The Dude Abides

Rhino life.


I did not use any nutrients other than Presciption Blend in my grow. I did use dynomyco when I up potted. I don't know how they compare to great white.
The difference between DYNOMYCO and Great White is huge. First, DYNOMYCO does not contain ectomycorrhizal fungi, beacuse they do not form symbiotic relations with cannabis, at all. You'll see that the concentration of those propagules are very high while the endo's are very low.

Great White contains a total of 357 propagules per gram including 9 species of endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intadices and Glomus mosseae, likely the most relevant for cannabis, are 83 propagules a gram each). Thus DYNOMYCO comes in at 2.5X the concentration of Great White.

Another thing is that there are vitamins, bacteria, humic acids and other ingredients in the product. How can you tell what is doing the difference and if it's actually the fungi? Finally, our prices are much more competitive for both home and large scale growers. On a dollas per propagule basis, DYNOMYCO is the least expensive.
Dynomyco, glad to see you boys here, I'm about to start a new run and I'm looking at myco brands. Can you boys do better than the Great White on that thick root game? And don't bullshit me killa, cause my funds are limitless and i don't do sponsors, I'll buy your product off the shelf and tell God's honest truth
check out the answer :cool:
The difference between DYNOMYCO and Great White is huge. First, DYNOMYCO does not contain ectomycorrhizal fungi, beacuse they do not form symbiotic relations with cannabis, at all. You'll see that the concentration of those propagules are very high while the endo's are very low.

Great White contains a total of 357 propagules per gram including 9 species of endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intadices and Glomus mosseae, likely the most relevant for cannabis, are 83 propagules a gram each). Thus DYNOMYCO comes in at 2.5X the concentration of Great White.

Another thing is that there are vitamins, bacteria, humic acids and other ingredients in the product. How can you tell what is doing the difference and if it's actually the fungi? Finally, our prices are much more competitive for both home and large scale growers. On a dollas per propagule basis, DYNOMYCO is the least expensive.
That is a fantastic answer @DYNOMYCO Thank you for supporting this forum and for all you do for the 420 community.
Rhino life.


Nice boat man, and I know right where you are. I'm right around the bend in Contrary Creek. The only boat I have is the kayak and I haven't taken it out yet this year. Should be soon, though :) Do you fish or just play around on the lake?
Nice boat man, and I know right where you are. I'm right around the bend in Contrary Creek. The only boat I have is the kayak and I haven't taken it out yet this year. Should be soon, though :) Do you fish or just play around on the lake?
I work and play on the lake, I leave it long enough to get parts and sleep, the only thing I don't do is fish. Hahaha I only drop a line when the little boy wants to bank fish.
You're a brave soul to Yak in Lake Anna, it's an ocean of assholes on Saturdays in the summer, throwing 6 foot ski boat wakes.
I mostly kayak on the weekday nights and mornings. Going on a kayak on the weekends is different, like bull riding ;) When you say play, are you a skiier? Kneeboarding? It's been a while for me but I've spent a bit of time doing both. Ever get out to the sandbar to play volleyball?
Fuh sho, I'm around the Sandbar most Saturdays, but I always have a pack of little kids to entertain so i rarely get to break free for volleyball. I take off work on Wednesdays for Adult Boat Day though. Roll up a couple spliffs, a bud light lime, and drop anchor at the nearest island...
Wait. No. I didn't answer the question. I've had a couple beers. I don't ski or anything cool on the water . I broke my knee playing football in high-school, it would go full pretzel if I tried to ski. I just swim, boat, and chill.
I recently boiled up a batch of RSO for a family member with cancer. Practice for when my harvest comes in. She's on traditional cancer medications, as i believe in the power of cannabis for natural health, but not to eradicate a stage 4 lung cancer. I put a quarter of a gram into each capsule. She takes 1 for wellbeing, 2 for pain relief, 3 to party. It's not going to erase her cancer, but it does a damn good job at pain relief and making her laugh, and that's all I can ask for. I pray, I help as much as I can, and I make her medicine. That's why the Rhino grows. I'd do anything for her. You boys are helping me to help her, and I can't explain how much I appreciate you for it. Stay breezy boys, you're the tops in my book.
31 days into flower, not bad for an untrained first grow yeah? Her clone is under severe duress right now though, being bent and trained to make a single canopy of branches... waiting on my Script Blend and Dyno to get here so I can get the party started for real.



Very nice Rhino!

That last pic is really well done. :Rasta:
@Prescription Blend this is your schwag sticker??? You think I'll look cool with this on my grow box? I'd rather slap the Amazon shipping label above my door. You can't make cool graphics on your chromebook bro, control yourself. I do like your pouch and pipette setup though, real classy delivery system, kudos for ease of use. I've heard nothing but good things about you jokers and your bud growing prowess, so here we are, tits out and ready for a good time. Alpha Clone gets her first indulgence of the Script on Sunday, we'll see if you boys have the special sauce or the snake oil. Either way, it's going up in smoke...

I broke protocol and stunted my bud growth. Added spices to the batter and the cake didn't rise like it should have. I'll have more self control the next go-round, and panic less at leaf change. I should still see a really nice little bale of frosty nuggels, (lord willing) but I was watching closely enough to see my blundering take effect over the last 3 weeks in bud levels that didn't coalesce. I need a sponsor to call when I get the urge to go messing with the sauce... I'm weak.
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