The Dudes Abode: An UrbanAchiever Joint


The trade stuff is kinda funny.:D
You buy our stuff or else!o_O
Stupid is as stupid does I guess. :confused:

Not sure who, but a comedian made jokes about gasoline being the same price a gallon as milk.
Wednesday I was pumping $20 of power premium for my TSI.
Wondering, who made the joke and why the hell is it not funny anymore.
$20 doesn't go very far anymore.
When I was in high school(not that old) $10 filled my trucks tank.
Now I don't use sport mode or drive unnecessarily.

Sports are meh, for me. Fun to play, not to watch.:peace:
Well that escalated quickly lol.

In other news I picked up some peat pellets and some 6” plastic pots. I will try a different approach to growing the root heath of these.

Eventually I will soak the seeds for 24 hours. Put them into the peat pellets and use the covered veg tray to get them going.

Once they are starting to send roots out of the pellets they will be put into the 6” plastic pots to fill out a bit. When they fill those pots with roots I will transplant into the totes.

Since these will be regular seeds it’s gonna be a bit of a pain. I don’t want to put males into the totes but not sure I will be able to sex them in the 6” pots before they need up potting. Thoughts?

This might be the week to order predator mites. Nematodes. Something. Lots of soil sitting there. I want to cleanse it all before setting up this next phase of life.

Part of the peat pellets solution was to give me the ideal starter for planting the red clover. Providing soil cover once the cannabis gets planted into the tote.

So far, two folks have suggested vermin-composting to me, and I haven’t wanted to add that level of work. However I never forgot their advice and I just had an idea. Seen it done elsewhere. But I could place a 6 to 8” section of pvc pipe vertically in the middle of each tote. Large holes drilled into the side. With a cap on top. Use this to put kitchen scrap in. Compost. Worms and soil organisms would break this down. I suppose that’s vermin-composting? Feeding the worms? Would I need to drain that or will the closed bin be fine? If this would work then I could just order some red wigglers with the nematodes/mites.
Vermicomposting is really very very little work. Searching for scrap is the hardest part once you have the soil in the container. I think in the 2 months that I have been up and running with them, we have invested maybe 20 minutes of work into them. First bin has about 3 more weeks to go supposedly.

Really is very easy to do.
Vermicomposting is really very very little work. Searching for scrap is the hardest part once you have the soil in the container. I think in the 2 months that I have been up and running with them, we have invested maybe 20 minutes of work into them. First bin has about 3 more weeks to go supposedly.

Really is very easy to do.

How much scraps do I need to keep a decent population of worms alive?
Shred a couple carrots , any potato peels, grind up some egg shells, used coffee grounds, anything none dairy or meats or fruits (unless you don't mind flies). I give each bin a bowl full of scrap a week (cereal bowl) . The population will level out based on the input you give it.

Seriously man, we keep a couple bowls on the counter and scrap anything usable into the bowl and throw some plastic wrap over its. A little rice here, some cucumber peels, some bread going bad, anything like that. When you have enough to toss in, give the soil a little mixing and toss the stuff in. Come back in a few days and stir it up for 20 seconds and re close it. No kidding brother, less than 5 minutes a week in the worm bins.

Just started 3 more 18 gallon bins outside with soil reclaimed from my recent harvests. So that brings me to about 90 gallons of vermicomposting soil going.
Ok I thought I had posted this yesterday after posting it in the wrong thread elsewhere. But here is what legalization looks like for me.

Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (CCLA)

The Cannabis Control and Licensing Act is guided by the Province’s priorities of protecting children and youth, promoting health and safety, keeping the criminal element out of cannabis, keeping B.C. roads safe, and supporting economic development.

The Act:

Sets 19 as the provincial minimum age to purchase sell or consume cannabis;
Allows adults to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis in a public place;
Prohibits cannabis smoking and vaping everywhere tobacco smoking and vaping are prohibited, as well as at playgrounds, sports fields, skate parks, and other places where children commonly gather;
Prohibits the use of cannabis on school properties and in vehicles;
Authorizes adults to grow up to four cannabis plants per household, but the plants must not be visible from public spaces off the property, and home cultivation will be banned in homes used as day-cares;
Establishes a cannabis retail licensing regime similar to the current licensing regime for liquor;
Provides enforcement authority to deal with illegal sales;
Creates a number of provincial cannabis offences which may result in a fine ranging from $2,000 to $100,000, imprisonment of three to 12 months, or both; and
Where necessary, to comply with Charter Rights and human rights law, exemptions will provide to individuals who are federally authorized to purchase, possess and consume medical cannabis.
I had been keeping a Gods blue Warp cutting in the vegetation tent under the 96W T-5’s for a very long time. It was starting to force flower and show signs of stress. I moved it outside into the sun and top dressed with fresh soil.

I plan on giving it to a buddy to finish outdoors. I was waiting until summer solstice to do it. It’s not big but it will still produce some decent smoke.
interesting... Not in bc.. Ontario... But still interesting... Wish they would specify what 4 plants is.... Like 4 in flower? Can have seedlings and veg plants? Or just 4 plants total... And illegal sales... Well what if i donate some to a friend in need and he reimburses me for my efforts/expenses.... Too many loopholes/lack of clarity in my opinion.
I have been out of town and laying low since late June. I have also been taking a break from cannabis during this last few weeks, only due to work and circumstances, but I am sure it’s been good for me. Both for the body and my stash lol.

I have one more out of town work trip in a few weeks so I may wait to drop seeds until after that.

News to me:

I was shocked, and disturbed, to read this morning that the US delegation at the WHO tried blocking a motion that was to Promote Breastfeeding and reduce support for alternative products. Even going so far as to threaten counties supporting the motion. Threatening to remove military support and impose trade sanctions because a country supports breastfeeding. Seriously? This is the state of affairs we are living in. Where corporate interests are being placed before human health and welfare. Simply shocking, appalling, and disgusting. It took Russia of all countries to support/introduce the motion. Welcome to the twilight zone.

Ars Technica - 32m ago
I have been out of town and laying low since late June. I have also been taking a break from cannabis during this last few weeks, only due to work and circumstances, but I am sure it’s been good for me. Both for the body and my stash lol.

I have one more out of town work trip in a few weeks so I may wait to drop seeds until after that.

News to me:

I was shocked, and disturbed, to read this morning that the US delegation at the WHO tried blocking a motion that was to Promote Breastfeeding and reduce support for alternative products. Even going so far as to threaten counties supporting the motion. Threatening to remove military support and impose trade sanctions because a country supports breastfeeding. Seriously? This is the state of affairs we are living in. Where corporate interests are being placed before human health and welfare. Simply shocking, appalling, and disgusting. It took Russia of all countries to support/introduce the motion. Welcome to the twilight zone.

US puts fierce squeeze on breastfeeding policy, shocking health officials
US puts fierce squeeze on breastfeeding policy, shocking health officials

Ars Technica - 32m ago
WOW just WOW
I am 10000% pro breastfeeding. Just the reps screwing constituents and supporting their billionaire donors.

Breast feeding is like organic soil. Feed the soil not the plant. Feed your wife and nature will feed the baby. Probably my "conspiracy theorist" coming through but it just seems like another step to disconnect a child from their parents.

As an adult if you love eating fresh healthy food packeted with vitamins and minerals, why would you give that up and start eating multivitamins and doughnuts lol. I guess that's how I see promoting formula and cow milk over natures nectar lol...

Truth is lactose intolerance is the norm and those without irritation actually have a mutated gene... we havent really drank cow milk that long as humanity.

But enough about milk.

Here to watch the next round of fun you have going urb, whenever it may begin!

I'm with Van. I "dig" these worms. Just started tote #3 yesterday. Should be some solid medium. Going to run some come winter.
If that’s the steps corporations are willing to to take over a small industry like alternative breast feeding products...

...imagine the steps they take to protect the energy industry.

It is now accepted around the world of the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. With proof. Analytical hard data proof.

Whether it’s man made or other worldly is irrelevant. The real issue is the fuel and technology that is used to make these things work. It would revolutionize the energy industry. It’s why we will never see the light of day of that tech so long as we let corporations and wealthy oligarchs control us.

Divide and conquer. Democrat versus Republican. White versus Black. Man versus Woman. Rich versus Poor. There is a reason education and independent thought is under attack. There is a reason we keep getting all sorts of new ways to distract us. It’s also why cannabis was criminalized, keep the mind trapped.
I am 10000% pro breastfeeding. Just the reps screwing constituents and supporting their billionaire donors.

Breast feeding is like organic soil. Feed the soil not the plant. Feed your wife and nature will feed the baby. Probably my "conspiracy theorist" coming through but it just seems like another step to disconnect a child from their parents.

As an adult if you love eating fresh healthy food packeted with vitamins and minerals, why would you give that up and start eating multivitamins and doughnuts lol. I guess that's how I see promoting formula and cow milk over natures nectar lol...

Truth is lactose intolerance is the norm and those without irritation actually have a mutated gene... we havent really drank cow milk that long as humanity.

But enough about milk.

Here to watch the next round of fun you have going urb, whenever it may begin!

I'm with Van. I "dig" these worms. Just started tote #3 yesterday. Should be some solid medium. Going to run some come winter.

Pretty excited myself to get the next batch growing. I have high hopes of the soil and genetics.
Yep. They only way they get our support is to create a common enemy. Whether that is the opposing party, bigots, "terrorists" (who's leaders were put into power by our governments).

That's the main reason I cant do FB anymore urb... everyone propping up their corrupt leaders. News flash, they're all corrupt because the work for donors, not constituents.

They all have the exact same agenda. Right and left. They just have a different means of accomplishing said goal. The means are what attract their supporters. But we as citizens all typically want the same thing, but instead of working to a solution, we focus on these differing approaches. Order from chaos. Divide and conquer.

Yes we have technology that is decades beyond what society knows. But it's all compartmentalized. You can watch you tube videos of anti gravity, perpetual motion and Tesla type electricity (works just like wifi). All these people basically disappeared. Along with their amazing technology. Why would the government release a technology to the public when they can use it against them? And especially when said technology will severely hurt their donors....

It's the same with cannabis. That's why it's been illegal. It cures conditions the big pharma would rather "treat". Cure it it's gone treat it and you suck their wallets dry....

It's sad so sad. And we need to wake up. The system is broken and people still defend their representatives thinking they actually care about them....
Yep. They only way they get our support is to create a common enemy. Whether that is the opposing party, bigots, "terrorists" (who's leaders were put into power by our governments).

That's the main reason I cant do FB anymore urb... everyone propping up their corrupt leaders. News flash, they're all corrupt because the work for donors, not constituents.

They all have the exact same agenda. Right and left. They just have a different means of accomplishing said goal. The means are what attract their supporters. But we as citizens all typically want the same thing, but instead of working to a solution, we focus on these differing approaches. Order from chaos. Divide and conquer.

Yes we have technology that is decades beyond what society knows. But it's all compartmentalized. You can watch you tube videos of anti gravity, perpetual motion and Tesla type electricity (works just like wifi). All these people basically disappeared. Along with their amazing technology. Why would the government release a technology to the public when they can use it against them? And especially when said technology will severely hurt their donors....

It's the same with cannabis. That's why it's been illegal. It cures conditions the big pharma would rather "treat". Cure it it's gone treat it and you suck their wallets dry....

It's sad so sad. And we need to wake up. The system is broken and people still defend their representatives thinking they actually care about them....

Exactly. Seems we followed a similar path of enlightenment
I just wish people cared enough to push the limits of their comfort zone so we could all be better off. But anyways, excited to see the strains urb. You gonna do JOTI again? They have some crosses I cant live without, better save my pesos!
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