The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I managed to sneak up on the Great Blue Heron a bit ago...he was in the thicket, but at least I got closer. LOL


He flew across the pond and stayed there, so I took one with some color in it


The zoom feature on the galaxy s5 cell phone is not the greatest. Someday I'm going to get a shot of this fish glutton without using that. :laughtwo:
I haven't done such a great job of autumn/fall photos so far, but we'll see what I can get going this week.
Here's a couple from the folks place the other day.

Her fire bush is doing great:


Still a few flowers around. I thought this one was unusual with the leaves growing out of the center. (yes, that's a shield beetle in there.)


My yard has about 1 foot thickness of leaves. Well, it looks that way..... Arrrrggg!
Yep. That's exactly what I did. 😊 Just got through uploading a bunch of on topic pics and forgot to change lol. Still learning the little differences in this forum software. Sometimes I forget which does what and what is allowed. I blame it on the brain damamage. I'll reload them soon. Right now I need a mocha. Beautiful little cracker :D I had some white cookies do the same in under 24 hours.

Hey that second one kinda looks like you :winkyface:
Here's a crappy fall picture.....but there's a story to it:


See that dark blob in the driveway? That is my local Bobcat. Apparently they like to play with their food as much as their cousins, he had a chipmunk caught from the wood pile and was tossing that thing around in the air and just having the most fun.
This is as close as I could get from the living room window. ;-)
At first I thought it was a large stray cat, but there's no mistaking the bobtail and the tufted ears that I could see.
There ya go! Ooooohhhhh, more sunset pics. :thumb:
What a luverly view.

And how did you know that 2nd pic looked like me? The one eye look from a bee sting issue yesterday? :rofl:

Ha! Yep. Lol. Sorry. I just know how it feels. Not many stings this year for me. Only a few rooster attacks too. lol. One dandy of a spider bite on my foot though. Even then, not a bad year. I do remember a spider plague a few years ago. Took one to the jugular. That was an interesting day. My first encounter with a red funnel spider. Not dangerous, short of one hell of a painful bite. They look like they would kill ya by simply crawling on you. egegaghgaggeggegghe. i'm ok.

Here's something better to look at and think about lol..

Sunrise this morning.
Canna, you lucky duck! A bobcat! Geez!! I like your slice of paradise. Electro gypsy, welcome to the crew. :battingeyelashes: Such lovely photos! Yet another slice of paradise to add to our growing list.

One of the best things about this time of year is the drama played out in the clouds. Today I took a walk along the river to the labyrinth and the skies were singing.

This one I took for Shawnee. It immediately brought to mind wild mustangs.






With that much drama you knew the sunset was going to be a thing of wonder, so I waited to get them before posting. Mother Nature didn't disappoint. :battingeyelashes:



A random shot across the river. I missed the changing of the leaves by a day. Next year. :laughtwo:

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