Thanks,yea it was bagseed,they Hermed at flip after topping n strip. It was a bagseed pheno hunt so I was expecting it but these 4 waited til flower to break gender lol they were really good looking especially my fav called Donu. Thick juicy stems,thick branching like a reveg and tight nodes mmmmhhhhmmmm ....yea it hurt...but I back on track luckily I'm starting a continuous harvest and had the veg girls to spare. Now I'm focused on cloning. 2 of the original flower girls are good and they are huge see look day 8 of flower before schwazzing..
Everything all good I got a full canopy and clean genetics!! It's all down hill from here. The plant on left is Paisley and she my fav,just look at her!!! I also think you doing a great job with this thread,very informative,friendly and convos always moving ty guys