Hello everyone first additions to this thread. Both are baked from scratch, I'll be making a thread for my Coconut oil recipes... keep your eyes peeled. These are either recipes I experimented with and came up with, or modified from some family cook books.

The first is a Coconut Oil and butter style cookie. This recipe has a ton of cannabanoid potential... but I use 10.5g to make roughly 22 large cookies. Realistically this recipe should hold an ounce and a half. 1 in the oil, half in the butter.

The cookie is a soft texture that breaks off nicely where you bit in, with a burst of fresh lemon flavor. The center is a scoop of raspberry reduction, homemade by my babci. If I don't use the raspberry in the centre, I have a recipe for a tincture-infused used-immediately stye lemon zest icing.


Best enjoyed by baking with heavily strained coconut oil, no leftover scraps of bud or false seeds floating in the oil etc. The lemon does a nice job of covering the cannabis taste for those more sensitive to the flavor of edibles...

Welcome to Cannafans' thread, FuzzyGreen :welcome:

can you please post the recipe? :)

Thank you in advance :circle-of-love:
Hey all im sorry if this question seems dumb but when I trim my plant at flower do I have to dry the trimmings in order to use them to make butter or will the cooking process still activate the cannabinoids even though the trimmings are not dry.

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
I would atleast quick dry them... fresh buds and trimmings will leach a lot of chlorophyll and make things very green. It can also make your edibles taste like plant haha... I wouldn't worry about a cure though.
I would atleast quick dry them... fresh buds and trimmings will leach a lot of chlorophyll and make things very green. It can also make your edibles taste like plant haha... I wouldn't worry about a cure though.

It will activate the THC but you will need a lot more fresh than dry to get an effective dose. I agree with FuzzyGreen, it will be fresh tasting :). Some like it. Some dont.
Lemon Sugar Cookies


-2 sticks of softened butter, infused or regular

I opt out of infusing the butter and stick to only infusing the oil.

-1 cup cold pressed and infused coconut oil

I use 10.5 grams, it's the general potency I go with... folks that pick these up don't tend to save a single crumb haha. If I made them stronger at this stage it will be too much for my people.

This recipe is modular, if you are allergic to coconut, use vegetable oil. It will actually mix easier. I prefer coconut oil for available fats and health benefits. Though I know baking isn't necessarily healthy.

-1 cup unrefined coconut sugar

Yes you can use regular granulated I just prefer how they come out. Texture and flavor wise.

-1 cup confectionery/powdered sugar

-2 eggs, large

-1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, I forgot to add this to one batch and honestly didn't recognize it's absence. Just habit to have it in a lot of my baked recipes... more to cover cannabis notes. I enjoy tasting weed in my edibles, most folks I talk to dont.

-1 1/2 teaspoon of lemon extract

-1 teaspoon baking soda

-1 teaspoon cream of tartar

-4 1/2 cups all purpose flour

-1 and a half lemons; zested haha... save the other half lemon for the icing. That'll be a later post.

Baking Instructions

Take a large tray that can fit in your fridge and cover it with wax paper

In a bowl, or standup mixer bring your two sticks of butter, coconut oil, coconut sugar and confectionery sugar to a cream texture
I'm really going to push that you need an electric mixer, unless you're the flash this will take far too long

Crack your two eggs in and add your extracts, mix

Add your dry ingredients. Flour, cream of tartar and baking soda. Only add one cup of flour at a time and mix in between.

Zest the 1 and a half lemon(s) into your cookie dough, mix in well and even.

This dough has an ODD look to it, raw it resembles the fluffy melty texture of marzipan. It's unique from my other recipes.

Using a large spoon, scoop, or balling by hand shape your cookies and place them on the wax paper tray. Place this in your fridge for atleast 3 hours if not overnight. I can't stress this enough for coconut oil based cookies, they hold their shape perfectly and won't flatten out like doing it straight from the mixer.

These cookies will be firm but fragile, prone to a bit cracking if you don't keep them flat coming from the fridge. Prep your cookie sheet with non-stick spray. I use coconut oil spray, consistency haha.

Set your oven to 350, the key is putting these in the oven when they're cold

Bake them for 10 minutes/+ up to 10 additional minutes. Watch them closely. When the edges of the cookies have just begun to turn gold, they're done. They'll cook for an extra couple minutes once you remove them from the oven.

If you used regular sugar over the coconut sugar these cookies will be a very nice white color on the inside, tinged by the infused coconut oil. They don't brown up, just dry up then have the potential to burn. They're fragile while baking but store well refrigerated.

This recipe is worth the time, and worth using good ingredients.
:welcome: to the new folks to the thread!
Thanks so much, FuzzyGreen, for the awesome recipe and pics. Those look so good, and you know I'm going to have to try them out. :laugh:

And I agree with the comments on using fresh as opposed to dry buds. Depending on the strain, that green taste in fresh buds can be very off putting. I would certainly at least quick dry them first as well. :thumb:

Ziggy....what can I say....you've made me hungry. :laugh:

Can't wait to get back into my Canna Kitchen. Hopefully by tomorrow.

Wonderful stuff ya'll!!

I just couldn't wait..I had to get back in my kitchen. My perfect excuse was my Brother. After all of the help he has given me the last few days, using his muscle and mechanic's intuitions, I just felt there had to be more I could do. I couldn't pay him much, so I asked him what he would like me to cook for him. Something with that "special" something in it, of course. :laugh:
Of all the things he could have asked for, he requested a favorite treat I used to make. Candied Beer Dogs.

These hot dogs are simmered in Beer till just about fully plump, then a few ingredients are added to them and reduced down to give them a sweet tangy sauce that covers them. Catsup, brown sugar, mustard powder, worcestershire sauce, honey.....
They are delicious and are always gone before they've cooled off. :laugh:

So, here they are in process:


I will be adding ground up decarbed bud to the sauce as soon as it's thick enough, then simmer on very low to allow it to fully incorporate.

This is what they look like when done, but not from today's:


If anyone wants the recipe and destructions just say yey, and I will post them up later or tomorrow.

I just couldn't wait..I had to get back in my kitchen. My perfect excuse was my Brother. After all of the help he has given me the last few days, using his muscle and mechanic's intuitions, I just felt there had to be more I could do. I couldn't pay him much, so I asked him what he would like me to cook for him. Something with that "special" something in it, of course. :laugh:
Of all the things he could have asked for, he requested a favorite treat I used to make. Candied Beer Dogs.

These hot dogs are simmered in Beer till just about fully plump, then a few ingredients are added to them and reduced down to give them a sweet tangy sauce that covers them. Catsup, brown sugar, mustard powder, worcestershire sauce, honey.....
They are delicious and are always gone before they've cooled off. :laugh:

So, here they are in process:


I will be adding ground up decarbed bud to the sauce as soon as it's thick enough, then simmer on very low to allow it to fully incorporate.

This is what they look like when done, but not from today's:


If anyone wants the recipe and destructions just say yey, and I will post them up later or tomorrow.


is this where we say yey?.. Yes
Candied Canna Beer Dogs​

This is not an exact recipe. You can add or omit while you taste test during the reduction of the liquids. Don't be afraid to add something not listed in the recipe to make it suit your own taste buds too!
Also, for a richer flavor try using a good dark beer like a German Stout or similar.
If you are watching the sugar, reduce the amount of brown sugar and increase the amount of honey.

Also, this is the first time I have made these and infused Cannabis into them. The dosing is something I have to experiment with. I have started with 2 tsps. of ground decarboxylated Cannabis. I will wait on the report of the effects, and then either reheat and add more or not add as much next time. :laugh:
Tincture could be used, but the amount will have to be to your own tolerance and adjust as needed. Keep in mind, tincture effects reportedly wear off sooner than using cannabutter or ground cannabis.

Next batch I make, I'm going to use some cannabutter in it for longer effects, and it will give a nicer richness and shine to the sauce. :)


3 or 4 packages of hot dogs cut into 1" pieces
1 can of Beer (any brand you like)
1 tsp. dry mustard or prepared mustard
3/4 C. Catsup
1/4 C. Honey
3/4 C. Brown Sugar (more or less as you like)
2 Tbs. Worcestershire
2 tsp. ground decarboxylated Cannabis This is approximate! Adjust this for your own tolerance level.


Pour the beer into a deep sauce or fry pan and turn heat to medium high. Put the hot dog pieces in and heat to a rolling boil.


Let them cook until slightly plumped, but not done yet. If you let them cook too much now they will overcook by the end and the skins will get tough.


Add the rest of the ingredients and stir it up well to blend. Taste test carefully, add what you like at this point.


Let it cook until the liquid is reduced by at least half, stirring occasionally. It usually takes a good 20 minutes to reduce enough to start keeping any eye for your preferred thickness of the sauce.


When the sauce (or glaze if you prefer) starts to coat the back of a spoon or spatula, it's ready. It should coat the hot dog pieces without running off like water. If you want a thicker sauce, cook it down more, but watch it closely so you don't burn it.

When the sauce is at your perfect thickness, this is the point at which you will add the finely ground decarboxylated Cannabis, or tincture, or cannabutter. Turn the heat down to low, sprinkle in the cannabis or add the tincture/butter and mix it up well. Let it simmer on low for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not let it boil, if you get it too hot you take a chance on reducing the potency of your cannabis.


Serve immediately, or keep warm in a crock pot or heated buffet tray. Remember this is meat, you don't want this sitting around at room temperature too long and start developing nasties.

Candied Canna Beer Dogs​

This is not an exact recipe. You can add or omit while you taste test during the reduction of the liquids. Don't be afraid to add something not listed in the recipe to make it suit your own taste buds too!
Also, for a richer flavor try using a good dark beer like a German Stout or similar.
If you are watching the sugar, reduce the amount of brown sugar and increase the amount of honey.

Also, this is the first time I have made these and infused Cannabis into them. The dosing is something I have to experiment with. I have started with 2 tsps. of ground decarboxylated Cannabis. I will wait on the report of the effects, and then either reheat and add more or not add as much next time. :laugh:
Tincture could be used, but the amount will have to be to your own tolerance and adjust as needed. Keep in mind, tincture effects reportedly wear off sooner than using cannabutter or ground cannabis.

Next batch I make, I'm going to use some cannabutter in it for longer effects, and it will give a nicer richness and shine to the sauce. :)


3 or 4 packages of hot dogs cut into 1" pieces
1 can of Beer (any brand you like)
1 tsp. dry mustard or prepared mustard
3/4 C. Catsup
1/4 C. Honey
3/4 C. Brown Sugar (more or less as you like)
2 Tbs. Worcestershire
2 tsp. ground decarboxylated Cannabis This is approximate! Adjust this for your own tolerance level.


Pour the beer into a deep sauce or fry pan and turn heat to medium high. Put the hot dog pieces in and heat to a rolling boil.


Let them cook until slightly plumped, but not done yet. If you let them cook too much now they will overcook by the end and the skins will get tough.


Add the rest of the ingredients and stir it up well to blend. Taste test carefully, add what you like at this point.


Let it cook until the liquid is reduced by at least half, stirring occasionally. It usually takes a good 20 minutes to reduce enough to start keeping any eye for your preferred thickness of the sauce.


When the sauce (or glaze if you prefer) starts to coat the back of a spoon or spatula, it's ready. It should coat the hot dog pieces without running off like water. If you want a thicker sauce, cook it down more, but watch it closely so you don't burn it.

When the sauce is at your perfect thickness, this is the point at which you will add the finely ground decarboxylated Cannabis, or tincture, or cannabutter. Turn the heat down to low, sprinkle in the cannabis or add the tincture/butter and mix it up well. Let it simmer on low for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not let it boil, if you get it too hot you take a chance on reducing the potency of your cannabis.


Serve immediately, or keep warm in a crock pot or heated buffet tray. Remember this is meat, you don't want this sitting around at room temperature too long and start developing nasties.


Looks like it will make Super Bowl into 'Stupor Bowl'.. :rofl:

Thank you!!

My brother just called me. He was having a giggle fest to the point that he had me giggling up a storm. We went off and on so many different subjects that it's hard to remember what all we talked...er....giggled about.

So apparently the two teaspoons of ground decarbed cannabis was enough in the portion of candied dogs I made. He was quite content with how he was feeling. And of course....wants more.

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