Feel free to stop bulking up whenever…we’ll wait….
Incredible. Very impressed with the consistency of the colas. Is that in part due to keeping them completely straight up and down (or pretty damn close)?
It is. It's the selling point of manifolding for me. 4 plants gives me a scrog-like canopy, but I can pop a plant out of the tent any time I need to with no scrog screen to deal with.

At 8 main colas, all on equal pipes, you still get nice big show quality buds.

Taking it one more topping to 16 works fairly well too, but bud size drops a lot.

4 colas gives you really fat colas, but you end up with light hitting the floor.

So I go with 8. A 10 gallon pot of soil can support 8 colas quite well.
It is. It's the selling point of manifolding for me. 4 plants gives me a scrog-like canopy, but I can pop a plant out of the tent any time I need to with no scrog screen to deal with.

At 8 main colas, all on equal pipes, you still get nice big show quality buds.

Taking it one more topping to 16 works fairly well too, but bud size drops a lot.

4 colas gives you really fat colas, but you end up with light hitting the floor.

So I go with 8. A 10 gallon pot of soil can support 8 colas quite well.
I remember you saying part of that relationship between cola support and pot size. It’s why I’m using four tens in the next grow.
I scoped the trichs yesterday. Still crystal clear with the odd one here or there starting to cloud up.

If I had to harvest today I would be content with the colas. The extra calcium really made a difference. It was like adding a secret ingredient to really solidify the grow.

For what these plants have been through, and all the light damage in the leaves, combined with some tip burn, all I really did was stay dilligent with fish water and top dressing, and one kelp/minerals/ewc microbe tea without too much else in it.

If you put all your efforts into your soil and your VPD, they get very resilient.

A first time grower could have mixed this dirt and top dressed every 10 days, give 2 litres of fish water weekly to each, brewed 2 teas from seed to harvest,stayed out of their way, and most importantly DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, AND DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, and ended up with the same plants.

I was hoping for a perfect grow, but this run is a great display of how good LOS is. For anyone contemplating starting out, this is work up front, but once the grow starts it's pretty much auto-pilot and a top dressing schedule.

1st run soil and a broken light, and it will still make the finish line. The magical power of EWC and Myco.

And we still have 18 days to go....

and when it's done, I will have 40 gallons of potted worm farms to reammend and do it again😎

LOS gives the plants the freedom to display true genetic potential, so you get more pronounced pheno's and a wider range of tastes and smells.

With no bud hardeners, these colas smell and taste like the dna says they should. Yet the buds are hard. Not to mention fairly bulky.

They ARE only sativas, so they aren't expected to get indica sized buds, but they are OK.

It will get Mrs Gee and myself through for awhile.

Plus I'm lazy. LOS endorses laziness😊.

Also, congratulations to @MicroGrowerMan on his stunning winner of Photo of the Month❤️. It gives us a level to aim for👊.
I scoped the trichs yesterday. Still crystal clear with the odd one here or there starting to cloud up.

If I had to harvest today I would be content with the colas. The extra calcium really made a difference. It was like adding a secret ingredient to really solidify the grow.

For what these plants have been through, and all the light damage in the leaves, combined with some tip burn, all I really did was stay dilligent with fish water and top dressing, and one kelp/minerals/ewc microbe tea without too much else in it.

If you put all your efforts into your soil and your VPD, they get very resilient.

A first time grower could have mixed this dirt and top dressed every 10 days, give 2 litres of fish water weekly to each, brewed 2 teas from seed to harvest,stayed out of their way, and most importantly DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, AND DON'T PLUCK LEAVES, and ended up with the same plants.

I was hoping for a perfect grow, but this run is a great display of how good LOS is. For anyone contemplating starting out, this is work up front, but once the grow starts it's pretty much auto-pilot and a top dressing schedule.

1st run soil and a broken light, and it will still make the finish line. The magical power of EWC and Myco.

And we still have 18 days to go....

and when it's done, I will have 40 gallons of potted worm farms to reammend and do it again😎

LOS gives the plants the freedom to display true genetic potential, so you get more pronounced pheno's and a wider range of tastes and smells.

With no bud hardeners, these colas smell and taste like the dna says they should. Yet the buds are hard. Not to mention fairly bulky.

They ARE only sativas, so they aren't expected to get indica sized buds, but they are OK.

It will get Mrs Gee and myself through for awhile.

Plus I'm lazy. LOS endorses laziness😊.

Also, congratulations to @MicroGrowerMan on his stunning winner of Photo of the Month❤️. It gives us a level to aim for👊.
Ah Gee. Sometimes you make it sound so easy….
Durban Poison - Day 55 of Flower.

Water consumption is dropping and some yellowing is starting to creep in. It's time to ripen. 😎


So that's about as nuggy as they will get but the resin should really start to plump up now.










I can't believe I made it. This grow has been work. This is why every leaf matters.

Obviously not defoliating doesn't make for small buds.

Those leaves are your buffer between good and bad, you always want enough below the buds to give you 2 weeks worth of time.

The problems I had to straighten out in the pots were absorbed by about 15 leaves overall before I got ahead of it, and not a single cola branch lost a leaf so the buds didn't notice.

And now it's senescence. All the minerals collected over the plant's life are stored in the leaves, waiting for senescence. The plant will now stop eating from the soil and start pulling all those hand selected minerals from the leaves and use them mainly to boost resin and terpenes. The more leaves, the better the ripening.

Home stretch begins today. It's about to get stinky. Here we go.
Durban Poison - Day 55 of Flower.

Water consumption is dropping and some yellowing is starting to creep in. It's time to ripen. 😎


So that's about as nuggy as they will get but the resin should really start to plump up now.










I can't believe I made it. This grow has been work. This is why every leaf matters.

Obviously not defoliating doesn't make for small buds.

Those leaves are your buffer between good and bad, you always want enough below the buds to give you 2 weeks worth of time.

The problems I had to straighten out in the pots were absorbed by about 15 leaves overall before I got ahead of it, and not a single cola branch lost a leaf so the buds didn't notice.

And now it's senescence. All the minerals collected over the plant's life are stored in the leaves, waiting for senescence. The plant will now stop eating from the soil and start pulling all those hand selected minerals from the leaves and use them mainly to boost resin and terpenes. The more leaves, the better the ripening.

Home stretch begins today. It's about to get stinky. Here we go.

That’s as “nuggy as they’ll get?” Jeez. Thought you were good.

Durban Poison - Day 55 of Flower.

Water consumption is dropping and some yellowing is starting to creep in. It's time to ripen. 😎


So that's about as nuggy as they will get but the resin should really start to plump up now.










I can't believe I made it. This grow has been work. This is why every leaf matters.

Obviously not defoliating doesn't make for small buds.

Those leaves are your buffer between good and bad, you always want enough below the buds to give you 2 weeks worth of time.

The problems I had to straighten out in the pots were absorbed by about 15 leaves overall before I got ahead of it, and not a single cola branch lost a leaf so the buds didn't notice.

And now it's senescence. All the minerals collected over the plant's life are stored in the leaves, waiting for senescence. The plant will now stop eating from the soil and start pulling all those hand selected minerals from the leaves and use them mainly to boost resin and terpenes. The more leaves, the better the ripening.

Home stretch begins today. It's about to get stinky. Here we go.
They look freaking awesome
Thanks man. Yeah, I'm pretty chuffed. Gotta get busy adding some new lines to the basket. Have an awesome Sunday.
New lines😍😍😍.

I think I'm going to put Wild Lady in a 40 gallon pot and fill the tent with just her.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I really want to grow 1 large plant. I still have 16 days to decide. If the other babies improve I will grow all 4 in 10gals.

To be clear, I screwed the babies up, the seeds are primo. I forgot myco I would guess, but the seeds all sprouted beautifully and 100% germination with no hassles👊.

You need some TMSC stickers😎. I'll fly that flag! What you have here is really unique, and exactly the strains I prefer.

Once I get them dialed I will grow the crap out of them. Mrs Gee can't wait to try it.

If I do 1 plant only, and I'm happy with the 40 gallon pot, I may grow them all 1 plant at a time.
That wild lady will fill up any space you give her. If she has long nodes then your topping can be more spread out flat.
I find tying the branches flat in a style like @StoneOtter did for the LC-18, you could fill it quick.
She stretches a bit too. Cooler Temps will get you better terps and tighter flower/less stretch
Whatever you do I'll be keen to see them grow and for you to experience something different.
That wild lady will fill up any space you give her. If she has long nodes then your topping can be more spread out flat.
I find tying the branches flat in a style like @StoneOtter did for the LC-18, you could fill it quick.
She stretches a bit too. Cooler Temps will get you better terps and tighter flower/less stretch
Whatever you do I'll be keen to see them grow and for you to experience something
If I hadn't found your seeds Matt, I was on my way to trying a 40 gallon perpetual no-till and if I liked it, then something bigger.

So with me only ending up with 1 plant, I think it's time to give it a whirl. 40 gallons should do her justice I think.

I will definitely keep the cooler temps in mind. I usually sit around 76F in flower. What would you recommend as "cooler temps?"
New lines😍😍😍.

I think I'm going to put Wild Lady in a 40 gallon pot and fill the tent with just her.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I really want to grow 1 large plant. I still have 16 days to decide. If the other babies improve I will grow all 4 in 10gals.

To be clear, I screwed the babies up, the seeds are primo. I forgot myco I would guess, but the seeds all sprouted beautifully and 100% germination with no hassles👊.

You need some TMSC stickers😎. I'll fly that flag! What you have here is really unique, and exactly the strains I prefer.

Once I get them dialed I will grow the crap out of them. Mrs Gee can't wait to try it.

If I do 1 plant only, and I'm happy with the 40 gallon pot, I may grow them all 1 plant at a time.
A 40 in what, a 5x5?
Hi Gee and the gang, just got back home late last night. Took a pic this morning, here are the plants at day 29. Took a while to catch up on this journal, Durbans are gonna finish great and i hope your TMSC grow works out. Going to fertilize with Geoflora veg tonight and look into quadlining these gals soon. I wish they were outdoors in the right season, the potential for monster plants is there. Will give a more detailed update after i catch up on some sleep

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