The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

thank you Sue, the pictures are beautiful.....and it's pretty humbling for you to think of me and call out my name when you are there and I am here...pretty awesome....
thank you Sue, the pictures are beautiful.....and it's pretty humbling for you to think of me and call out my name when you are there and I am here...pretty awesome....

It was an immediate reaction Shawnee. You were the reason the camera came out to begin with. It all took off from there. So I guess you were my muse in this instance. :circle-of-love:

Beautiful mushrooms. Those loook good enough to eat. ( I don't usually catch them until they have hardened up a little. )
Thank you Radogast. :thanks:

Yeah those made a few meals and the rest were dehydrated for later use. Good to see a fellow mushroom lover!

Here's a few more of a maple from yesterday. I really wish there would have been some blue sky behind it.. and some sun. Gotta have sun.
Last edited by Radogast; Today at 07:45 PM. Reason: Maybe when your lake goes sideways again

it only happens during the summer solstice when the moon is full and mercury is in retrograde and the tide is at a negative 3 or more. or when i fall down taking a picture. so yeah.. probably not that long at all.
Last edited by Radogast; Today at 07:45 PM. Reason: Maybe when your lake goes sideways again

it only happens during the summer solstice when the moon is full and mercury is in retrograde and the tide is at a negative 3 or more. or when i fall down taking a picture. so yeah.. probably not that long at all.

:rofl: :rofl:

And I agree, that butterfly has a big ol' belly. LOL Beautiful colors as she shy's from the camera into that flower. :)

Here's a thought for the group:

Decorating for seasons is certainly a sign of seasons changing, what say you all to allow posting pics of the outside or inside traditions of decorating that we do? Christmas lights, Thanksgiving table settings....etc. etc. Every major holiday is connected to a season.

I would love to see the different decorations and traditional processes of the members here from all over the planet.


I think it's an excellent idea Canna.

I'll be spending the holidays in Phoenix with my best friend who's Native American. I'm sure there will be some excellent photos I can get from her family and the greater Phoenix area. Will you accept pictures from previous years? I won't be putting up my tree, but I have pictures from last year that would work.
Yeah, I think pics from previous years would be fun as well.
And I really look forward to seeing decorations from Native Americans!

I'm in the holiday spirit for the first time in a few years. I'm going to decorate outside as well as inside this year. It's time to move onward and do the things I really used to enjoy!


I think last year has to count. Our Samhain decorations stay up year round. Same for Carnival and Diwali :)
Here's a thought for the group:

Decorating for seasons is certainly a sign of seasons changing, what say you all to allow posting pics of the outside or inside traditions of decorating that we do? Christmas lights, Thanksgiving table settings....etc. etc. Every major holiday is connected to a season.

I would love to see the different decorations and traditional processes of the members here from all over the planet.



I'll enjoy seeing others decorations. No decorating here though, and no pics of previous years unfortunately.

One year for Halloween I went all in, for the first and only time ever. Transformed my suburban house and front yard into a beach with a shipwreck, grave yard, treasure spilling out all over and chilled fog rolling out and over the ground from hidden creepy sources like in a movie. Spent a month at the drawing board, another month prebuilding and 2 1/2 weeks to set it all up (also spent a Spanish Galleon full of money). I made and wore special 1 foot stilts, one of them a pegleg. Made me a massive 7ft tall with the trade mark pegleg thump. The kids that made it to the door to ring the bell got a scare when I would launch into a full fledged pirate style tirade, angry someone was 'at my cabin door', yelling as I came from the back of the house....errr, bowels of the ship.

It was a neighborhood hit and people came back the next year hoping for more. Unfortunately life had taken a very hard turn and holidays lost their fun.
I'll enjoy seeing others decorations. No decorating here though, and no pics of previous years unfortunately.

One year for Halloween I went all in, for the first and only time ever. Transformed my suburban house and front yard into a beach with a shipwreck, grave yard, treasure spilling out all over and chilled fog rolling out and over the ground from hidden creepy sources like in a movie. Spent a month at the drawing board, another month prebuilding and 2 1/2 weeks to set it all up (also spent a Spanish Galleon full of money). I made and wore special 1 foot stilts, one of them a pegleg. Made me a massive 7ft tall with the trade mark pegleg thump. The kids that made it to the door to ring the bell got a scare when I would launch into a full fledged pirate style tirade, angry someone was 'at my cabin door', yelling as I came from the back of the house....errr, bowels of the ship.

It was a neighborhood hit and people came back the next year hoping for more. Unfortunately life had taken a very hard turn and holidays lost their fun.

What you did on that Halloween sounds absolutely awesome, and I'll bet there will be some grandchildren around the neighborhood hearing about it. :)

Sorry that life took a full tilt enough to keep you from enjoying the festive ways people celebrate. Maybe you could keep the festive spirit by looking at, or photographing what other people are doing?

Obviously we don't want to see anything revealing location or people in pictures, someone might get a little cranky about being posted to an MJ site. LOL Just the decorations.

Search light on for....

Shawnee, how you doin' Sis?

Smokey, you okay out there?


Canna, thank you for the shoutout, I really appreciate that you keep track...actually, I have just walked over to the computer to give you a shoutout....on watching the weather, we are in for a doozy of a 2 day wind storm....I hope you have everything tethered down and when I pray for me I pray for you that neither of us looses power....UGH....

My computer died and it was a bit of a PITA buying and returning new laptops to take the place of my 27" screen iMac which I dearly loved....anyway, back online and all is well, thank you so much for the search light illumination....

Also, since I had to catch up a bit, another thank you to Sue for thinking of me in her mustang cloud lovely pics.....pretty hard to believe that without a journal, some of you do shoutout to me and that is very wonderful, so thank you 420 friends very much :circle-of-love:
Canna, thank you for the shoutout, I really appreciate that you keep track...actually, I have just walked over to the computer to give you a shoutout....on watching the weather, we are in for a doozy of a 2 day wind storm....I hope you have everything tethered down and when I pray for me I pray for you that neither of us looses power....UGH....

My computer died and it was a bit of a PITA buying and returning new laptops to take the place of my 27" screen iMac which I dearly loved....anyway, back online and all is well, thank you so much for the search light illumination....

Also, since I had to catch up a bit, another thank you to Sue for thinking of me in her mustang cloud lovely pics.....pretty hard to believe that without a journal, some of you do shoutout to me and that is very wonderful, so thank you 420 friends very much :circle-of-love:

Glad to hear from you! Yeah, we're going to be in for a doozy, as you said. I have pounding rain and thunder boomers right now.
I had to laugh, I was just giving mother nature a talking to this morning because I'm out of rainwater. Now, I'm going to run out of buckets! LOL
15-20 footers on Lake Michigan, even the Coast Guard here doesn't have a boat big enough to handle that.

I shall keep your good Karma, and sending some right backatcha that we keep our power on.

Buckle up and ride safe Sis!

Hallowe'en Decorations

I looked around the house today to see what "holiday" decorations might be up. It seems the only holiday represented is decorations that seem Halloweeny. No real surprise.

Here are some photos of the 'Art Room', a repurposed Living Room for doing crafty things. I have been sitting at my wife's desk and working from home for six weeks.

Dolls on the Desk (a painted and tarted up TV stand/room divider)




In the center of the art table in the center of the room, the daughter is working on a mask.


Bookcase in the corner


The circular decorative box is currently used for seed storage


Flanking the doorway from the Art Room into the next room


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