Eyes on the prize, and all that. :thumb:

lol Yes👍 Also, its really wierd seeing pistils in solo cups. I hope all of mine show soon and yours. That would be consistency.

What you were saying about males being longer to show, I have found the same thing other than the odd exception.

Gotta go check the babies.
I find the males show faster after flip, but in veg, I've had more males show nothing than I have show preflowers.

I don't grow from seed all that often so I'm sure there must be indicators more experienced growers could tell with, but I like to be sure so I stck with what works for me.

Well look at that! 13 days of 12/12 light and then to 18/6, and on day 25 we have a girl!

Best part... Its the giant seedling.

I picked the wrong days to leave apparently as the pistils are at least a couple days old now.

Hopefully @Azimuth can catch an exact day.

I'm going to say yesterday, so day 24, but I think it was likely earlier that the pistils popped.

Either way, it works👍



1 of the 6 swicky soil clones has rooted at Day 21, but the other 5 haven't yet. The soil is still too wet but....


The bubble clone I dropped into the 10gal 12 days ago is growing like mad! None, as in zero, hardening off time, no leaf stress, quite simply my best clone uppot ever... and trust me when I say I have cut a few clones or a thousand or 2. This is the way👍Bubblecloner to a swick/sip 10gal. F#@k Yeah! I wanted a clone cut straight into a 10gal, so I will have to keep pondering that one, but I tell you folks, this is impressive and I don't impress easily, not to this degree. Its 13" tall. It was 7.5" when I planted it.


And then these 2. They transplanted and went wilty for the 1st few hours.

Now at day 5 in soil they are already growing and again...zero leaf stress.

Too bad I put them in 1.66gals but if they root quick I'm going to flower them in those pots just to see.


Not only have the 2 new clones grown but they are maturing too. Again...Wow! I hate bubble cloning but maybe I don't now😊.

I think making large mother plants and cutting large clones into the bubble cloner and into final sized swicky/sippy is the way to go. They show a bit of nitro toxicity but its corrected itself already so the soil's calcium has mag under control.

What a great start.

I think I will keep the big swicky 10gal plant as a mother plant and let it get really big tops to see how big we can go with clones.


No sex showing on The Mutant yet but it's growing very well.

If its a girl I will cut a clone to preserve the mutation, or at least try, and then flower it out in another 4 weeks as an untopped bush just to see what/how it shapes itself naturally. Hopefully when the nodes start to stagger it stays a tripod.

UPDATE: I went back to the tent to double check the 12/12 gang a little closer and I'm pretty sure I see a 2nd Gal.

Tomorrow will be able to tell for sure.

Just in time too.

25 days in solos with ewc and fish ferts is pushing it. 1 is starting to cannibalize its bottom leaves so tomorrow I will fish fert them again. The mutant, which is a member of the 12/12 gang, is twice the size of the ones still in solos.
So the method is proven on the first shot! That's fantastic! 30 days is way good!
Sometimes I dust the paper to add more horsepower cuz, you know, the smaller ones are only a quarter ounce each🤣.

I usually make up 15-20 papers at a time. It takes 2 papers to wrap around a cigar.

When the oil is warm on the mat I lay the paper in and let it sit until almost cool, then peel them up.

Once they are room temp the oil turns to shatter so if you bend the paper it does indeed shatter, and sends shards of oil everywhere.

I carefully stack the papers with parchment between and store them in an envelope.

When I use them I warm then a bit on a warm tray to make them sticky again and wrap the cigar.

The draw hole goes all the way thru.


You close the mold, stand it on end, remove the ramrod, pour in the weed, and start packing until its full.


open it up and you have this.


Then wrap it, and with a pair of miniature vise grips I lock onto the skewer and pull it out.

I love that! It reminds me of a boy scout sawdust stove where you compress sawdust with a hole in the middle. A large coffee can or bucket and a pipe for the hole will do. Light the hole and it naturally chimneys up a nice fire for a good long time.
Well we definitely have 2 females in the 12/12 gang and I'm pretty sure of a third.

Also 1 male for sure and possibly a 2nd.

Well we definitely have 2 females in the 12/12 gang and I'm pretty sure of a third.

Also 1 male for sure and possibly a 2nd.


The Mutant is still in the closet, but fingers crossed it's a she🤞


The big mother has fully recovered from the heavy pruning. She drank her 9 litre reservoir completely dry in the 4 days I was gone. I'm not sure if I should keep her or not, she is a bit too leggy for indoors, and outdoors is what I bred this cross for, maybe I will flower her out with the clones and move on. Decisions Decisions....
Hehehe I think I know what I will do with the motherplant in the 10gal.

I think tomorrow she will show me her rootball.

I want to see if its ready for flower more than I want to see it after flower.
Hi Gee. Please will you do the Early Sexing For Idiots Guide for me? I need to know step by step what to do and when in order to sex the plants early. I will be very grateful indeed :D
Hopefully later today Carmen. The wife has me painting the walls.
Good luck with the paint job! No pressure Gee, it's not urgent :thumb:
Heres a cool thing. Its one of the males from the 12/12 experiment in a swicky cup. I culled it and here are the roots.

It was like a spongy mass of feeder roots, no uninhabited soil, with the main roots running down the outer walls to cage the feeders in between the main tap and the sidewall mains.

26 days in a solo.
OK @Carmen Ray here it is.

We were having a discussion about an article The Rev wrote stating that if you sprout regular seeds under a 12/12 light schedule for their 1st 10 days of life, then flip them to 18/6 veg lighting, by day 30 you should see sex.

I screwed up and went for 13 days at 12/12 and then flipped to 18/6 and got sex showing on day 25.

Possibly day 24 as I wasn't home to look.

A 2nd showed late day 25 and I confirmed on day 26.

Both girls.

On day 26 a 1st male showed and I think possibly a 2nd but will confirm tomorrow.

When Azi discovered my mistake he immediately popped a seed and will flip to 18/6 on day 10 and we can compare results.
Gee, this went a bit over my head but I think that what you have just proven, is that you can send a photoperiod plant into early transition to check sex, and then allow the plant to continue to veg until flip? Is that correct?
And technically, we're not flipping and then revegging since the seedlings are not yet sexually mature, but somehow the 12/12 light schedule for the first 10 days must make the hormones line up better for early pre-flowers.

Bringing them back to 18/6 ensures they don't try to start flowering as soon as they are sexually mature, and getting them more light hours early in their lives generally means bigger plants.
When Azi discovered my mistake he immediately popped a seed and will flip to 18/6 on day 10 and we can compare results.
Yeah, I wouldn't call it a mistake as we were working with incomplete information to start. But once @StoneOtter tracked down the source reference we were able to get back on track.

And I sprouted it in my veg space as that's where my heat mat is, but moved the seedling as soon as it broke ground. Yesterday was day 10 for me so today it got moved back to veg and the countdown begins.

I almost don't care what the sex shows at this point since I'll probably be replacing this strain with another cbd strain that I think will serve my purposes better. So, in that line of thinking, I almost hope it's a male so I won't feel so bad about moving on. :rolleyes:
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