The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Is that the bin you found all the castings in Canna? Yes I am pleased. Pleased as punch. :cheesygrinsmiley:
A little off-season tip prompted by Heirloom's icy pictures. If you know an ice storm is imminent, spray the car down with a 50/50 solution of rubbing alcohol. That's the strength most dollar stores sell it as, so easy to find. The alcohol will keep your car from freezing at all. It's a trick a newscaster here in Pittsburgh put into use to prove or disprove years ago. We were all amazed at her documented results, so it's common practice around these parts.
HI Sue,
Great tip on keeping ice from building up!

No, that's not the same bin. The one all the worms are in is out in the front yard. Used to have a White Birch tree in it with some plants. The birch came down during a storm last year, or the year before. I was going to just remove the planter area, which is about 4' x 4', but now that I can harvest something out of it I'll just leave it be. :)

For Sun month, I had some fun with SUN and spider webs this morning. Here's one of them, the rest will have to wait. I'm out of time today.

Oh my word Canna, that's gorgeous!
First will need to reload your Spring Piggies as off topic. It's got the 420 logo on it. The gallery moderator might give ya a light spankin'. LOL

Thanks for catching that. I reported my own pic. Came here this morning to change the img link and lo and behold I can't edit the post and my Spring Pigs comment is gone.

OK. It was just an error.
Today's treat


Going back to sleep.
But of course Canna! :laughtwo:
The wattle is out in full bloom. Green and gold everywhere...


Nice photo sue...
Oh, now you're talking....our most precious resource....Pure Michigan's freshwater Great Lakes.....aaaahhhhh
I'm so spoiled Canna. One side of the apartment I see sunsets from my chair, I turn my head in bed and I'm looking right at the sunrise every morning. I just recently put my bed there to accommodate the tent that takes up 1/4 of my bedroom. It violated the rules of feng shui, with the door opening right up to the center of the bed, but having that clear view to the sunrise has been a special, unexpected bonus of growing cannabis. :laughtwo:

Grizz, great pictures yourself. All the pictures are great guys. I love this thread. :battingeyelashes:
Sue, I have an awesome porch that goes the length of the house facing west and I get big sky sunsets across my long ass property across the street to my neighbors cow/hay pasture....doesn't get better than's real nice to know that another loves their sunsets as I do...
This little fella come down to say "g'day" as I was walking through the park today...
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