The Dude Abides

I've been a fat man lurking in the canopy for a while now, eyeballing your talent and shiggin your grow styles, so i popped the cherry on my own arbor cube. Got a few candles, a mound of Virginia red clay, and a bean or two from a friend who keeps the faith. Got my cool dude shades on and my hat turned around backwards, channeling my inner hipster-dad vibes into these ladies of the light. I'm 21 days in on the first go-round, and after digging out of a dark green nitro-tox, my hunnies are racing for box-dominance. I'm all alone here in my copa-cabanna though, no grow circle to beat the drums and talk about my irresponsible nute program with... so here i am, pouring my bong out to you folks, looking for a friend in the grow game who doesn't require long windy walks and birthday cards to stay up on things.
Hey, I'm in a similar boat...53 and a first time grower...from Maryland transplanted to Virginia...learning as I go.
Welcome @EastcoastArn I was there 6 months ago. Where in VA? Have you started growing yet?
Watching them sleep after a light trim, like I'm Norman bates. I took their bras off last week, but it's time to put em back on, things are getting too perky and crowded. No fam in the house today, just me and George C Scott. (Patton) gotta love an easy Saturday in the middle of a (Jim Lahey voice) Shit-Hurricane!

Welcome @EastcoastArn I was there 6 months ago. Where in VA? Have you started growing yet?
Just North of Charlottesville...Barborsville. I had a baby plant going good...but it stalled and died. I was given a "one way" clone that's doing good...i just flipped it. Once that is harvested...I have more seeds to try again with. I have a small space to work in. gonna get a tent soon.
I'm looking for peace in my canna-cabanna, but it's evasive. I watch the security cam like the plants are gonna steal my Rolex. I had to poke vegetable seeds into my dirt squares just to get another botany high.... and the Kids want explanations why daddy's "tomatoes" aren't growing any fruit yet... (Rodney Dangerfield voice) "I gets No respect, you Know?". Peep the makeshift plywood cubicle i puched out for them... pieced out of scrap wood from the boneyard. in today's lumber market- valued at $10,006

Neat job on the cube, Rhino! You saved yourself quite a bit of cash. :laughtwo:

BTW, if you're a big fan of Rodney then we're cut from the same cloth!
Nice build man. What temperature are you keeping? I need to put a heat mat under my domes to keep them in the mid 70s.
I watch the security cam like the plants are gonna steal my Rolex.
I so get this. Why am I checking these plants every hour? What am I expecting to happen?
Thank you boys for the kudos, i enjoy sharing project porn. The veggie box lives in the office till they get their training wheels off, so it's 73 in the room and 77 under the blurple sky. I'm fishing out pocket change and lint balls right now to hit ace hardware for a seedling mat to sweat out my clone tray. My first run at gene splicing and I'm following the 420 forum script like a sheep, just call me Dolly. (get it? Sheep, Dolly, cloning? I need a ghost writer, my material is soft)
The OG comics shaped my childhood ptsd. At 9 years old watching their standup on bootleg vhs while my mom slept... my adhd adolescent mind transformed into Richard Pryor running down the street with his hair on fire... and it's still burning.

Thank you boys for the kudos, i enjoy sharing project porn. The veggie box lives in the office till they get their training wheels off, so it's 73 in the room and 77 under the blurple sky. I'm fishing out pocket change and lint balls right now to hit ace hardware for a seedling mat to sweat out my clone tray. My first run at gene splicing and I'm following the 420 forum script like a sheep, just call me Dolly. (get it? Sheep, Dolly, cloning? I need a ghost writer, my material is soft)

a small space heater under the cube could do it.
i use plastic shelving in my spaces to create a false floor similar to your cube idea. i run a space heater underneath the plants in my veg room. i just turn it up if i wanna sweat some clones under the dome.
The OG comics shaped my childhood ptsd. At 9 years old watching their standup on bootleg vhs while my mom slept... my adhd adolescent mind transformed into Richard Pryor running down the street with his hair on fire... and it's still burning.
In middle school.. I did a stand up act for a talent show...spliced together Steve Martin, Richard Pryor,and Eddie Murphy Best of...and I did it without getting in trouble.
My fussy girls tonight. They look underfed, but the leaf tips are burnt and curled like they got the nitro blues. I know I'm sun burning them with the lights down low, and I'm working on it by adding more lights and a shit load of co2... hahaha i can't help it, i work in here and it's cold, plus i already bought those extra lights. But i could use some guru love on what the hell I'm doing to piss them off, unless it's too much co2, i need that stuff to stay warm while i build my daydreams.

Propane torch heater= 2000+ppm co2 in the shop. I don't need to smoke for a buzz in here, but i do anyway... because it's the right thing to do.
I'm really crying the blues boys. Please look deep at that pictograph, i know they look healthy by the size of them girls, less than 30 days past a poke above soil, but look at those tips and the luster of the leaves. Something is missing in my cauldron. Distilled water, fox farm ocean forest soil, fox farm big bloom and grow big, (no fox farm bud and boom cause seemed a bit heavy handed, Great White since germ, Humboldt secrets enzymes for the last week with feedings. I'm ready to flip these broads, my mom is sick and could use some potent medicine, but i want my girls fully ready for bloom. Help Me boys. What do i need to get these girls picture perfect for flower?
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