The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

And maybe Sue or Radogast can identify these wildflowers I found near work the other day?



Not sure if Smokey is allowed to take a stab at it but, It looks a lot like Bee Balm (M. fistulosa)! :)

Beautiful photos everybody!
Not sure if Smokey is allowed to take a stab at it but, It looks a lot like Bee Balm (M. fistulosa)! :)

Beautiful photos everybody!

Of course Smokey is allowed. LOL I should have said "anyone". My bad......:loopy:

And I believe you are right! These are growing like wildfire at the edge of a lake here and they look awesome mixed in with the yellow wildflowers.


Radogast, you're awfully quiet these days. Everything okay, or just busy busy?

Heirloom, what's happening to your photos? The one I replied to is gone and so is the one with the mater' worms. Those looked huge!
I'll get them back up soon. When I uploaded the pics, it did a weird thing and doubled them in the gallery. I hit send once, they all duplicated. I contacted Admin and they deleted the extras, but it also deleted the others. A weird thing where they show up as double, but they really aren't.

IDK WTH is up with me and pics lately. I'm glad I can post at all.

Here's a yesterday morning first light bud pic. Now this is true season changing beauty!

The Bee Balm is a member of the mint family so it spreads very easily, propagates very easily too. Has so many uses!

Not sure if this is one of the eluders on my end but I have been seeing this crazy bright blue smear rip by me, maybe this is it. These things are crazy here! :) It must be all the catnip buds... :)



Great shot Smokey!
It's not the same blue as the male I have zipping around here, and mine has a huge body on it like the green one.
Yours is so nice with the blue dotting. I have a much better appreciation for these guys now that I know they are keeping the moth population under control. The inchworms and other worms on my outdoor Cannabis have been taking a hit by the moth worms/larvae.
Every morning I have to go out and pick them off. Grrr.....

Lovely flower Heirloom! I can't wait till my outdoor girls start budding up like that. :)
Awww....they are so cute Grizz! His pose is just like the squirrels do here.
Can you hand feed them?

You posted a pic the other day that made me want to take a country road trip. The last photo of the winding road. For some reason that stuck with me and I took all back roads to work yesterday and coming home last night.

Thank you.


It had the same effect on me too Canna. Great shots Grizz. :love:

It's the sunlight reflected across the water surface that makes these ripples visible.


The prevailing winds come upriver, so it always looks like it's flowing backwards. :laughtwo:
I am so stoked..... I am on day 4 of the daytime meds and should be chopping the NLxBB auto (80% indica per breeder) today and start getting her ready to be made into my nighttime meds... She just happened to be in the tent and the next one to be ready to harvest so hopefully she will work until I finish the Blue Blood......:circle-of-love:
I sure wish you were a bit closer cause I sure would pack all the stuff up I need to make the nighttime meds and head your way... I would sit on your porch looking all pitiful until you let me in and helped me...:helpsmilie:......:circle-of-love:

Yeah, it's too bad about distance. That should be a four letter word. LOL
I am so relieved that you have started your oil. I just know when you get your night time made you will be sleeping so much better.
And just by reading your posts since you started, it feels like you might have some extra energy and "feel goods" going on now too. :)
I'm making a batch of daytime and night time this weekend provided these buds are dried enough and I don't work too much overtime.
Hey canna, the possum, yeah you'd be able to feed that particular one, lives in a park, living on fish'n'chips coke cola and lollies. they are fairly timid, wild ones, takes a long time before they'll let you get close enough with food in your hand. Actually takes months before you can be outside at same time they take fruit off a plate...Dennise, you don't want one in your roof, which is where they like to hang out. They are cute though, lol...
Canna, glad I gave you some inspiration taking the back roads, through the hills, to work.. That's my main road, lol.. 2 roads out of town, tourist or that one. I'll take the "back roads" one day, once 4x4 gets serviced, that'll make for some great photos. Blaming you if I roll or bogged.. I better buy a winch...
I sure wish you were a bit closer cause I sure would pack all the stuff up I need to make the nighttime meds and head your way... I would sit on your porch looking all pitiful until you let me in and helped me...:helpsmilie:......:circle-of-love:

If you have any questions you feel didn't get covered elsewhere or for just a piece of mind, I can try to offer some help. Can't promise I can but I have made quite a bit of oil... :love:
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