Adenosine triphosphate. It's the energy source that powers all cells in both plants and animals.

Cells have both the ability to use it and store it.

Plants produce it thru photosynthesis. Certain bacteria also produce it.

It's a molecule made up of nitrogen, sugar, and phosphorus. You don't need to know this stuff tho, it's getting too deep down the rabbit hole, all you need for clarity is to understand that P provides the ability to move nutrients thru the plant and move exudates out, and every day the plant consists of more cells than it did the day before so it needs more ATP to push with, and ATP is nitrogen from atmosphere, so it's free, and sugar which is produced by photosynthesis, so it's free too, and P that the microbes must supply to the plant from the soil. 3 phosphates per molecule of ATP actually, so it is a phosphorous rich molecule.

It is the spark of life. Microbes need it too. They, like us are wired to run on electricity, but powered by sugar, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Electricity fires the circuitry and signalling that runs the cell that is powered by ATP.

This is why Calcium and P are intimately linked. Calcium sets the stage for P to do the work.

Magnesium regulates the voltage of the electricity that calcium provides, and also the amount of nitrogen that can leech into the soil from atmosphere, so that's why every time you hear the word calcium, it's implied that it's in proper ratio with magnesium.

In humans, if calcium gets low, then in ratio, magnesium becomes high. It screws with our cellular voltage but more importantly it chokes off nitrogen.

Amino acids are made of nitrogen. Proteins are made from amino acids. Therefore low calcium equals poor protein synthesis even if you eat tons of protein.

It's locked out. Just as N gets locked out of soil with low calcium.

That transfers into high carbs on a human's carbs to proteins ratio.

Humans can't expel carbs, they can only burn or store them. So we get fat because of lack of protein that is caused by low calcium. Eating more protein won't fix it, protein is locked out.

Type two diabetes occurs and it's a mathematical thing so you can't run from it.

Your heart runs on electricity so low calcium affects that too. The alter ego to it all is that all unused proteins float around in our bodies. Proteins are building blocks. Think lego blocks.

You can build things with the Lego instructions (RNA) or you can build weird custom things that make no sense at all (cancer).

Low calcium is the main cause of most chronic diseases.

The cool part is we evolved from plants and we still have 1 function remaining from our ancestoral connection. We photosynthesize too.

We pulled up our roots and became mobile so we can chase sugars which relinquished our ability to photosynthesize them, but we still use photosynthesis to create Vitamin D, which is required to intake and assimilate calcium.

By natures standards we are supposed to run around naked under the sun photosynthesizing Vitamin D and drinking calcium rich water from streams.

Instead we put on sunscreen and drink purified filtered water and wonder why and how we are fat and dying a slow wasting death, just like a plant that needs calmag.

Cholesterol is created inside us (good cholesterol) or intaken from animal corpses (bad cholesterol), but is vital to life.

Calcium runs the electrical system that signals and regulates cholesterol production.

Low calcium forces magnesium to take over as the main electrolyte in our bodies, but magnesium isn't as powerful as calcium, it's a secondary backup system.

It knows we need cholesterol but it doesn't have enough energy to turn cholesterol synthesis on and off millions of times a day so it turns it on and leaves it on.

No cholesterol and we die in seconds, but too much takes 20-40 years to kill us.

Chemists and big pharma figured this out.

They invented Crestor and Lipitor to lower our cholesterol. Crestor and Lipitor are just highly refined calciums that are instantly available sources of calcium. Calmag for humans.

Nasty hey? Why not just say ditch the sunscreen and eat more calcium?

Are you going bald or having erectile dysfunction? Baldness is lack of available protein as hair is pure protein, so calcium fixes that, and erectile dysfunction is the very first sympton of arterial disease caused by high cholesterol, which is also fixed by calcium. Again, nasty hey?

It's probably just coincidence that Viagra and cholesterol lowering medications are the top 2 selling pharmacuticals. The man wouldn't compromise our health for profit would he?

So if you are fat, bald, and bonerless, go get some calcium and avoid cancer, heart disease, and diabetes before it's too late.

You need calmag. You ACTUALLY need calmag. Please don't drink it tho🤣

Then after you take your calmag go brush your newly grown full head of hair and head off to get laid.

It's actually that simple. When we get sick we go to a doctor but we should actually be going to see a chemist.

That's my rant for the day.
Adenosine triphosphate. It's the energy source that powers all cells in both plants and animals.

Cells have both the ability to use it and store it.

Plants produce it thru photosynthesis. Certain bacteria also produce it.

It's a molecule made up of nitrogen, sugar, and phosphorus. You don't need to know this stuff tho, it's getting too deep down the rabbit hole, all you need for clarity is to understand that P provides the ability to move nutrients thru the plant and move exudates out, and every day the plant consists of more cells than it did the day before so it needs more ATP to push with, and ATP is nitrogen from atmosphere, so it's free, and sugar which is produced by photosynthesis, so it's free too, and P that the microbes must supply to the plant from the soil. 3 phosphates per molecule of ATP actually, so it is a phosphorous rich molecule.

It is the spark of life. Microbes need it too. They, like us are wired to run on electricity, but powered by sugar, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Electricity fires the circuitry and signalling that runs the cell that is powered by ATP.

This is why Calcium and P are intimately linked. Calcium sets the stage for P to do the work.

Magnesium regulates the voltage of the electricity that calcium provides, and also the amount of nitrogen that can leech into the soil from atmosphere, so that's why every time you here the word calcium, it's implied that it's in proper ratio with magnesium.

In humans, if calcium gets low, then in ratio, magnesium becomes high. It screws with our cellular voltage but more importantly it chokes off nitrogen.

Amino acids are made of nitrogen. Proteins are made from amino acids. Therefore low calcium equals poor protein synthesis even if you eat tons of protein.

It's locked out. Just as N gets locked out of soil with low calcium.

That transfers into high carbs on a human's carbs to proteins ratio.

Humans can't expel carbs, they can only burn or store them. So we get fat because of lack of protein that is caused by low calcium. Eating more protein won't fix it, protein is locked out.

Type two diabetes occurs and it's a mathematical thing so you can't run from it.

Your heart runs on electricity so low calcium affects that too. The alter ego to it all is that all unused proteins float around in our bodies. Proteins are building blocks. Think lego blocks.

You can build things with the Lego instructions (RNA) or you can build weird custom things that make no sense at all (cancer).

Low calcium is the main cause of most chronic diseases.

The cool part is we evolved from plants and we still have 1 function remaining from our ancestoral connection. We photosynthesize too.

We pulled up our roots and became mobile so we can chase sugars which relinquished our ability to photosynthesize them, but we still use photosynthesis to create Vitamin D, which is required to intake and assimilate calcium.

By natures standards we are supposed to run around under the sun photosynthesizing Vitamin D and drinking calcium rich water from streams.

Instead we put on sunscreen and drink purified filtered water and wonder why and how we are fat and dying a slow wasting death, just like a plant that needs calmag.

Cholesterol is created inside us (good cholesterol) or intaken from animal corpses (bad cholesterol), but is vital to life.

Calcium runs the electrical system that signals and regulates cholesterol production.

Low calcium forces magnesium to take over as the main electrolyte in our bodies, but magnesium isn't as powerful as calcium, it's a secondary backup system.

It knows we need cholesterol but it doesn't have enough energy to turn cholesterol synthesis on and off millions of times a day so it turns it on and leaves it on.

No cholesterol and we die in seconds, but too much takes 20-40 years to kill us.

Chemists and big pharma figured this out.

They invented Crestor and Lipitor to lower our cholesterol. Crestor and Lipitor are just highly refined calciums that are instantly available sources of calcium. Calmag for humans.

Nasty hey? Why not just say ditch the sunscreen and eat more calcium?

Are you going bald or having erectile dysfunction? Baldness is lack of available protein as hair is pure protein, so calcium fixes that, and erectile dysfunction is the very first sympton of arterial disease caused by high cholesterol, which is also fixed by calcium. Again, nasty hey?

It's probably just coincidence that Viagra and cholesterol lowering medications are the top 2 selling pharmacuticals. The man wouldn't compromise our health for profit would he?

So if you are fat, bald, and bonerless, go get some calcium and avoid cancer, heart disease, and diabetes before it's too late.

You need calmag. You ACTUALLY need calmag. Please don't drink it tho🤣

Then after you take your calmag go brush your newly grown full head of hair and head off to get laid.

It's actually that simple. When we get sick we go to a doctor but we should actually be going to see a chemist.

That's my rant for the day.
So I plan to mix up a little CalMag milkshake and drink it while I sunbathe and see if any bonners appear.
So I plan to mix up a little CalMag milkshake and drink it while I sunbathe and see if any bonners appear.
Drink fortified organic unsweetened soy milk instead and yes, you will enrich your calcium intake, your weight will drop, then the world will enjoy seeing you naked, err... photosynthesizing vitamin D, your boner will come back, and who knows what might happen next😎.

The proof is always in the pudding. The scientific name for Lipitor is atorvastatin calcium. Crestor is rusovastatin calcium.

Again, nasty hey?
Pretty much everything that works for plants works for us. That's because we run on the same microbes.

Here's the kick in the nuts tho. Animal protein doesn't get digested in us by microbes, our body creates an enzyme to do it instead.

The enzyme works really well and animal sources provide dense nutrition, however your body needs to fluctuate it's PH for the enzyme to work, so it does, then after digestion it uses calcium from your bones to reset your PH.

Long term this lowers your calcium and starts the death spiral.

If you ditch animal protein and eat a proper balanced plant based diet it all goes away. Very quickly too.

Milk and cheese are far more dangerous to us than the meat. Milk and especially cheese are condensed forms of animal protein. More enzyme is needed more often so more PH regulation is required.

Not trying to tell people how to eat here or start an argument. It's science and it's proven is all. The problem isn't people or their choices, the problem is the system.

How our body actually works should be taught to everyone in elementary school. It's a bit important.
Drink fortified organic unsweetened soy milk instead and yes, you will enrich your calcium intake, your weight will drop, then the world will enjoy seeing you naked, err... photosynthesizing vitamin D, your boner will come back, and who knows what might happen next😎.

The proof is always in the pudding. The scientific name for Lipitor is atorvastatin calcium. Crestor is rusovastatin calcium.

Again, nasty hey?
Ill let you know how the neighbors react. Also Ill tell Mrs. Crusher to stock up on the soy know what I mean.
Adenosine triphosphate. It's the energy source that powers all cells in both plants and animals.

Cells have both the ability to use it and store it.

Plants produce it thru photosynthesis. Certain bacteria also produce it.

It's a molecule made up of nitrogen, sugar, and phosphorus. You don't need to know this stuff tho, it's getting too deep down the rabbit hole, all you need for clarity is to understand that P provides the ability to move nutrients thru the plant and move exudates out, and every day the plant consists of more cells than it did the day before so it needs more ATP to push with, and ATP is nitrogen from atmosphere, so it's free, and sugar which is produced by photosynthesis, so it's free too, and P that the microbes must supply to the plant from the soil. 3 phosphates per molecule of ATP actually, so it is a phosphorous rich molecule.

It is the spark of life. Microbes need it too. They, like us are wired to run on electricity, but powered by sugar, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Electricity fires the circuitry and signalling that runs the cell that is powered by ATP.

This is why Calcium and P are intimately linked. Calcium sets the stage for P to do the work.

Magnesium regulates the voltage of the electricity that calcium provides, and also the amount of nitrogen that can leech into the soil from atmosphere, so that's why every time you hear the word calcium, it's implied that it's in proper ratio with magnesium.

In humans, if calcium gets low, then in ratio, magnesium becomes high. It screws with our cellular voltage but more importantly it chokes off nitrogen.

Amino acids are made of nitrogen. Proteins are made from amino acids. Therefore low calcium equals poor protein synthesis even if you eat tons of protein.

It's locked out. Just as N gets locked out of soil with low calcium.

That transfers into high carbs on a human's carbs to proteins ratio.

Humans can't expel carbs, they can only burn or store them. So we get fat because of lack of protein that is caused by low calcium. Eating more protein won't fix it, protein is locked out.

Type two diabetes occurs and it's a mathematical thing so you can't run from it.

Your heart runs on electricity so low calcium affects that too. The alter ego to it all is that all unused proteins float around in our bodies. Proteins are building blocks. Think lego blocks.

You can build things with the Lego instructions (RNA) or you can build weird custom things that make no sense at all (cancer).

Low calcium is the main cause of most chronic diseases.

The cool part is we evolved from plants and we still have 1 function remaining from our ancestoral connection. We photosynthesize too.

We pulled up our roots and became mobile so we can chase sugars which relinquished our ability to photosynthesize them, but we still use photosynthesis to create Vitamin D, which is required to intake and assimilate calcium.

By natures standards we are supposed to run around naked under the sun photosynthesizing Vitamin D and drinking calcium rich water from streams.

Instead we put on sunscreen and drink purified filtered water and wonder why and how we are fat and dying a slow wasting death, just like a plant that needs calmag.

Cholesterol is created inside us (good cholesterol) or intaken from animal corpses (bad cholesterol), but is vital to life.

Calcium runs the electrical system that signals and regulates cholesterol production.

Low calcium forces magnesium to take over as the main electrolyte in our bodies, but magnesium isn't as powerful as calcium, it's a secondary backup system.

It knows we need cholesterol but it doesn't have enough energy to turn cholesterol synthesis on and off millions of times a day so it turns it on and leaves it on.

No cholesterol and we die in seconds, but too much takes 20-40 years to kill us.

Chemists and big pharma figured this out.

They invented Crestor and Lipitor to lower our cholesterol. Crestor and Lipitor are just highly refined calciums that are instantly available sources of calcium. Calmag for humans.

Nasty hey? Why not just say ditch the sunscreen and eat more calcium?

Are you going bald or having erectile dysfunction? Baldness is lack of available protein as hair is pure protein, so calcium fixes that, and erectile dysfunction is the very first sympton of arterial disease caused by high cholesterol, which is also fixed by calcium. Again, nasty hey?

It's probably just coincidence that Viagra and cholesterol lowering medications are the top 2 selling pharmacuticals. The man wouldn't compromise our health for profit would he?

So if you are fat, bald, and bonerless, go get some calcium and avoid cancer, heart disease, and diabetes before it's too late.

You need calmag. You ACTUALLY need calmag. Please don't drink it tho🤣

Then after you take your calmag go brush your newly grown full head of hair and head off to get laid.

It's actually that simple. When we get sick we go to a doctor but we should actually be going to see a chemist.

That's my rant for the day.
Preach on!
Hey Gee, thanks for creating this awesome space! Loving the name, The Gee Spot is definitely where it’s at!

I’m excited to see everyone's growing styles and share some tips and tricks. I’m into organics too, but it’s great that this room is open to all styles. Living Organic Soil with spikes and layers sounds fascinating, and I’m curious about your experience with SIPS and SWICKS. Looking forward to learning and sharing in this perpetual grow room!

Let's get this grow party started!
Hey @CannabisVibes ✌️👊. Great to meet you. Welcome to Nerdville. We all found the Geespot but we aren't quite sure still if it really exists or how it really works or exactly what to do with it.🤣

If you like SIPing then @Azimuth is kicking around over by the edible crayon drawer, he's among other things, our resident SIP nerd, and for swicking Miss Carmen, @Carmen Ray is our hot nerdy chick who swicks with the best of them. She comes with a warning tho, she's a tabletop exhibitionist. You've been warned, but she will always supply the drinks. 🤣.

Anything not mean goes in here, so talk about anything, photo-bomb us if you just want to share your grow, and if you are having issues someone in here probably knows the answer.

Most in here also run their own journals so if they steer you there it's not a hijack, its freedom of information so please jump to their thread for deeper analysis, or discuss it here with them for all to listen in on.

And of course if you just want a nice drink and to watch ladies doing their thing on the tabletop once again there's Carmen🤣. She also takes really good pic's, so thats always great eye candy.

Oh, and if you want some cool actual real wild-child genetics then Matt @Lerugged is your man.

If you just love plant porn then @StoneOtter or @Gidorah or @Bill284 have you covered. They like monster sized plants.

@g-one-three grows some nice stuff too.

Actually everyone's game is pretty sweet right now

I like to cause problems and then figure out a fix cuz I bore easily, so that's always lurking in here too.

Also, if coco is your thing then you will love @Bill284. He's crazy for coco(puffs) and he does it the best.
Coo Coo for CoCo, hehe :thanks: Buddy

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Mornin' Bill👊☕
It's a beautiful afternoon here Amigo.
Over 100 in the greenhouse already. 😅
No cutting grass today I'm afraid 🤣
Hope your having a great day my friend :passitleft:
Almost smoke time :bong:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's a beautiful afternoon here Amigo.
Over 100 in the greenhouse already. 😅
No cutting grass today I'm afraid 🤣
Hope your having a great day my friend :passitleft:
Almost smoke time :bong:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I am! I spent the morning wandering around Victoria, BC and now Mrs and I are heading outvto Lee Valley Tools😍
I am! I spent the morning wandering around Victoria, BC and now Mrs and I are heading outvto Lee Valley Tools😍
Enjoy my friend :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Well Gee, don't have to twist my arm. Any dosage suggestions?

Well Gee, don't have to twist my arm. Any dosage suggestions?

Haha nice G! Thats actually my preferred brand exactly. I shoot for 1 litre a day, which is basically 1 quart a day.

That gives me 80% of my daily calcium. Notice the nice 2.5 to 1 cal to mag ratio? Dolomite in a carton🤣.

I only eat plants tho so I can use the calories. If you eat animal protein a quart will add a lot of calories.Unless of course you are dropping a quart of milk and replacing it with a quart of soy.

You are in a blue zone, you should be teaching us G!
Haha nice G! Thats actually my preferred brand exactly. I shoot for 1 litre a day, which is basically 1 quart a day.

That gives me 80% of my daily calcium. Notice the nice 2.5 to 1 cal to mag ratio? Dolomite in a carton🤣.

I only eat plants tho so I can use the calories. If you eat animal protein a quart will add a lot of calories.Unless of course you are dropping a quart of milk and replacing it with a quart of soy.

You are in a blue zone, you should be teaching us G!
Gotta laugh, just for the record, I'm not fat bald and bonerless. Could stand to lose a couple lbs though. Love yourself like you love your plants!
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