I dont and that was good point :)
A way around it possibly, precook in regular oil, then finish in canna-oil, when awesome french fries are made(w/o the canna)
or drizzled with a scallion or chive- canna oil :thumb:

French fries with cannabis infused Truffle oil with some Parmesan cheese! Yea, that sounds delicious. I'm a French fry head lol

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Mrs. Butterworth is scratching her head....but I bet she'll try it! :laugh:

Excellent post, and +reps to you for that! I have so much honey here, and the coconut oil unrefined as you said. I think I'm going to get some of that honey infusion going tomorrow. Morning cuppa will never be the same. ;-)


Thanks! And yea, it's definitely changed my morning beverage routine lol. Gives you that get up and go with an extreme chill lol hard to describe. One thing I did forget, it might be a good idea to give your honey a hot water bath just to warm it up a bit before you put it in your blender. If you have a good strong one, that may not be necessary. Let me know how it turns out for you!

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Thanks! And yea, it's definitely changed my morning beverage routine lol. Gives you that get up and go with an extreme chill lol hard to describe. One thing I did forget, it might be a good idea to give your honey a hot water bath just to warm it up a bit before you put it in your blender. If you have a good strong one, that may not be necessary. Let me know how it turns out for you!

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Yes, my Honey container always needs a good hot water bath before I use it. But it's good stuff!

Cannafan today is a good day! I'm making butter tonight for the 1st time in 2 yrs!


I need to get me one of those butter machines but being out of work it just isn't in the budget. Thank God for 10 year old threads on how to make butter!

I'm thinking of making "canna cinna sticky buns." Aka monkey bread
Best Potato Latkes I've EVER made. :laugh:

I added hemp seed hearts in addition to the infused onions and some minced infused roasted garlic as well:


Here the little babes are frying up:


On a rack to drain:


Absolutely delicious even without sour cream or any other topping!!


I had two wins with these today, first is that they came out so wonderful...second is that I am now able to eat crispy foods! Look out world, CannaFan can eat again. :laugh:

I'm going to try to make some canna salt today, just in case the frying took away the potency of anything. I'll know that in a bit. And will probably make some infused sour cream as well.

I think my brother has me all figured out on when I do my cooking. He showed up at the door again just as I was pulling that last Latke out of the pan. Of course, I gave him a few to take home. :)

I want to be your brother :circle-of-love:
Has anyone here tried what I'm thinking of making?

I'm thinking of making "canna cinna sticky buns." Aka monkey bread

Not sure how the cannabutter will taste substituting regular butter. Should I use 1/2 & 1/2 butter/cannabutter or all cannabutter?
Has anyone here tried what I'm thinking of making?

I'm thinking of making "canna cinna sticky buns." Aka monkey bread

Not sure how the cannabutter will taste substituting regular butter. Should I use 1/2 & 1/2 butter/cannabutter or all cannabutter?

Shouldn't change the taste too much. I say go all in unless you think that may make it too strong. Otherwise, CannaButter all the way!

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Cannafan today is a good day! I'm making butter tonight for the 1st time in 2 yrs!


I need to get me one of those butter machines but being out of work it just isn't in the budget. Thank God for 10 year old threads on how to make butter!

I'm thinking of making "canna cinna sticky buns." Aka monkey bread

Ooooohhhh......someone who remembers "monkey bread". I was so hooked on that when I was younger. Please do post up a pic of it when you are finished....before you gulp it all down, of course. :laugh:
Are you going to infuse a glaze on it too?


Edit: Btw, is that fresh buds in the butter?
Has anyone here tried what I'm thinking of making?

I'm thinking of making "canna cinna sticky buns." Aka monkey bread

Not sure how the cannabutter will taste substituting regular butter. Should I use 1/2 & 1/2 butter/cannabutter or all cannabutter?

My question on the freshness of the buds in the cannabutter leads to this question. If you have fresh, undried buds, your butter is going to have a green strong taste. So you will need to mask that somehow if a taste test reveals it unpleasant. You can smell it too. Let us know how it turned out for ya. :)
Sous Vide Boneless Pork Chops with cannabis infused dry rub

Okay, lunch is in progress. I'm testing out this crock pot for sous vide capability.

Here are my ingredients for the dry rub on one chop:


Crush it all up together:


And coat the chop in every little corner and crevice. The remainder of the rub mixture that didn't stick was dumped on top of the chop. I didn't want to waste even a smidgen of that.


Remove the air and seal the bag:


Into the water bath at 130 degrees. I kept an eye on the temp for about 10 minutes and added a little hot water because the chops took the temp down a bit. My food sealer is old, getting all of the air out apparently didn't hold well. I had to put a heavy custard cup on top of the rubbed chop to keep it immersed completely in the water. The other chop has nothing done to it, it's just cooking. I plan to get a good quick sear on that later and drizzle it with some infusion of olive oil/onions/infused roasted garlic..and who knows what else. :laugh:

Thank goodness for laser kitchen thermometers. I just looked at the digital thermometer that's in the crock and it read 182 degrees!! Impossible at warm setting. So I shot the laser on the water and it's at a comfy 133 degrees.

Whew! Obviously my old digital has seen better days on accuracy. :rofl:

sometimes a new battery..or they need to be calibrated, if possible.
use boiling water and freezing water as testers..:circle-of-love:
So....I'm hooked.

I've done my first successful home sous vide and I am already planning the next meal. Until I get a proper Sous Vide unit, at least now I know that the crock pot method worked wonderfully. The only irritating part was monitoring that temp of the crock and adjusting it now and then.

This chop came out absolutely perfect. The dry rub stayed on it, I fully expected it to fall off...but it was a nice layer of goodness that stayed on the chop. This is straight out of the bag after draining the liquid off:


Every corner, every edge was cooked exactly the same. I like mine a little pink, and that's what I got.


This was the juciest, tenderest and most flavorful Chop I've had in ages. I poured the left over juices on top and over one of yesterday's reheated Latkes.


And...Durban Poison is exactly what they say it is. Pure Sativa....no thoughts of taking naps here. I want to CREATE something. :rofl: Snowing like the antarctic here right now...it will be an inside creativity spurt for sure.

Edit: I winged it with the rub ingredients and amounts. I am very happy with how much I used of each.
My question on the freshness of the buds in the cannabutter leads to this question. If you have fresh, undried buds, your butter is going to have a green strong taste. So you will need to mask that somehow if a taste test reveals it unpleasant. You can smell it too. Let us know how it turned out for ya. :)

The bud I used was hang drying since Wednesday. Would it have been better to wait longer? I would say they were 90% dry. I grabbed them before they hit the jar for the first time.
The bud I used was hang drying since Wednesday. Would it have been better to wait longer? I would say they were 90% dry. I grabbed them before they hit the jar for the first time.

You should be okay with that then. Ideally you want completely dried.
How did it come out? Smell, taste...etc.?
Can't wait to see the Monkey Bread. The beauty of Monkey bread in this case is that if it is really potent, you can just pull off bite size pieces to suit your tolerance.


BTW, meant to say that if you have a strong tasting butter, adding a little more vanilla extract or other real extracts will help to tone that down. :)

Last time I made Monkey Bread I used a muffin pan and did little individual breads. It turned out quite lovely and I wrapped some of them up for give-a-way to friends. They loved them. Of course, those weren't cannabis infused at the time. :laugh:
You should be okay with that then. Ideally you want completely dried.
How did it come out? Smell, taste...etc.?
Can't wait to see the Monkey Bread. The beauty of Monkey bread in this case is that if it is really potent, you can just pull off bite size pieces to suit your tolerance.


BTW, meant to say that if you have a strong tasting butter, adding a little more vanilla extract or other real extracts will help to tone that down. :)

Thanks, I have not started the baking yet and wanted to get all the info before I started buying ingredients. The butter is looks great. I still need to drain it. So far it's been 13 hrs.





*Taste of plant is not strong however it is slightly noticeable.
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