The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Cool tube is the shit for a tent for sure. Shotgun that hot air straight out.. I'm an old dog and still don't think these LED equal a good old HID light. Well, unless you got acouple grand extra laying around to get a proper light. HID,, a good bulb costs what 30$ ? and less than 200 more for a ballast and acool tube. Done deal. And anew 30$ bulb every year or so. I am going to try one of these LED's in a small tent I have in abit. Tent is 18"X32" 5' tall mother' tent. I do know people do real well with LED,, but they have a good penny tied up in LED lighting. Keepem Green
Just took a few chocolate mint leafs and 3 stevia leafs and let them steep a few minutes in hot water then added a touch of almond milk. Mmmmmm turned out pretty tasty
Nice lookin buds cannoi very tasty and potent im sure.. loving the kiddie pool garden. It is coming along very nicely! is growing nicely. Next time I will just do 4 big plants so the roots have room. I did put dividers in to stop the mint from taking over but their under soil so you cant see them
90 might be pushing it, and you might get some hermies. HERE's a cheap cool tube if ya can fit it in your budget. still trying to figure it out, its reading 73 at soil level and was reading and around 77 at canopy but if you take the temp 2 feet above canopy it was reading too too hot but I dont think it was reading the air but just picking up residual heat from the reflector itself
Cool tube is the shit for a tent for sure. Shotgun that hot air straight out.. I'm an old dog and still don't think these LED equal a good old HID light. Well, unless you got acouple grand extra laying around to get a proper light. HID,, a good bulb costs what 30$ ? and less than 200 more for a ballast and acool tube. Done deal. And anew 30$ bulb every year or so. I am going to try one of these LED's in a small tent I have in abit. Tent is 18"X32" 5' tall mother' tent. I do know people do real well with LED,, but they have a good penny tied up in LED lighting. Keepem Green
I like how dense my buds are when they were under the hps. I like led's to but I guess im just old school and didnt know it.. I love the light and I like the spectrum. I got tired of looking at blurple. Im an idiot though because the only reason I didnt just get the cool tube to negin with was I didnt feel like rearranging my scrubber and filter to make it more cool tube friendly the money wasnt a real issue....shit I got 6.5 ounces sitting in their drawer so if I was really that frugile then HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
So I took my normal sunday morning stroll and I noticed one of my outdoor ladies looking damn near dead. Its has webs all over her so im assuming spider mites. I dont know if she is saveable or if I even want to try to save her. This one has had issue after issue so far. Guess thats just the price you pay when their outdoors and you can only check the once a week.
Gypsy moths or caterpillars usually web up like that and eat the shit out of some foliage before bed time.
Gypsy moths or caterpillars usually web up like that and eat the shit out of some foliage before bed time.
Tell you the truth I was so disgusted I didnt really examine her good plus I didn't wanna touch her cuz I still had other plants to check on. I have never in my experience seen a plant go down hill that fast, it was like overnight it seemed. Smh
Theres a burn for those people who think cannabis lovers are just worthless potheads. Worthless people don't get letters like that. Ive raised her for the past 8 years her dad was my friend and he hung himself when she was 3 and im basically the only dad she's ever known. I told her I love them so much that I would live for them. I have changed my life so much for the better just so I can make sure im around to raise her. It is really them that have guided me. Do they have a DAUGHTERS DAY?
Probably do......well we should celebrate that every year.
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