The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

But yes things are definitely better now. I use to be addicted to herion when my dad died when I was 19 I was off to the races, nothing could stop me, not family not prison I mean nothing, I felt so hopeless. So after years of abuse I managed to scrape up 5 years clean and in 2012 when my mom died I relapsed for a total of about 6 months and caught two charges in that time. When im using its like im a different person. Still not a thief (I hate thiefs) but when im using I mostly end up with assault charges but I think thats just my allergy......when im around disrespectful people and im using I usually tend to break out in a set of handcuffs. .. When my mom died I struggled but now have 2 years clean of everything except for smoke. Which I will never stop. I credit marijuana for helping me beat my addiction
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Yeah toasted my justification was im not robbing and stealing and im not hurting no one but myself but we usually end up hurting everyone else who ever lived/cared for us. The only thing is it was our choice to hurt and they had no say in the matter
Wow, Canna, I didn't know you went through that ringer. I've lost many friends from dope, and the sad part is that most of them, it wasn't their first time dying. I think I've tried damn near every hard drug under the sun, (well just the popular ones, not the new shit), but I thank God loudly that I never tried dope. I have an addictive personality, and knowing myself the way I do, I'm convinced I'd be that guy that would go at it hard and never return. It's awesome that you're content to just smoke bud and not feel the need to use.

Stay low, stay green!
Something happened at the strip mall a block from my house last night or this morning. The police had it roped off with a sheet covering what I can only assume was a body. The way the body was positioned it looks like it could be an overdose and the dude sat in the curb to nod out and never woke he was sitting up but slumped over. I guess if its on the news then it was a murder but if it was an od I doubt the news will say anything at all about it
Same story here. If it's murder, it's sensational to viewers. If an OD, nobody cares. This world is a callus one.
Will take some pics tonight....the heavyweight dream machine is throwing pistols already and big bud is stretching nicely. Still no pistols yet on the auto berry rider but here she is this morning
I cheated, so I'm not gonna answer and spoil it, but good one!
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