The Dudes Abode: An UrbanAchiever Joint

Welp, found this one a bit late UA. Gonna take a day or two to catch up with the other 4 pages. Brought you some Jack Herer! :passitleft:

Well you are just in time to watch the soil continue to sit lol. Not rushing my next been pop until I get all the contractor in, and out, to finish my renovations. Replace my hot water tank too. It may be a month or so.

I can’t wait to drop some JH and try it myself.
Here is some news. My Humboldt Seed Organization tester package arrived. I was one of those selected by HSO to be a seed tester for some of their new genetics. I wasn’t sure if I was getting them or not, and now we know. So, these are what I will be running this next round:

40 regular seeds in total. Some fire in that mix, that’s for sure.
Here is some news. My Humboldt Seed Organization tester package arrived. I was one of those selected by HSO to be a seed tester for some of their new genetics. I wasn’t sure if I was getting them or not, and now we know. So, these are what I will be running this next round:

40 regular seeds in total. Some fire in that mix, that’s for sure.
I have some Bubba 76 from HSO that I got as a freebie. It is a regular. I am out of space and have year mapped out will work it in someday. Glad you were picked. Keepem Green
Nice score Urb.
Thanks man, pretty stoked!

I have some Bubba 76 from HSO that I got as a freebie. It is a regular. I am out of space and have year mapped out will work it in someday. Glad you were picked. Keepem Green
You and me both lol. This will be fun.

Is is that a Humboldt pin? If so where can u get them
It is, it came with the package, as if 40 seeds weren’t bonus enough lol.

Yeah I know right! Damn exciting. Although, I wasn’t planning on dropping seeds for a while, that timetable was just smashed. I am going to have to represent these folks sooner rather than later.
Rep like they paying you!
Totally, not so much on 420 though, I will do the normal journal entries and lots of photos but will keep the rest low key. They want me to rep them on IG. So, you get all the “info” and none of the “mercial” lol.

I want 1 of each strain, they are reg seeds, and I only want 4 plants. How many of each strain should I drop? Also, Johnny has 8 apples.
Thanks man, pretty stoked!

You and me both lol. This will be fun.

It is, it came with the package, as if 40 seeds weren’t bonus enough lol.

Yeah I know right! Damn exciting. Although, I wasn’t planning on dropping seeds for a while, that timetable was just smashed. I am going to have to represent these folks sooner rather than later.
Thats what I like to hear! Wanna see what the bubba 76 is like
2 seems fair, but if you got the space and don't want males 3 of each seems legit.
I don't do photos, but my first run had some bag seed photos that I got 2 of 2 females from.

Yeah I was thinking 3 each but, 12 seeds, and potential packed 3’ x 3’ tent lol. Perhaps I should pick two strains and do 4 seeds each, aiming for 4 plants.

Thats what I like to hear! Wanna see what the bubba 76 is like
Yeah good times ahead. This journal just got a bit more interesting.
The 76's seem like a nice two pair hand to have.;)
I am drooling lol. I think I gotta do 1 of the 76s, and one of the F2/F3’s.

Since my time scale has been bumped up, I gotta go get some grow materials. I need some starter size pots and figure out what size I want to put them in, before the final placement into the totes.
things change in the blink of an eye! Looks like christmas came early! Looking forward to seeing them go!

Yeah I was excited when I was told I had been selected. But, being the honest man I am, I told them I was still a few weeks from harvest and had to do some cleaning and work to the space. I thought they took me off the list. Everyone else was getting their seeds a week or two ago. Alas, I was wrong, and here they are so the excitement is back.
I am going to start a little segment in my thread to discuss various topics that catch my eye in the news. I am going to have some unpopular viewpoints on some topics but they are usually based on facts. No disrespect intended. I will call it...

News To Me:

Anthony Bourdain Passed Away - A bit of a shock to see that in my feed today. What an icon. As a foodie and one that binge watches cooking shows, he was a favourite of mine, and it is a great loss to the culinary world. I loved his attitude, his aggression, his love of food, love of other cultures, and his willingness to go places others fear. Offending folks was also one of the qualities I appreciated lol.

Tragically he took his own life. Mental health issues are real and something that many of us struggle with. Please seek out help if you are struggling. I know I have struggled in the past and it’s a miracle I am here today.

Canada/USA Trade - Dairy Wars - Trump is doing what he does in business. Bully and make up his own facts. Canada has around 30 million people. The USA has over 300 million. Yet somehow we are “killing US agriculture business” by managing our own supply of dairy to meet demand. That’s right, we set quotas so folks don’t go making more than we need, and somehow that’s killing US agriculture.

We place tariffs on US dairy so our markets aren’t flooded with subsidized products and push our farmers out of business. We have won almost every World Trade Organization challenge the US lobbyists have ever made against us on, and not just dairy but forestry as well (another post at another time). I say almost because there MIGHT be a slight chance we lost one. This is the corrupt lobbyist disease that permeates business imho. Harming the masses for a select few.

We have to address the gross subsidies that the USA gives to these farmers. To the tune of 22 billion dollars a year. In fact 73% of these diary farmers returns are due to subsidies. There is more milk and dairy being produced than what is needed. So you end up giving up tax dollars to fund these farmers rather than letting these businesses fail. Stop making more quantity of things people don’t need (or want), how about doing that for a change? We don’t want your subsidized excess.

“USDA data reveals that for more than a decade, U.S. farm gate prices for milk fail to cover costs of production.”

“The 588-page study by Grey, Clark, Shih and Associates — commissioned by Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) — says the American government contributed around $22.2 billion in direct and indirect subsidies to the dairy sector in 2015.”

My thoughts on this: I can’t stand when folks go to University and get a Masters Degree in History and Anthropology then whine about not finding a job. Same goes for the Oil and Gas industry in Alberta. Doesn’t anyone actually look at the future of the industry they are going to school for? Spending years getting educated in a dying industry and then blaming our government for not having a job when you know damn well that it’s not a renewable resource industry? Pull your head out of your ass. At the very least don’t make me pay for your stupidity.

I was sickened when big banks were bailed out at the cost of taxpayers. Why should we, Canadians, be forced to change our laws and regulations to allow USA’s over production to enter Canada at the harm of our industry? Essentially bailing out the USA dairy industry? What happened to survival of the fittest? Milk and dairy has become less popular because of other options, lactose intolerance, and more vegetarian leaning food trends. Pretty sure American vegans have done more harm to the US dairy industry than our modest dairy producers have.

This is Trump pandering to lobbyists and fishing for votes. Wisconsin is a key state and big dairy producers. Well i don’t play that. I have no problem avoiding Washington apples, potatoes, and tomatoes in the store. A large section of our grocery stores have US products in them that I regularly purchase. I am ready to start complaining to my grocer that I refuse to shop there until more Canadian products are on the shelf and less US produce is in valuable produce shelf space. I don’t want to do that but I would. I can afford to pay more for Canadian produce. We don’t have the economy or tax base to mess around. We have 10% of the US population. 10% of the tax base. Yet we are a threat to National Security? Please.

These last few days have been irritating me. Trump and his bashing of my country and our way of doing things. I get it. It’s posturing. But bet your ass if he continues punishing us for votes, I will take action, just like any US citizen would if this were them. Thats what happens when you fk a stranger in the ass Larry. It may not be much but money talks.

Washington Capitals - Ovechkin finally gets a cup. I was rooting for the Caps after a while. I don’t watch major sports anymore because they are overpaid and it’s one big beer commercial now. Instead I support the smaller local sports teams and the kids. But, I was happy for Ovechkin and his teammates, as I think he is one of the great hockey players of our generation . He has done a lot and plays the game like it was meant to be played: with grit, tenacity, and skill. I also liked Vegas losing.

That’s the news as I see it.
i too watch his shows and enjoyed them, anything cooking related to be honest... I know mental illness effects everyone, our vets husband recently took his life as well... But i feel resorting to suicide especially in this day and age when everything is so readily available to us first worlders is a slap in the face to the people dealing with illnesses that leave them unable to have a life, bed ridden in hospitals... If you arent happy with life, make some changes... Or go take a walk through a childrens hospital and just be grateful to be able bodied and living your life cause many many people dont ever have the opportunity to do so.

i hear everything you are saying on trump. I have friends who are dairy farmers, they wont drink american made milk because of the shit they feed/inject their cows with, growth hormones etc that are banned here in canada.

i am in the steel industry. Trumps slapped a 20%tarriff on steel/aluminum going south.... Little does he realize that america doesnt have the capacity to produce enough... Thats why the DoD has multi billion dollar contracts with canadian suppliers... Way to go trump. Your military now costs 20%more...

and i dont watch sports anymore either, nice to hear that ovechkin finally got a cup, he deserves it... Aint no princess... that guy has played alot of hockey to get there

short rant over lol happy friday/weekend all!
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