The Dude Abides

... pulled too hard doing LST and split a limb at the crotch... I almost jumped out the f@#%ing window Boys! I'm sick with myself, rolling in despair, can barely face the broad after what I did to her. I need council boys, it's a 1/2 snap, but the stem is still alive, she grew and bent towards the light overnight. What to do? Glue? Tape? Prayers? Burn my arm with cigarettes in penance? I'm in a dark place right now...
... pulled too hard doing LST and split a limb at the crotch... I almost jumped out the f@#%ing window Boys! I'm sick with myself, rolling in despair, can barely face the broad after what I did to her. I need council boys, it's a 1/2 snap, but the stem is still alive, she grew and bent towards the light overnight. What to do? Glue? Tape? Prayers? Burn my arm with cigarettes in penance? I'm in a dark place right now...
Like Happy says tape the shit out of it.
Duct tape electric, zip ties anything to hold it in place.
Then give it support rope sticks anything for a couple days.
She can recover.

Stay safe
Agreed. My first grow I snapped a main branch off. I ended up with three clones off it. My second grow I snapped one half off and taped/tied it back on. No problems.
Sounds fixable. Along with the tape & sticks you can throw a little Elmer's Glue in the mix too!

Then do this:
Burn my arm with cigarettes in penance?
All that love and attention... wasted on a dude. My big girl isn't the lady I thought she was and I'm falling apart. Heartbroken boys. I couldn't bring myself to kill him, I pushed his manly ass to the back of the box and pulled his sister into the light (100%female, already growing white hairs). I danced around the idea of letting them get busy, and having 10,000 seeds to play with, but losing my first harvest to seeds sucks... all in all, this shit is lame.
If you don't want seeds you had better get that dude out of the tent.
There's no full seed pods yet, just crab claws on every level, starting to ball up... it's hard to believe it's a dude from the build of the plant, the bud sites are stacked going up every stalk, flowers on flowers on flowers. Crab claws don't lie though... thought I was getting 2 foot colas, not big giant dongs.
Sorry about the miss doubtfire you got there.... Is there any way to just stay on the claws and pluck/cut them off as they grow? I have no idea how it works so excuse my dumb question lol
Sorry about the miss doubtfire you got there.... Is there any way to just stay on the claws and pluck/cut them off as they grow? I have no idea how it works so excuse my dumb question lol
Unfortunately, It's a done deal. Like Bruce Genner, there's no turning it into anything that will ever pass as female, no matter what I tuck or chop.
Life is a mystery to me. The why's and how's of it all ya dig? But here I am, in a cosmic spiral clinging to my last love and only hope, battling the complexities of life as we forge this path together... or - my last weed plant is growing aiight and I'm ok with things.

I just trimmed her and tightened up her lst gear, but those fans move into the open holes within an hour or two and make her look like a shrub again.
I'm ready to order a pack of magic beans, who got them good deals on packs with free extra seeds? The sponsor coup-ins are long dead and the St Patrick day sales are weak.
420 sponsor Herbie's has this strain called Apple Betty that sounds promising (claiming up to 33% THC). I'd jump on that one if I didn't already have so many waiting their turn!
I put the big plant outside and this 80° sunshine has him popping pods everywhere. I'm gonna stud him for sure with the clone from my little baby, but these dark purple almost black strains have my head spinning... in my experience- the darker the berry the sweeter the juice, you feel me? I'd like to get real up close and personal with something close to midnight, I had ideas on keeping my cash tied up with the good sponsors if the deals were correct. I'll hold out another week and see if there are any drops in the forecast, plus I'll scope those strains you boys mentioned, then I'll pull the trigger on something fresh. Thank you for the advice, you boys are the real kind sort, good folk.
I'm getting some flak for not culling my soldier. Is it a party foul to set a full grown male outside to bloom in a neighborhood? Am I sabotaging a neighbor's grow? How do I get the yellow gold without dusting the hood or putting my own lady in a family-way?
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