Hi @Bill284 - how goes it man?
Morning Jon. :ciao:
Just curing up the greenhouse, 12 pounds only. ;)
I had to salvage what I could.
Not enough sun this far north.
Lights again next year.
Getting ready to fire up the vivohut.
Have one more thing on the honey do list and back to growing.
How are you doing, everything ready To go?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not Cindy Congo, but I believe I may have some seeds. I have grown his Cindy99. I think Durban is better but C99 is pretty good.

I grew a 9 ft Cherry Malawi in an 8 ft tent though🤣 It's pretty strong stuff. Really cool to grow. It had long arms like your Table Mountains did.

It made a beautiful deep red cherry hash oil. Best oil I have ever made.
Cool! I'm tossing what the next sativa is back and forth. Cherry Malawi sounds fun! I also have a couple of African Meltdown seeds. That was the highest I've gotten on 4 puffs and did put me on the border of paranoia. Very intense, maybe too much! Nah I might try it! It was something!
Morning Gee man and hive mind,

I collected my bag of Essential Blend today. A little goes a long way. You mix up to 600 ml into spent soil to revive it. I have added it to my spent soil already and will leave it to do its thing until May.

Whilst I was at the supplier I asked about feeding the plants in bloom. He suggested I go with a top dress or tea with ewc, guano and rock phosphate. He suggested I keep using the banana extract too.

Now, in the hopes of saving some money, I was wondering if I could use the Essential Blend instead of buying separately the guano and rock phosphate. I'm hoping you can advise me.

This is what is in the Essential Blend.


  • A slow releasing natural fertilizer
  • Contains a natural growth hormone – Triacontanol, which stimulates development


  • Increased number of beneficial soil microbes especially mycorrhizae
  • Increased water retention
  • Increased cation-exchange capacity resulting in improved soil fertility
  • Moderating of soil acidity
  • Reduced leaching of nutrients


  • Abundant source of enzymes
  • Great sugar source for microbes
  • High in amino acids
  • Various nutrients
  • Good source of silicon


  • Increased cation-exchange capacity
  • Improves the efficiency and value of fertiliser
  • Improves water infiltration and retention
  • Improves yield
  • Retains nutrients for use by plants
  • Improves long term soil quality
  • Reduces loss of nutrients in soil


  • Similar to bokashi but with added fish meal
  • Used to inoculate with EM (Effective microbes)
  • Great inoculation and nutritional product in one


  • Rock dust containing 72 minerals and trace elements
  • Stimulates soil micro-organism activity
  • Contributes to building of humus complexes
  • Increases yields
  • Buffers PH levels


  • Slow releasing organic fertilizer


  • Naturally occurring silica sediment.
  • Used for its natural insect repelling properties


  • Retains water and fertiliser and then feeds it back to the plant/soil as the soil dries out
  • Contains auxins and cytokinins
  • Slowly releases nutrients beneficial to plant growth


  • Natural slow releasing fertilizer, with nutrients and trace elements


  • Natural raw source of sulfur and calcium


  • Natural soil buffer
  • Natural raw source of magnesium and calcium


  • Natural raw calcium source

Morning Gee man and hive mind,

I collected my bag of Essential Blend today. A little goes a long way. You mix up to 600 ml into spent soil to revive it. I have added it to my spent soil already and will leave it to do its thing until May.

Whilst I was at the supplier I asked about feeding the plants in bloom. He suggested I go with a top dress or tea with ewc, guano and rock phosphate. He suggested I keep using the banana extract too.

Now, in the hopes of saving some money, I was wondering if I could use the Essential Blend instead of buying separately the guano and rock phosphate. I'm hoping you can advise me.

This is what is in the Essential Blend.


  • A slow releasing natural fertilizer
  • Contains a natural growth hormone – Triacontanol, which stimulates development


  • Increased number of beneficial soil microbes especially mycorrhizae
  • Increased water retention
  • Increased cation-exchange capacity resulting in improved soil fertility
  • Moderating of soil acidity
  • Reduced leaching of nutrients


  • Abundant source of enzymes
  • Great sugar source for microbes
  • High in amino acids
  • Various nutrients
  • Good source of silicon


  • Increased cation-exchange capacity
  • Improves the efficiency and value of fertiliser
  • Improves water infiltration and retention
  • Improves yield
  • Retains nutrients for use by plants
  • Improves long term soil quality
  • Reduces loss of nutrients in soil


  • Similar to bokashi but with added fish meal
  • Used to inoculate with EM (Effective microbes)
  • Great inoculation and nutritional product in one


  • Rock dust containing 72 minerals and trace elements
  • Stimulates soil micro-organism activity
  • Contributes to building of humus complexes
  • Increases yields
  • Buffers PH levels


  • Slow releasing organic fertilizer


  • Naturally occurring silica sediment.
  • Used for its natural insect repelling properties


  • Retains water and fertiliser and then feeds it back to the plant/soil as the soil dries out
  • Contains auxins and cytokinins
  • Slowly releases nutrients beneficial to plant growth


  • Natural slow releasing fertilizer, with nutrients and trace elements


  • Natural raw source of sulfur and calcium


  • Natural soil buffer
  • Natural raw source of magnesium and calcium


  • Natural raw calcium source

You probably could, but that mix is likely mostly calcium. Thats not nescessarily bad, but as a top dress it might be a bit light on the rest but, theres only one way to see. A global ammendment will have more calcium than a top dressing will.

It will be a slow release top dress, so it may take a month to show its effects. Rock dusts and EWC, like he recommended, are best, and long term likely much cheaper. Maybe try a side-by-side on the two to see?

Everything in my top dressing is already in my soil, but everything in my soil isn't in my topdressing.

That's because things like gypsum are vital for terpenes, but too much gives a weird skunky taste, not a good skunky taste, so global mixes aren't always best long term as top dressing.

Also too much soft rock phosphate will mess with myco, so you don't want SRP in a top dressing unless you really know your soil.

After a couple runs your pot will get to heavy on some ingredients.

Myself I don't like meals in top dressings. Meals should be cooked in or composted before top dressing.

A green meal finding raw carbon in the pot will hot compost in the pot.

But meals in a tea work fine, really fine, so he recomended teas as well.

I run all my meals thru my worm farm to compost them and that way they are already in my EWC in a safe manner.

One of the few premixed things I buy is a premade top dressing. It's only marginally more expensive than making it yourself, so id I can't find an ingredient I need to make topdressing (covid supply chain issues are still real) I don't hesitate to use a commercial topdressing.

By the sounds of his recomendations, he is actually telling you good advice, not trying to just sell you something in a bottle. He likely knows his stuff, as it was good advice he gave you.

Exactly what I do actually.

As for a soil rebuilder, I don't know how much you should use as every mix is different in strength, but those are excellent ingredients.

Personally, I wouldn't top dress with it, I would follow his advice or purchase an actual organic top dressing.

You need a worm farm😎. Go sit on Santa's knee, make promises you likely won't keep, and see if Santa brings you one.🤣
You probably could, but that mix is likely mostly calcium. Thats not nescessarily bad, but as a top dress it might be a bit light on the rest but, theres only one way to see. A global ammendment will have more calcium than a top dressing will.

It will be a slow release top dress, so it may take a month to show its effects. Rock dusts and EWC, like he recommended, are best, and long term likely much cheaper. Maybe try a side-by-side on the two to see?
Thank you Gee now that you explain it all I won't skimp. I'd rather buy the separate ingredients for the tea. I must buy a pump and bubbler too, or can I get away without one?
Everything in my top dressing is already in my soil, but everything in my soil isn't in my topdressing.

That's because things like gypsum are vital for terpenes, but too much gives a weird skunky taste, not a good skunky taste, so global mixes aren't always best long term as top dressing.

Also too much soft rock phosphate will mess with myco, so you don't want SRP in a top dressing unless you really know your soil.

After a couple runs your pot will get to heavy on some ingredients.

Myself I don't like meals in top dressings. Meals should be cooked in or composted before top dressing.

A green meal finding raw carbon in the pot will hot compost in the pot.

But meals in a tea work fine, really fine, so he recomended teas as well.

I run all my meals thru my worm farm to compost them and that way they are already in my EWC in a safe manner.

One of the few premixed things I buy is a premade top dressing. It's only marginally more expensive than making it yourself, so id I can't find an ingredient I need to make topdressing (covid supply chain issues are still real) I don't hesitate to use a commercial topdressing.

By the sounds of his recomendations, he is actually telling you good advice, not trying to just sell you something in a bottle. He likely knows his stuff, as it was good advice he gave you.

Exactly what I do actually.

As for a soil rebuilder, I don't know how much you should use as every mix is different in strength, but those are excellent ingredients.

Personally, I wouldn't top dress with it, I would follow his advice or purchase an actual organic top dressing.

You need a worm farm😎. Go sit on Santa's knee, make promises you likely won't keep, and see if Santa brings you one.🤣
🪱 :laughtwo:
A pump or bubbler is best. I use a cheapo 2 outlet fish tank air pump that has a volume dial. I hook it to two air stones and toss them both into the tea pail. Just remember to scrub them off immediately after pulling them from the tea. Don't let the stones dry out before cleaning, and use a brush to scrub them.
Azi likely has a chant that you can use, if sung properly, while eating eye-of-nute and dancing around under a full moon wearing a bat wing g-string that may just make a tea appear out of thin air, but my neighbors prefer when I use the bubbler. 🤣
I'm doing the egg shell calcium next :) I mean making a solution to use in future.
Go down the beach chom and get some cuttlebone. Crush it into powder and you have pure calcuim carbonate
I have some in my garden. I'm not sure how to apply it. I can easily go get more. I was looking at them earlier and wondering. How would you suggest applying it in the event of a calcium deficiency? I'd hate to OD the plants.
I just powder it up and mix it into the soil. easier while the plants are smaller as you can scratch it in a bit. otherwise, earthworm castings should give you a boost. but it's a week or so. if I wasn't organic I would probably add something like calcium nitrate
Durban Poison - Day 51 of Flower.

Leaf drop has stopped completely, and I was supposed to top dress yesterday but I don't want to disturb them. They can get it tomorrow with some EWC and fish water, then a mulch.

Today is all about resin and calyxes. They are swelling really fast and I have as much resin as I have ever had on this strain, and it is still packing it on.

I really don't want to disturb them today. It's really stinky in there. They are up to something so I will bug them tomorrow.

Three more weeks til harvest, give or take a day, so any time in the next week I should see an ugly non-spectacular yellowing that looks like an ugly nitro def, but thats just how this strain finishes.

It just yellows out and fades away.

Nothing fancy, just really nice smoke and lots of it.


Larf Valley, down between the peaks. Not bad for bottom feeder bud😎. I love manifolding because I hate trimming.


Some swelling on this pheno.


This one too.


The tall lanky one is growing the coolest buds. The calyxes are huge and elongated, but not foxtailed.


Same pheno.


And again.


The least swollen pheno.


This pheno is the one I want the most. It looks like the best smoke.
Dueban Poison - Day 52 of Flower.


I took a bunch of pics but on the wrong setting. It looks like I'm using HPS 🤣.





This pheno has the elusive pink gene in it. The leaves may stripe out with reds.






Tomorrow they will get top dressed. They are drinking hard, swelling fast, and cranking out the smells. I'm not going to disturb them yet.

The next topdressing will be the last. Tomorrow is a better day for it.
I got the topdressing all done today. Usually there is about an inch of ewc/mulch/topdressing that sits on the soil surface above the live zone. Today I scratched in about a quarter inch and earthworms retreated.

I may have to topdress once more, it's incredible how fast they are comsuming both food and water right now.

The VPD has been rock solid at 1.4 for over 2 weeks now and they are running really strong.

The first signs of finish are creeping in to the leaves.

They are stinky and gooey, and the resin push is about to start😊.

This is going to be a really nice bounty.
Durban Poison - Day 53 of Flower.

They are still drinking a ton. They will get their final topdressing later today.










Feel free to stop bulking up whenever…we’ll wait….
Incredible. Very impressed with the consistency of the colas. Is that in part due to keeping them completely straight up and down (or pretty damn close)?
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