The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Share a sunset!? Flock of geese in the second.





Was a cool shot... :)

Of course Smokey is allowed. LOL I should have said "anyone". My bad......:loopy:

And I believe you are right! These are growing like wildfire at the edge of a lake here and they look awesome mixed in with the yellow wildflowers.


Radogast, you're awfully quiet these days. Everything okay, or just busy busy?

Heirloom, what's happening to your photos? The one I replied to is gone and so is the one with the mater' worms. Those looked huge!

I spent two days on the train to New Orleans, a week in Nola, 2 days back, and 2 days in vacation recovery / grow room maintenance.

I'm just catching up here :)
Wow Smokey. Shots of the week. :battingeyelashes:
Cool photos radogast... I was flicking through and when I first saw the limestone one, I thought it was a couple of paddle steamers/ riverboat/houseboat then 2 photos down, you got a photo of one..... Thanks for that... Mightn't be the response you thought, but still responsible for a chuckle, lol...
As we come to a close on Sun month, I felt I better get these pics up. Time...time...time...not enough to go around. LOL

First, I caught this dragonfly resting in the hazy morning sun. The sun is's just hazy. The humidity was extremely high and fog had just burned off:


When I enlarged the photo I really liked the pattern of the leaf veins highlighted and the wings showing off them:


This dude watches me every time I come out on the back deck, it's home is the dying off honeysuckle. I thought it looked lovely with the dappled sunlight on him and the web:


This really got me. I wanted to show a picture of his "home" entrance and when I looked at it, it appears like something out of a bad sci-fi movie. The branch behind him looks like a Pterodactyl chasing him out of a black hole.



So I did a couple minutes of playing with photo effects and got it to really look sci-fi-ish.

I'll keep an eye out for them here. I was just thinking I couldn't remember seeing them yet this year. Lovely shots Canna.
Lol, during the end of season I always watch for clearance bags of mixed wild flowers but I only get the ones that have some perennials in it to, gives me a start for new areas for next year. Lol, I planted seeds yesterday! :goof:

This is something new and different for me this year! It's called an Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry. A rather squat but productive little plant. They fall to the ground when they are ready to eat, hence the name I assume. The funny thing is my wife doesn't like Tomatoes but enjoys these, very different sweet almost vanilla cake batter like taste. Then some grapes starting to smell.



Those might be Jack-in-the-pulpit berries. Are they growing on the stalk that is in the picture?

Smokey, beautiful flowers and fruits!

Heirloom, I meant to post a few days ago on my idea for a theme of the month. I was thinking clouds.
This is the time of year here when we will get some variety of cloud formations, colors and types.
What do you all think of that? We could post "guess what it is" in regards to the shape of the cloud, etc. etc. Anything of a cloud nature.

If you have any other ideas, I'm all up for it!

I have some start of fall season pictures to post in the next couple of days. It's amazing how quickly things start to change when the first of September rolls in.
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