Ziggy, or other Sous Vide'rs:

I plan to make an infused marinade for some boneless thick pork chops. I can put the marinade in the bag with the pork chops and seal it, then put it in the Sous Vide bath..right? Any problems with that besides making sure the food sealer doesn't suck the liquid up while sucking out air? :laugh:


use a ziploc and dip in water to push air out..:) -- water displacement technique if a vacuum sealer is not available..

try a dry rub on the pork chop to sous vide it?
Heres the CannaLemon Curd straight out of the jar just sous vided and Tartlet.
I cheated with the merengue...I used some Fluff and torched it.. :)

Lemon tarts have lots of fat in both crust and lemon curd. :thumb:

...and lots of natural lecithin from the yolks ;)
The website of the sous vide device has some great recipes. Replace the regular ingredients w/ canna induced ingredients.

just saw the recipe for bacon infused vodka?!?? hello!?! I dont drink much, but that sounds yum!! A Bloodymary...made with herb and bacon infused vodka :high-five:

my sample of the tartlet is kicking in :)

Sous Vide Recipes
When I got home from work last night I put some water in the large crock pot and put the digital thermometer in, then set it to the "warm" setting. When I got up this morning, rudely awakened by a brother coming to pick up firewood waaaaayyy too early on a Saturday morning :laugh: , I checked the temperature. It was at 154 degrees F. I would never have thought a warm setting would go that high in those things.

So, I have planned a way to use it and keep a steady 130 degrees F for long enough to sous vide those chops. :)

In the meantime, I'm roasting more garlic and making a ton of caramelized onions this morning. The onions are going into some potatoes later, one will be Latkes and the other will be a version of Au Gratin using cannamilk.

I had to wait to respond...couldn't see through the tears. I'm not a crying kind of gal...but this got to me something fierce..............................................................................damn onions. :rofl:

Yes, Latkes! An absolute favorite of mine. You can freeze them for about 3 weeks, but put them in a single layer on a pan and freeze them, then transfer to freezer bags to get them out individually easier later.

I'll post up a pic later....I hope. This old computer I'm using is sloooooowwwwwww......and unpredictable.
Hey there everyone! Just thought I'd pop in with a quick recipe I've been playing around with for a while. I feel I finally have it down! The CannaHoney goes great in morning tea or coffee and is powerful enough to keep you buzzed for 6-8 hours! The Maple Syrup is just as potent and goes wonderfully with waffles or French toast .

CannaHoney & CannaMaple Syrup Recipe:

I started by making a pretty potent batch of CannaCoconut Oil. 1 oz of bud & trim to 1 cup Unrefined Coconut oil. You can use refined, but I like the coconut flavor and it's more pure. Double boiler method to cook the oil and cannabis about 6 hours. Let cool and Strain with cheesecloth.

While the oil is still a little warm, mix 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil with 10 oz honey in a blender until well mixed. About 30 seconds. Pour into a container and enjoy! A dose is about 1.5 teaspoons for me.

For the CannaMaple Syrup, simply combine about 10 oz maple syrup with 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil in a blender. Mix until combined, about 30 seconds. If you like, you can use 1 oz of CannaButter (melted) if you have it on hand and prefer the butter flavored syrup!

I hope this comes in handy for someone out there. Enjoy!
Hey there everyone! Just thought I'd pop in with a quick recipe I've been playing around with for a while. I feel I finally have it down! The CannaHoney goes great in morning tea or coffee and is powerful enough to keep you buzzed for 6-8 hours! The Maple Syrup is just as potent and goes wonderfully with waffles or French toast .

CannaHoney & CannaMaple Syrup Recipe:

I started by making a pretty potent batch of CannaCoconut Oil. 1 oz of bud & trim to 1 cup Unrefined Coconut oil. You can use refined, but I like the coconut flavor and it's more pure. Double bubble method to cook the oil and cannabis about 6 hours. Let cool and Strain with cheesecloth.

While the oil is still a little warm, mix 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil with 10 oz honey in a blender until well mixed. About 30 seconds. Pour into a container and enjoy! A dose is about 1.5 teaspoons for me.

For the CannaMaple Syrup, simply combine about 10 oz maple syrup with 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil in a blender. Mix until combined, about 30 seconds. If you like, you can use 1 oz of CannaButter (melted) if you have it on hand and prefer the butter flavored syrup!

I hope this comes in handy for someone out there. Enjoy!

what is 'double bubble method'? :circle-of-love: TY
Best Potato Latkes I've EVER made. :laugh:

I added hemp seed hearts in addition to the infused onions and some minced infused roasted garlic as well:


Here the little babes are frying up:


On a rack to drain:


Absolutely delicious even without sour cream or any other topping!!


I had two wins with these today, first is that they came out so wonderful...second is that I am now able to eat crispy foods! Look out world, CannaFan can eat again. :laugh:

I'm going to try to make some canna salt today, just in case the frying took away the potency of anything. I'll know that in a bit. And will probably make some infused sour cream as well.

I think my brother has me all figured out on when I do my cooking. He showed up at the door again just as I was pulling that last Latke out of the pan. Of course, I gave him a few to take home. :)
Hey there everyone! Just thought I'd pop in with a quick recipe I've been playing around with for a while. I feel I finally have it down! The CannaHoney goes great in morning tea or coffee and is powerful enough to keep you buzzed for 6-8 hours! The Maple Syrup is just as potent and goes wonderfully with waffles or French toast .

CannaHoney & CannaMaple Syrup Recipe:

I started by making a pretty potent batch of CannaCoconut Oil. 1 oz of bud & trim to 1 cup Unrefined Coconut oil. You can use refined, but I like the coconut flavor and it's more pure. Double boiler method to cook the oil and cannabis about 6 hours. Let cool and Strain with cheesecloth.

While the oil is still a little warm, mix 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil with 10 oz honey in a blender until well mixed. About 30 seconds. Pour into a container and enjoy! A dose is about 1.5 teaspoons for me.

For the CannaMaple Syrup, simply combine about 10 oz maple syrup with 1 oz melted CannaCoconut Oil in a blender. Mix until combined, about 30 seconds. If you like, you can use 1 oz of CannaButter (melted) if you have it on hand and prefer the butter flavored syrup!

I hope this comes in handy for someone out there. Enjoy!

Mrs. Butterworth is scratching her head....but I bet she'll try it! :laugh:

Excellent post, and +reps to you for that! I have so much honey here, and the coconut oil unrefined as you said. I think I'm going to get some of that honey infusion going tomorrow. Morning cuppa will never be the same. ;-)

Best Potato Latkes I've EVER made. :laugh:

I added hemp seed hearts in addition to the infused onions and some minced infused roasted garlic as well:


Here the little babes are frying up:


On a rack to drain:


Absolutely delicious even without sour cream or any other topping!!


I had two wins with these today, first is that they came out so wonderful...second is that I am now able to eat crispy foods! Look out world, CannaFan can eat again. :laugh:

I'm going to try to make some canna salt today, just in case the frying took away the potency of anything. I'll know that in a bit. And will probably make some infused sour cream as well.

I think my brother has me all figured out on when I do my cooking. He showed up at the door again just as I was pulling that last Latke out of the pan. Of course, I gave him a few to take home. :)

YUM!..(+) reps!
Great Job!! :bravo:

Were they cooked in Canna oil/fat of any kind?

maple syrup apple sauce..yum x 2 :)
No infused oil other than what the onions and garlic were cooked in, I just used regular corn oil for the fryer. I really don't think the infusion will hold up to a 375 degree frying heat. Have you any experience with that?


I dont and that was good point :)
A way around it possibly, precook in regular oil, then finish in canna-oil, when awesome french fries are made(w/o the canna)
or drizzled with a scallion or chive- canna oil :thumb:
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