The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Thanks Canna!

I never noticed the cat shadow. Good eye! That's too skinny to be my RC (Rat Cat). Plus he's not a pole climber, thank god.

I'm fairly certain it was looking at it's prey in this pic. Shortly after is when it swooped and grabbed it. It had been looking around and when it would look in my direction you could see half the face, the big feather circle around the eye and the eye shone like a laser. Was trying to capture that.
The last 2 days, driving 15 miles through the woods to the hospital, the views have been SPECTACULAR.
Rocks in a cove on a lake with fall colors behind.
Two different town scarecrow displays.
Crows among the reds of the trees.

--all pictures while driving failed. :(

Today it is raining, so I just took snapshots from the porches.

Mushrooms beside the front porch


I wonder what little critters are under these mushroom caps taking shelter from the rain? Love those shrooms. :)

Scarecrows would be an awesome addition to the seasons journal, if you can grab a shot. I don't think I've ever seen an actual scarecrow for the purpose of scaring crows away from the veggies. LOL

You've got some color happening in the backyard, it ought be living in reds/oranges soon.

Fungus Among Us:

These mushrooms are what I call "Dog Pee Shrooms"....I may have told this story before, but here is the reason.
They only grew where the dogs went out to pee. BIG dogs.
My ex husband used to eat these stating they were absolutely delicious, I just couldn't muster up the courage knowing where they were growing. LOL
They are called "Shaggy Manes" and are considered choice by some.


Natures premium blend....


I got to watch this owl come and go a couple times the other night. The last time it let me witness it grabbing a mouse or something. It swooped down, did a fast flutter/hover over the target, then was off to a nest.

Hard picture to get. A dark subject at night very close to a bright light source. No tripod :blushsmile:

Great owl photo :circle-of-love:

I like the insulator shadow cat. :Love:

That looks a bit like a Barred Owl - Barred Owls are so common in Massachusetts that one man I met went to all 312 Massachusetts towns in one year and heard a barred owl call in each town. It helps that he can do a good Barred Owl sound, but more importantly a sound of a hawk that they compete with for food and territory. By making hawk noises, within minutes he was able to attract and hear a Barred Owl attempt to chase him away at each town :)

P.S. At least 4 times he took skeptics of his claim with him on evening excursions in their town and let them experience the Barred Owl response :)
So....+reps to the person with the best reason for the picture being called "natures premium blend"....


hmmm. Top Gal, the naturally topped wild foundling, born of a premium blend of naturally polinated premium herb to bloom into a land race superstar herb apears blends into a backdrop of natural trees.

I'm stumped. I have no idea why you used that title :)
hmmm. Top Gal, the naturally topped wild foundling, born of a premium blend of naturally polinated premium herb to bloom into a land race superstar herb apears blends into a backdrop of natural trees.

I'm stumped. I have no idea why you used that title :)

:bravo: You pretty much hit it on the mark Radogast!

My vision when taking the photo was
Mother Natures' premium plant at harvest time, blending in with the beauty of natural Fall turning of the trees.

yeah....I'm wierd...but I'm happy with that.

Great owl photo :circle-of-love:

I like the insulator shadow cat. :Love:

That looks a bit like a Barred Owl - Barred Owls are so common in Massachusetts that one man I met went to all 312 Massachusetts towns in one year and heard a barred owl call in each town. It helps that he can do a good Barred Owl sound, but more importantly a sound of a hawk that they compete with for food and territory. By making hawk noises, within minutes he was able to attract and hear a Barred Owl attempt to chase him away at each town :)

P.S. At least 4 times he took skeptics of his claim with him on evening excursions in their town and let them experience the Barred Owl response :)

INSULATORS! I couldn't think of the name of those things for the life of me. I even went and looked at some old green glass insulators I have here and it still wouldn't come to me. :laugh:

I never knew you could call the Owls in with Hawk sounds. That's worth trying some evening.....:cheertwo:
INSULATORS! I couldn't think of the name of those things for the life of me. I even went and looked at some old green glass insulators I have here and it still wouldn't come to me. :laugh:

I never knew you could call the Owls in with Hawk sounds. That's worth trying some evening.....:cheertwo:

It works with Barred Owls because they are territorial, curious, and vocal. Most Owls are territorial so sounding like an intruder gets them to investigate. Knowing you are human causes some owls to ignore you, and some to try to scare you away anyway :)
It's the time of year when the cooler nights bring out the deep purple in the asters.



The bees were working this plant pretty heavy.

Beautiful color on those flowers Sue. :)

Are the bees moving pretty slowly now? Almost like they're half asleep?
I could probably pet a couple of the bumble bees right now, they are almost in hibernation state. LOL

One nice thing about losing the leaves from the trees is that I can finally locate that bald faced hornets nest that is somewhere in the pond vicinity. Nasty bees.............wouldn't want to pet those.


I got some pics of a berry tree out by the pond I will upload later or tomorrow, looking for an I.D.on it. Pretty red berries.
Here's the red berry tree. Anybody know what these are?



This mushroom makes itself look like a flower with petals:


There are still some chippee's left around. They aren't bothering me now. This one has been hanging around the back deck and is getting quite used to me. Might be hand feeding him soon. :)


This is just cuz:

There are still some chippee's left around. They aren't bothering me now. This one has been hanging around the back deck and is getting quite used to me. Might be hand feeding him soon. :)


They definitely get used to people, especially when food is involved. My parents have a pic of me, about 10 or 11, playing tug 'o war over a Nutter Butter cookie with a chipmunk. It was during a road trip from San Diego to northern ID. We stopped at Crater Lake in OR. I sat on a rock wall eating and the chips would come right up to me.
They definitely get used to people, especially when food is involved. My parents have a pic of me, about 10 or 11, playing tug 'o war over a Nutter Butter cookie with a chipmunk. It was during a road trip from San Diego to northern ID. We stopped at Crater Lake in OR. I sat on a rock wall eating and the chips would come right up to me.

That would be cool to see. Nutter butter I have an idea how to entice him to me.
I've been putting out little bits of apples collected from the ground at my folks house, he seems to like those.

Last week I slipped on the wet wooden deck steps and fell. This chipmunk was staring at me from within the honeysuckles with a look on his face like he was wondering if the food source was okay. :laughtwo:
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