Reusing soil and soilless mediums are fine but you get better results by resetting, sterilizing and re-buffer the medium to get it back to its original state before re-use

Do you have a source for this (for soil)? I have a source that says almost the exact opposite. I would like to take a look at the reasoning and justification behind sterilizing soil. I understand resetting and re-buffering, I do both, but sterilizing is something I typically avoid at all costs, unless it’s through accelerated decomposition.

Edit: Formatting
What's the soil amended with so we could better help?
It's tne Rev's mix with 25% extra calcium in the forms of dolomite, oyster shell, and gypsum.

First impression is a to big pot for the size of plant and a overly dry medium.
I prefer to start my plants in their final containers, as it builds a better rootball, you just need to be patient.

Then I saw the smaller plants, it's not a good idea to mix different stages of growth in one single regular pot.
The bigger one in the middle is out of sync, but they were all uppotted for this grow so it's rootball wasn't very far ahead of the others. It was severely damaged so I didn't expect it to survive. I normally grow 4 plants in seperate pots and the tent has a bit of room left so I threw in a 5th this time, but it still may not survive. I just want this soil to get as used as possible so next grow will be better.
The lower temps will worsen the problems.
They certainly do.
You seem to mix styles of growing and that's not always a good idea.
Not sure what that means, can you please clarify the mixing part.
It looks like you grow several plants "No-til" in one single regular fabric pot where a regular temperature controlled garden bed would be superior for your style of growing by better keeping water, temperature and gives bigger and better space for roots and microbes to flourish.
You really need to read my whole journal, this is my 1st go with 1 big pot. It's 100% a learning experience. The main problem is that I have never grown any of these genetics before, and the soil mix is one that I have tweaked for many years to grow Durban Poison in. These genetics find it too strong. Sink or swim Ladies. The winner gets the whole pot next grow. In hindsight I should have ran Durban Poison for this pot's 1st run.
Reusing soil and soilless mediums are fine but you get better results by resetting, sterilizing and re-buffer the medium to get it back to its original state before re-use.
Do you mean reusing the soil as in rebuilding it between runs, or are you referring to the no-till never getting fully rebuilt?

Normally I grow in 10gal pots and rebuild between runs. The biggest plants on the planet are all in soil that has never been rebuilt.

So I will give no-till a try, but I have my doubts. These are just annuals, not California Redwoods or Sequoias.

Rebuilding between runs allows me the comfort of knowing whats in the pot. I'm hoping to learn more about management than growing with this big pot.

Mostly I'm bored.

What style of organics do you grow with?
Hey Gee man and co, I hope you are having a good weekend.
Hey Carmen✌️😊. I am.

It's been a full on family fest since Christmas. It starts on Dec 24tgh when my nephew has his birthday, then Christmas, then Boxing Day which is my wife's bday, then New Years Eve which was my Fathers bday, so that was always a big party. He has since passed, but New Years Eve became a family tradition so it still carries on, and finally my bday yesterday.

I'm officially old now. A pensioner😎🤣.

So I haven't been around a lot and my grow gets ignored too. But it's time to get growing again. I must get over to your journal and see what you are up to. I saw you harvested, thats awesome! This grow treated you well😎
Oh dang, I just remembered that you take time off for annual visitors.

Got a tree you can hide a pot in? Strap on some spikes and climb up like a telephone pole guy? If we only knew a guy who could guide you on this.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

How are you? When does company arrive?
Hey Carmen✌️😊. I am.

It's been a full on family fest since Christmas. It starts on Dec 24tgh when my nephew has his birthday, then Christmas, then Boxing Day which is my wife's bday, then New Years Eve which was my Fathers bday, so that was always a big party. He has since passed, but New Years Eve became a family tradition so it still carries on, and finally my bday yesterday.

I'm officially old now. A pensioner😎🤣.

So I haven't been around a lot and my grow gets ignored too. But it's time to get growing again. I must get over to your journal and see what you are up to. I saw you harvested, thats awesome! This grow treated you well😎
Oh dang, I just remembered that you take time off for annual visitors.

Got a tree you can hide a pot in? Strap on some spikes and climb up like a telephone pole guy? If we only knew a guy who could guide you on this.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

How are you? When does company arrive?
Happy belated birthday G-man! Really do appreciate all the expertise and willingness to learn and experiment. You have made me a better grower and i thank you for that.
Happy belated birthday G-man! Really do appreciate all the expertise and willingness to learn and experiment. You have made me a better grower and i thank you for that.
You are welcome👊 I'm glad I could help.

Growing organically is tough until someone types out 1 quadrillion words. It's really easy if you are in the same room talking instead of typing.

I'm a full on health junky so organics is not only worth it to me, but I also believe everyone should at least be able to try it once for themselves.

It's really hard to get past the newbie stage, but once you master the basics it becomes incredibly easy, and it transfers to all your plants, not just weed.

So I don't mind spreading the word. You need to repeat yourself a lot too, but thats the nature of it. You explain something, someone tries it, it works, they move on, then hit another wall, so you explain it again, they move on, hit another wall... and thats actually a good thing. By the time they get thru a couple grows they are off and running amuck down their own rabbit hole, and then one day they encounter something and ask about it and you have an Aha moment. Kinda like the saying "Every now and then it's good to look out thru the eyes of a child". New growers turning into accomplished growers almost always supplies at least 1 aha moment.

I call that Payday. 😊❤️

Calcium Man, it's all in the calcium....

*And what I tell you is usually only 99% true, but it works so I don't over-complicate it for the new growers. When they come back and say things like " Hey you said yada yada, but right here I found you need to do this instead.." which is their way of saying "Hey Gee, you were wrong" I just smile and grade their paper with an "A".

It means they won't keep asking the same question anymore because they finally figured out, in their mind, the synergy of the whole process and can now make good decisions ahead of time, not reactionary ones cleaning up messes.
Hey Carmen✌️😊. I am.

It's been a full on family fest since Christmas. It starts on Dec 24tgh when my nephew has his birthday, then Christmas, then Boxing Day which is my wife's bday, then New Years Eve which was my Fathers bday, so that was always a big party. He has since passed, but New Years Eve became a family tradition so it still carries on, and finally my bday yesterday.

I'm officially old now. A pensioner😎🤣.

So I haven't been around a lot and my grow gets ignored too. But it's time to get growing again. I must get over to your journal and see what you are up to. I saw you harvested, thats awesome! This grow treated you well😎
Oh dang, I just remembered that you take time off for annual visitors.

Got a tree you can hide a pot in? Strap on some spikes and climb up like a telephone pole guy? If we only knew a guy who could guide you on this.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

How are you? When does company arrive?
Wow a lotta birthdays! Happy happy, and enjoy being a pensioner.

My family start arriving next month and I will be back to growing in May! I don't mind the break atm actually. It's forcing me to focus on getting a life :laugh:
Getting a life.... I've heard that that is actually a thing! I may have to try it one day.

I almost made it last winter but some Chick started some thread about SWICK'ing and I couldn't resist🤣🤣🤣
H'lo there Gee man. How goes it? I hope you are having a good week.
I am. I topdressed EWC on the Gang today and then a layer of mulch. On Thursday we go on vacation for a week so we have been getting ready for that. How about you?
All good thanks. Glad to see you're getting a life ;)
A week on one of The Discovery Islands, beach walking and forest roaming❤️
Wow, to be able to do something like that is a dream. Enjoy it the Gees :green_heart:
I raised the temps and watered with fish water, then meticulously added a topdress layer of EWC between all the baby kales, lettuces, and spinaches that are my cover crops, then layered that with a mulch of Seasoil, which is douglas fir bark mulch composted with wild salmon guts and carcasses for a couple years. It's great stuff. But again, meticulous around the cover crops. Then watered it in gently and today, which is a couple days since I did it, the 4 seedlings are looking much better, almost happy, and Wild Lady spread thru the center, although still heavily stressed, is perking, so she's moving water, so I guess she will live. Thats the good news.


The bad news is that the pump in my cloner died, so when I get home I will cut some new ones. Wild Lady didn't like aero-cloning anyways.


And the worms all rejoiced as they danced around a cauldron naked, under a full moon, spoons in hand.....🤣
I raised the temps and watered with fish water, then meticulously added a topdress layer of EWC between all the baby kales, lettuces, and spinaches that are my cover crops, then layered that with a mulch of Seasoil, which is douglas fir bark mulch composted with wild salmon guts and carcasses for a couple years. It's great stuff. But again, meticulous around the cover crops. Then watered it in gently and today, which is a couple days since I did it, the 4 seedlings are looking much better, almost happy, and Wild Lady spread thru the center, although still heavily stressed, is perking, so she's moving water, so I guess she will live. Thats the good news.


The bad news is that the pump in my cloner died, so when I get home I will cut some new ones. Wild Lady didn't like aero-cloning anyways.

And the worms all rejoiced as they danced around a cauldron naked, under a full moon, spoons in hand.....🤣
Im loving that giant pot full of goodness, hoping that soil settles down. Plants will rally out of it and only get better from here i hope. Enjoy your vacation!
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