Durban Poison - Day 27 of Flower.

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Still waking up. It takes a couple hours after lights on to get a 2 degree difference. Plants raise their temps in the dark.






They are still heavy with water so fish water may have to wait a day.

Three more days til Day 30 topdressing.
Seeing what looks like white spittle on some of those leaves. Is that leftover from the thrip issue or something new? Your brix should be high enough that it shouldn't be insects but....
Its on a few of the fans that were developing when the light died. It hasn't changed. Not sure what it is. I haven't brixed them since flower started. I probably should but I find it really hard to pluck a leaf.

Too much light earlier has stressed the leaves too. I can do better next grow.
I will try to never go over 1000 PPFD moving forwards. At least for now.
As a matter of interest, do you think too much light can have an effect on uptake of nutrition that can cause tip burn? The reason I ask is because I am still getting tip burn and my light is between 900 and 1300 ppfd at various points under the light (I turn the plant to get an even spread of light). I only gave the plant 2 ml calmag in 4 L water after a break of about two weeks. Is it possible the light is the culprit rather than the calmag?
As a matter of interest, do you think too much light can have an effect on uptake of nutrition that can cause tip burn? The reason I ask is because I am still getting tip burn and my light is between 900 and 1300 ppfd at various points under the light (I turn the plant to get an even spread of light). I only gave the plant 2 ml calmag in 4 L water after a break of about two weeks. Is it possible the light is the culprit rather than the calmag?
Im not sure. Jon says autos can withstand far more light than photos.

Tip burn is usually over feeding, or calmag, or a strong tea.

When I go over 1000 PPDDI start to see a mag deficiency.

From what my Buddy tells me, that happens if the light gets bright enough that CO2 is required. I'm finding that with photos, that line is about 1050 PPFD, so I'm sticking at 1000.
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The bud zone is 12 inches top to bottom in the canopy right now. From light measurements I took I have about a 16 inch sweet spot with this light so as the buds get longer it should work out pretty good.








Like a beautiful forest. Looks like a piece of Braddah artwork.
Well here is an unforseen turn of events.

My wireless timers are "time change savvy".

Normally lights come on at 6am. Today was time change so they should have come on at 5am but they too fell back an hour. I wonder if it will screw the plants up?
I go through this every damn DST. Mine are too. And I forgot it was last night. Unless I’m mistaken, I would postulate that the same thing happened to both of us. I *think* we just shifted our 12/12 cycle by an hour. But DST messes with my dumb head so I’m not sure.
Lol, cactus in Canada?!? I would have lost money on that bet. Im down in southern California.

Didnt know that the potential for better plants is there if you start in the final pots. I just figured there are zero issues with root damage.

Got the tent dialed in, hope all 3 sprout. Enjoy
your weekend everyone.
Hi @Gidorah - we haven’t really met, what’s up? I was wondering - can keeping the Geoflora under the light all the time affect its performance? Or is it safe to do that?

It's funny how quick things change. Just like that the weight starts to come in and things start leaning.

Tomorrow I will spin any plants that need it, and start supporting colas from above.


Damn they are packing it on fast!
I go through this every damn DST. Mine are too. And I forgot it was last night. Unless I’m mistaken, I would postulate that the same thing happened to both of us. I *think* we just shifted our 12/12 cycle by an hour. But DST messes with my dumb head so I’m not sure.
I think I remember that changing cycles in the dark isn't as detrimental as changing when lights are on, as in 1 extra hour of darkness womn't hurt, but an extra hour of light could hurt.
Like a beautiful forest. Looks like a piece of Braddah artwork.
Thanks Jon. For a somewhat scattered grow they are coming thru it very nicely😊❤️.

Three to four more weeks and I'm into senescence, lets hope I can make it. 1st run soils always keep me on edge. I really hope the extra calcium doesn't cause them to eat too fast and starve at the finish line..
Well here is an unforseen turn of events.

My wireless timers are "time change savvy".

Normally lights come on at 6am. Today was time change so they should have come on at 5am but they too fell back an hour. I wonder if it will screw the plants up?
Shouldn't. The actual trip line is about 10-10.5 hours of darkness but most of us do 12 just to be safe.
Those are stacking nicely
Hi @Gidorah - we haven’t really met, what’s up? I was wondering - can keeping the Geoflora under the light all the time affect its performance? Or is it safe to do that?
Hi Jon, pleasure to meet you. You know, i never thought about that. I figured the bag is UV resistant but why take the chance? Thanks for that, i will take them out today. Time to spritz the seeds and get some coffee. Enjoy your Sunday!
Those are stacking nicely

Hi Jon, pleasure to meet you. You know, i never thought about that. I figured the bag is UV resistant but why take the chance? Thanks for that, i will take them out today. Time to spritz the seeds and get some coffee. Enjoy your Sunday!
Seeds...right... Good call🤣

I forgot about them gals. A spritzin' I shall go...
Durban Poison - Day 28


I'm still tucking leaves, but with stretch over it's not as much work. Here they are before tucking.

I think I controlled stretch quite well this round. The entire bud canopy is only 14 inches deep, so everyone gets good light. There's potential for some nice nugs.


Frost seems to be a bit farther out on the fans. The UV addition perhaps?


Edit: I'm not sure why it sometimes uses the same picture twice, I can't delete the 2nd one.
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