The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I see a snorting wild hog:


This is just because I was there:


I see him too Canna. Good one. The one with the leaf is brilliant. You're going to have us looking for creative ways to get that logo in. :laughtwo:
I love watching the wood ducks.

Growing up, wood ducks were in a special category with cardinals, bald eagles, and road runners - Birds I'd never seen except in stunning photographs that led me to dream of remote and exotic parts of the USA.

I totally agree Radogast. My two favorite birds in the world are Hawks and Wood Ducks. Woody's are the most beautifully marked ducks in our region and they are funny as heck to watch.
It took awhile, but I do see the Snapper! Thanks Smokey, that was a good one. ;-)
When I drive to work I go through a small town that has awesome landscaping as well. I keep wanting to stop and grab some pictures along the sidewalks, but always pressed for time.
I wonder what it will look like during the winter months.
Wise of you to not randomly eat the mushrooms you find, some are deadly and some can make you extremely ill.
I have very few that I know and will eat, and I keep a mushroom guidebook with color pictures handy just in case. ;-)

Lol, I could never stop and just start taking pictures of someone else's stuff without permission, reason being, I can't stand it when it happens to me. LOL... :) Around these parts in the winter it just looks like a snow fence. :thedoubletake:

Saw the Hog right away. :)


I absolutely love love love that you love sunflowers....your pictures are stupendous....

Ahh, thanks Shawnee. I planted three whole seed packs of em. Sunflowers galore... :)

Smokey, you outdid yourself. Stunning string of photo bombs. :bravo:

But these, these were memory. My grandparents had arbors near the house on their 1/4 acre farmstead. My visits in fall were spent sitting under there gorging on grapes. The house Dale and I lived in for 20 years had arbors that you passed under to enter the front door with three varieties. The luscious smell of the concords alone....sheer bliss.

Thank you you for triggering that joyful series of memories.

I'm glad I could bring up a joyful memory for you SweetSue! If I may fancy your pickle a little more, I have three variety of grapes in that bunch, just couldn't get a shot with all together. :) They sure do smell good!

LOL @ Chopping Broccoli.

Lol, Buckshot reminded me of that awhile back in one of his posts. I didn't realize Carvey did a newer one. :) If you haven't ever watched it, do the goog -> Choppin Broccoli. :)
Dang, never thought of coconuts, but it makes perfect sense....

Canna, beautiful weather run in our geography....a little rain and then another one Indian summers around here....

Poppin' gifted seeds right and left around here....have a new light to another new patient card in the mail today....getting down and dirty over here to build a real perpetual by the calendar.....woot woot....
Dang, never thought of coconuts, but it makes perfect sense....

Canna, beautiful weather run in our geography....a little rain and then another one Indian summers around here....

Poppin' gifted seeds right and left around here....have a new light to another new patient card in the mail today....getting down and dirty over here to build a real perpetual by the calendar.....woot woot....

Fantastic Shawnee! You're going to be rolling in the healing soon, and your patients will love you!

The weather has been terrific, up early this morning enjoying a warm rain in the dark on the back porch. So quiet and peaceful...

Lord have mercy, Canna, are we having a very special sunset tonite or what.....all that pink and blue, so spectacular.....what a great run on the weather we are enjoying and another 7 days ahead of us.....that's when I really feel rich......and life is good...:circle-of-love:
That would be viburnum....and the fruit can be mildly not to eat....
Beautiful photos :circle-of-love:

These ones look like chives :geek:



Rico beat me to it. I was just getting ready to... .. :laughtwo:

Canna, breathtaking Australian wonders! The most amazing continent, eh? That one tree with eyeballs followed by one with celebratory trumpets? Geez, nothing 'normal' there at all.

A couple humble entries from my foraging adventure yesterday. Look, I actually loaded them in! LOL! My phone camera is full of things I meant to share here. :laughtwo:

Just a couple things that caught the eye. I was mesmerized by the play of colors in this mushroom.



This was the most delicate thistle plant ever.

I let myself get too busy with this grow. I'm missing out on too much fun. Scale back Girl. :straightface:

It was nice to catch up. Miss a couple days around here and you better bring your running shoes. I don't own any running shoes. I better just stop more often then. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I love the array of colors in the fungus Sue, but what I like most is the character of the dead wood it is growing on.
Dead wood and stumps are a favorite thing of mine. I have a large dead piece of tree on my power line that through the years has begun to look like a whale just going back underwater.
Driftwood is a huge favorite too.

It is shroom time, thanks for the reminder to get into the woods tomorrow morning. :)

I want to see the moon tomorrow night, but I will be working during the main event I fear. Darn!
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