The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I took my walk this morning. Cloudy day, durn it! Might not get to see any of that moon while on break tonight.

First up, here's the dead tree I mentioned that looks like a whale or porpoise diving:


If I were a modest cave woman, I would have no problem finding something to cover me up....LOL\


2015 early shroom report:







There are still some flowers around and the bumble bees are getting the last of the nectar:



We need rain here, the creek is only half of what it should be:


The other side looks nice...

Lovely update, Cannafan.

The low water levels, forest leaves, and final yellow flower look familiar. You have better shrooms than I :)
+reps for leafy modesty rather than revealing your skyclad hand :rofl:

Anyone know what this waist sized bush is? I think these grew from a midwestern wildflower mix. One can see the size of the flowers by the bumblebee.


I've got those here in several places also Radogast. Have no idea what they are. Some of mine have a purple tint to them as they mature. They're pretty and they seem to survive evening chills at this time of year.
Lovely update, Cannafan.

The low water levels, forest leaves, and final yellow flower look familiar. You have better shrooms than I :)
+reps for leafy modesty rather than revealing your skyclad hand :rofl:

Anyone know what this waist sized bush is? I think these grew from a midwestern wildflower mix. One can see the size of the flowers by the bumblebee.


You sure it's not just wild daisies? Looks like anyway!

I want to see the moon tomorrow night, but I will be working during the main event I fear. Darn!

I cropped some photos just in case nobody seen, so I got you covered. I'll upload and post in a few! :)

EDIT: Maybe not! Server IO error... Another day perhaps..
You sure it's not just wild daisies? Looks like anyway!

I cropped some photos just in case nobody seen, so I got you covered. I'll upload and post in a few! :)

EDIT: Maybe not! Server IO error... Another day perhaps..

I got out of work at 10:45 P.M., just in time to see the moon in a blurred red. Some of the stars looked as if they were reflecting the red. It was quite pretty.
We had cloudy skies all day, but at least it gave us a view for a little while. Looking forward to your pictures. :)
A great view PeeJay! I must be doing something right lately, it was all cloudy right up to the moment it started, it lifted and stayed perfectly clear all the way through. I chilled in my hammock and had a great view right through an opening. Here are a few pics since some have mentioned not seeing it. The eclipse and then the blood part next! :)





All cloudy here :( no moon to be had, perhaps better luck 2033 :winkyface:

Sun up this morning though and a sparkle caught my eye...

Water globules floating in the air :) (never could catch the real sparkle as seen by the eye)


Aggregated dew drops in spiderweb under the "shoe-scraper grid" up to my porch :laughtwo:


I know what you mean on not getting the sparkly of the droplets as the eye seems them, regardless.... I love that dewey look on spider webs. :)
I wonder if that's how spiders quench their thirst? :laughtwo:
Nice Smokie! I had a spectacular view of the whole thing but no camera equipment capable of capturing it. I got to see the big bright moon set over the mountains to the west of where I was just as the sun was rising too. I woke up at 4:00 a.m and the moon was so bright it was possible to sit outside and read a magazine with no light on.

Absolutely stunning Smokey! That 2nd picture of the blood moon has a shadow that looks like a huge planet behind it at first glance.
Awesome effect, whatever it is.
Thank you so much!
+reps our friend. :)

RIGHT!!?? I instantly thought the earth and moon were both moons of a gas giant. An almost alien looking pic. Great one!!
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