The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Beautiful OMe. Good timing. :battingeyelashes:
Just caught this one. The sweep of the clouds......... awesome.

Here's my first Sun photo. Flower rocketing to somewhere.....


The Morning Glory's that I did not plant are spreading to the front yard. So cool, I must have Garden Angels around here. :)


Sue, love those sweeping clouds with the color. :)

Radogast, garter snakes are so friendly. Where I used to pick Morel mushrooms there were always lots of these snakes crawling around our feet. Not sure if it was breeding season or hatching season. LOL
As kids, we decided to scare Mom and put one in her purse one day. Didn't turn out to be such a good idea.......:laughtwo:
I found this Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar chewing on a milkweed yesterday:


And found this caterpillar possibly chewing on my Cannabis today:


I have not been able to identify the second caterpillar. Anybody know? I need to be sure if it's a plant eater or not.

(There are two other bugs on that plant in the photo, one leafhopper and one orb weaver spider)

{{sigh}} And this caterpillar on a different cannabis plant:

I have a filter that is supposed to remove the glare but I haven't tried it yet. Perhaps I'll see if I can find it. Here's a sun pic from me, can't really see the sun though.



Lol, I took like 6 sun photos and even though that one didn't show it, I enjoyed the glare that breaks through the photo. The grasshopper actually has a joined partner, not an effect, it is physically attached to the thing.
Lol, I took like 6 sun photos and even though that one didn't show it, I enjoyed the glare that breaks through the photo. The grasshopper actually has a joined partner, not an effect, it is physically attached to the thing.

Yeah, I see that on the grasshopper. He's shedding his exoskeleton. It's fascinating how they can do that and leave it in such a whole form like a ghost.

I found some photo filters, one polorizer and a haze filter, and a star effect. Not sure if that star effect will do anything on the small lens of the phone, but I'll give it a good go.

Heavenly blue!

:love: morning glory is by far my favourite flower/plant. Don't know why, but there you have it, the on topic plant can't even compete :)

(properly processed, her seeds give an incredible visual surreal trip, you'll probably puke your guts out though) :(

Thanks OMeWanCannabi (love that screen name. LOL)

I don't have a clue how these came here, but I sure love that blue also. My Mom has some pink ones growing wild at her place, she doesn't know how they got there either. Probably bird poo after eating seeds somewhere else.

I think I'll pass on the consumption of the seeds. :laughtwo:
From my bedroom window on the other side of the building - Sunrise. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I thought you meant it was an effect from the sun, lol... :)

Your filters, are they actually lens filters or are you talking software filters?

I don't think I'll be on again this weekend (maybe Saturday) so I thought I would get an actual sun shot. I used a UV filter on my zoom lens for this one. Probably just into starting it's decent.

Pretty morning sunrise Sue! The clouds add so much to the beauty of it.

The sun in your shot looks like it's melting from the heat, Smokey. Very nice :)

The filters I have are actual camera filters from the old days with SLR's. I sold all of my old equipment, but there was a bag of several filters in a box of junk I found in the basement.
The polarizer filters help to deepen the color of the sky and reduce glare or reflections off the water, I tried those yesterday and they worked out fine.

It's still raining here, so nothing going on for Sun shots. Was a beautiful sunset at work off the water last night, but no camera with me.
Thank you SweetSue for pointing me to this thread! I moved away from So. Cal in January to a place that has 4 seasons. What a lovely thing....seasons! So Cal has 4 season I guess....Summer, Late Summer, Summer Lite and Early

Nice photos in here. Makes me wish I still had my Nikon D5000 so I could really control the pics. But my little Nikon is doing pretty well...


Yeah, all digital. I took 2 years of photo in high school. 35mm processing and picture developing. I still have my old SLR Pentax, lenses, filters and rolls of various ISO color and B&W. It's not the same world anymore. I wonder if any schools even have a photo 'lab' anymore that isn't PhotoShop?

Think I'll dig up some Winter and Spring pics from my new home to share. I know I have some ice pics from winter storm Octavia.

Thanks for the welcome Cannafan!
First will need to reload your Spring Piggies as off topic. It's got the 420 logo on it. The gallery moderator might give ya a light spankin'. LOL

I love the ice storm pics, that must have been heck to chip off the car. :)

Cute lil' Piggies!

There are some smaller colleges that still have classes using standard SLR's. I'm not sure why, but they do it.
I, like you, got into processsing. Built my own darkroom in a basement and had tons of fun! I sold off most of the equipment including a fantastic enlarger system. I did mostly black and white processing and manipulation in the darkroom.

Love the blackberries. I took a shot the other day of mine, I got to them before the deer did this year. LOL I'll locate it and upload.

Thanks for the pics!
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