The Dudes Abode: An UrbanAchiever Joint

I just wish people cared enough to push the limits of their comfort zone so we could all be better off. But anyways, excited to see the strains urb. You gonna do JOTI again? They have some crosses I cant live without, better save my pesos!

No I have 4 unreleased strains from Humboldt Seed Organization to try out. Bubba 76, Sour 76, Gift of Fire F2, and Platinum Yeti F3 to throw down. Gonna be fire!

I have committed to calling out bullshit in person. Nobody around me will be safe to say racist, sexist, ignorant, sheep like bullshit: educate yourself or flock off outta my life: Deleted FB long ago. Considering killing the IG after this grow too. Not going to feed the beast. Gonna go back to flip phone and probably sell my gas guzzling Jeep after another year or so. Invest my money instead of giving it away. Time to step up my game.
People having been freaking out over the coming legalization in Canada. Whining to be more accurate. Saying it’s not exactly legal when there are all sorts of fines for breaking the laws. Complaining about not being able to be one of the sellers. “It’s corrupt. Only a few of the large LP’s can sell.” Not enough small producers. Not enough selection. Blah blah blah.

Yeah it won’t be perfect to start. Not everyone can play. But it’s a start.

Seems to me, in my province at least, that there is a healthy mix of larger producers and smaller producers. Over 150 strains possible. Seems reasonable to me.

Liquor Distribution Branch makes deal with pot producers for steady supply of drug | CBC News

Liquor Distribution Branch makes deal with pot producers for steady supply of drug - 20h ago
the only thing you will hear me whining about is my right to grow at home. Heard Manitoba and Quebec have banned it already.

the other part of me feels like this is big pharma's plan to go "look, everyone just likes to get high, it has no medicinal benefits"

I guess a breeder/breeding is out of the question as well?

Yeah I definitely don’t agree with banning home cultivation. I am certainly those provinces will find themselves in court immediately. Although I have invested a small amount in 1 of 4 companies allowed to sell in Manitoba lol.

Big Pharma is going to be trying to do anything in their power to fend off this medicicne or copyright some aspect. We are on to their game though.

The breeding aspect I think is a bit short sighted. We will have to purchase seeds or clones from approved retailers and brands. Breeding ourselves is fine as long we stay under the plant limits. Which would be tough. Unless you have a permit for more plants due to medical needs.

Some things will need to play out before we get a good handle on what’s working and what’s not.
Hey Urb! Found my way here just in time it looks like :) Nice score on the HSO test growing! This should be excellent to checkout. What’s you’re insta?

So I read from the start and was thoughtfully provoked once or twice.. in good ways :). Man, the lengths folks will go to to get their products (ie baby formula) into the mouths of babes :rolleyes:o_O

Divide and conquer. Democrat versus Republican. White versus Black. Man versus Woman. Rich versus Poor. There is a reason education and independent thought is under attack. There is a reason we keep getting all sorts of new ways to distract us. It’s also why cannabis was criminalized, keep the mind trapped.
Absolutely agree! Moreover, just picking up the disparaging reference you made to certain academic lines of enquiry and analysis a bit earlier, it seems to me that if one wanted to get inside how these things work and how they can be taken apart (or down, or changed), one might actually do very well to study History and Anthropology. Just sayin’ ;)
:passitleft: :cough:
I had been keeping a Gods blue Warp cutting in the vegetation tent under the 96W T-5’s for a very long time. It was starting to force flower and show signs of stress. I moved it outside into the sun and top dressed with fresh soil.

I plan on giving it to a buddy to finish outdoors. I was waiting until summer solstice to do it. It’s not big but it will still produce some decent smoke.

Excellent! I’m hoping you’ll be surprised by it! I put some seeds in on the summer solstice if you remember and one of them was a delightful flowering specimen indeed. It may just do really well if manages to veg a bit more...

Glad you popped in. I never want to anger folks with my venting. It’s not often I get upset. We choose to react to things. Sometimes I forget that, it’s all a choice, but people being taken advantage of or played against each other is frustrating. We don’t have time to stay up to date and ahead of these clowns. We are too busy surviving. That is what they count on.

But enough of that and more growing lol. I think my whining is due to not having a plant to take care of. Soon. I will get these seeds going shortly.
Well it’s been a while since I had a plant in the tent. But we are about to change that. I was waiting for some renovations to get started and finished but it’s taking too long so I decided to drop my test seeds from HSO.

I went with 4 Bubba 76 Regs and 4 Gift of Fire F2 regs to hopefully get 4 females. Ideally two of each strain but if we get more, so be it, and if we get less, we can fill the space with with autos.

Excited to see these strains run urb. Heard a lot about them. I know youlxl do them justice.

I know you canadians probably have a different view, but I agree. Why get the government in the way. We know the big dollar dudes will make it in the industry but allow the little guys to compete too. More growers equals cheaper prices and more varieties. In America we preach separation of church and state but what they need is separation of corporation and state. Again reps working for the rich 1% not the citizens....

I think its ABSURD that anyone can tell another person what God given plants they can or cannot grow on their own land for personal consumption. Anywhere anytime ever. Now buisness and selling are different, but the big brother should have no say in what I grow, or anyone else for that matter.

Regardless, be proud you guys legalized! I am. Your setting a pace for the world.

Have a great week bud. And grats on the tadpole tap roots.

Here we grow!
Gonna go back to flip phone and probably sell my gas guzzling Jeep after another year or so. Invest my money instead of giving it away. Time to step up my game.

Jeep? Ouch... Ahem if you need a pull out of a mud puddle, I got you covered bro! I'll hook you up and pull you outta trouble.

I'm a member of the Jeep Rescue Squad.

Never leave a buddy in the mud.

Tacoma FTMFW! :cool::):Namaste:

Hey Urb.. getting back to your journal looks like I'm right on time.

Ok lots of Shtuff to catch up on. First, on the politics in the USA - not everyone here thinks Chump is OK... far from it. He actually has successfully polarized our "high society" with his pinky stink. It's disgusting. It's going to change. Have faith and keep on educating the people. Every person counts.

I'd seriously think about moving to Canada but I doubt I wood be invited, even tho I own property up there.

My wife and I talked about this lots and lots of times.

Our country - the USA is not as bad as what you see on TV - prolly best to get rid of your TV and keep the jeep, just sayin. I'll pull you out of trouble if you need it. I got your back AND your Jeep.

There's actually an organic revolution going on down here. Outside of politics and religion. The rules and laws and subsidies down here are geared toward the LARGE corporate farms that use all those chemicals (roundup rrrrready ... come and kill me), and farm subsidies to grow corn for fuel. Thats right, burn the food to feed the car. It's about as crazy as it gets. What about the poor and starving .... they don't belong here send them back.

"There's something wrong
something is going on....
Bong Bong Bong" DT

Not all is lost.

Organic revolution is happening. We will feed the poor and the homeless, we wont feed a car, and we will free the people that are not free.

Here's whats going on:

Local Harvest / Farmers Markets / Family Farms / CSA / Organic Food / Pick your Own

Anyone interested in the above link - it's EVERYWHERE here, its for sustainability, fairness and love. Not all is lost Trump the Chump his daze are numbered ...

We Americans sometimes vote in some real losers for President. It's scary actually. We put in a voters rights act so that it doesn't happen. No one votes. Go figure.

Latest losers:
Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon
Ronald RayGun - "Dare" to do drugs zar - introduced Crack Cocaine to the general (poor) public.

Bush #2 - rock stupid.

Chump the Trump - Pinky Man, he's in charge.
Thought I'd do us all the favor of erasing my last post. Well idk, its hard as a libertarian. I care about people but not enough to tell them how to to live their lives if they arent hurting anyone physically or emotionally. Doesnt mean I dont (and wont) love them and care for them and think of them, but Iive and let live....

Our system sucks, i.e. 1 person representing x- million makes no sense. Its ass backwards. Give the localities more power (not total) but enough to live their way of life. If a town doesn't want mj or alcohol fine. Post a sign and enforce a law. Billions of people will never see eye to eye on every issue, and that's what they use to divide and conquer us....
Throw Carter, Bush 1, Clinton and Obama on that list and ya got a pretty good list. Sorry not a fan of half completed lists.

I like Carter still do. He's a stand up guy still helping poor people get roofs over head. Stupid people around him when he was pres tho.

Had foresight enough to see that we needed to develop other options for generating electricity like Solar power and wind power. He put initiatives in place for it to become a thing. Then RayGun put a stop to all that green initiative tree hugging stuff. So we built nuclear power plants instead. meh.

We'ed have have COB led tech 25-30 years ago if Carter's green initiative was allowed to progress. Prolly every middle class home would have a solar panel on it too.

I like Obama .. I get FREE healthcare and am able to retire @ 60yrs old. I'd still be working for peanuts so I could have private health insurance if not for him. Bush 1 didn't do shit so he doesn't count... hahahaha. And Clinton... he gave us that oral sex isn't sex thing. I ran that past my wife, as expected I got a threat to cut my dick off.

If you look back at presidential history, there are quite a few losers. I digress...

I'm with Dabbs... local is everything. We live in a city and if local government wasn't up to snuff we'ed have a mess. It's not perfect but lots of people are working hard to make things better for everyone on the local real world level.

Gotta get the grass roots people involved and voting again. Thats really key.
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