcium but I read it that sufficient calcium was required to burn the others off.
Calcium tames magnesium, which stops magnesium from locking out proteins (nitrogen), so carbs and proteins can work together properly.

Vitamin D is also required, and your body can store it, as vitamin D helps our bodies assimilate the calcium.

So if Vitamin D is adequate, then calcium can work properly to among other things, stop protein lockout.

All that being said, if you have a good protein source to combine with all those malto carbs then your body should burn it successfully.

Fibre will regulate the spike. So if your protein source is a high fibre source you should be able to get the best of all scenarios.

My 1st thoughts would be to mix the malto and cbd, then use it as a syrup over high fibre oatmeal with a nut milk of your choice that has been fortified with both calcium and vitamin D.

Microbes love oatmeal. Organic steel cut oats cooked for an hour with a 50/50 mix of water and nut milk is really good. I use a 50/50 mix of steel cut oats and quinoa to up protein and add fibre.

I make a weeks worth at once and keep it in the fridge as my daily breakfast source.

I also add flax, hemp, and chia seed after it's done cooking but before it cools.

I use about a tablespoon of pure canadian maple syrup on a bowl but your malto blend would work well I bet.

The oats will temper down that sugar spike as well as really improve your biome.
What is the reason for using maltodextrin exactly? Is it for the quickest possible effects?

Artificial sugars can really eff up your gut microbiota in a manner that causes immuno-supressing inflammation.

It's the chemical makeup at play.

Real pure sugar, such as organic cane sugar or pure maple syrup is C6 H12 O6. So it splits into C and O really easy as there is 1 hydrogen to neutralize each C and O. It falls apart easily.

Anything else leaves sugars bound up still, causing inflamation. Possibly type 2 diabetes too.

You should analyze it's chemistry or you could be messing with your insulin system, then you won't be producing energy properly at a cellular level.

It could lead to pills long term.

Not saying it will, as I know nothing about it, but it raises warning flags for me. Scope it out, there may be safer routes.
Microbes love oatmeal. Organic steel cut oats cooked for an hour with a 50/50 mix of water and nut milk is really good. I use a 50/50 mix of steel cut oats and quinoa to up protein and add fibre.
Oats are one of the things I'm allergic to which causes my body's reaction, although the same is true for wheat but since stating on CBD those issues are mainly behind me so maybe I'll try oats again and see how it goes.

What is the reason for using maltodextrin exactly? Is it for the quickest possible effects?
I think for the water solubility which makes for quick uptake. The canna powder is supposed to have its effect in like 10-15 minutes which puts it closer to smoking/sublingual than a typical edible which can be hours before any noticeable effect.

I use CBD so really can't judge that as there is no psychoactive effect for me.

The recipe calls for canna oil made from coconut oil (though I use olive), lecithin and the malto. Lecithin helps oil and water mix and your body absorb the cannabinoids better but then you're still left with a liquid. By adding the malto you end up with a neutral tasting powder that is much more versatile in its use since you can add it to just about anything whereas the oil itself is pretty bad tasting and you wouldn't add it to something like your breakfast cereal.
Real pure sugar, such as organic cane sugar or pure maple syrup is C6 H12 O6. So it splits into C and O really easy as there is 1 hydrogen to neutralize each C and O. It falls apart easily.
Maybe I'll try mixing the canna oil, lecithin and maple syrup and see how that dissolves. I've made my own maple syrup in the past from the trees in my yard that was a fun father/son project back in the day so if that works well maybe I'll rebuild my stove and make a batch of syrup in the spring.
I just did a bit of reading on maltodextrin and it looks like there are 2 kinds. The high spiking bad stuff and a possibly very healthy fibre enhanced version. I would make sure you get the right one.
The stuff I have doesn't say so I assume it's the fast stuff. The other is processed in a way that it is not easily digested which makes it get past more of the digestive track but I would think that would also defeat the purpose of the fast acting part of the powder.
In other news, I gave the plants the second round of tea yesterday at 9 days from the first round but this will put me on an every two weeks schedule going forward. I diluted the tea in half for my main plants but gave the rest in a more diluted version to the veggies, input plants, and my compost pile because who wouldn't want some of that love?

The garden plants got a top dressing of compost prior to the tea and the two should work really well together, and I'll cover that with grass clipping this afternoon to protect the microbes from the sun's UV rays.

I'll plan on every couple of weeks for a few and see what I see. Hopefully the first round will be fully operational in the plants by now and this second round helps goose things.
In other news, I gave the plants the second round of tea yesterday at 9 days from the first round but this will put me on an every two weeks schedule going forward. I diluted the tea in half for my main plants but gave the rest in a more diluted version to the veggies, input plants, and my compost pile because who wouldn't want some of that love?

The garden plants got a top dressing of compost prior to the tea and the two should work really well together, and I'll cover that with grass clipping this afternoon to protect the microbes from the sun's UV rays.

I'll plan on every couple of weeks for a few and see what I see. Hopefully the first round will be fully operational in the plants by now and this second round helps goose things.
Nice! better inputs = better outputs😊
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