The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Year round Haloowe'en decorations - My wife's office

We call this room the altar room as well as the my wife's office. As we go through this room and the rest of the downstairs, I will be strategically averting my camera to avoid photographs of altars dedicated to specific spirits, but in this room I can share the family altar.

A couple of skulls on top of the spiritual supplies armoire. This is where 'spare' decorative objects go waiting to be placed around the house


A first edition of an ancestor and a Florentine dagger letter opener


A Venetian luna mask


Dolls of the Wee Folk


These dolls always remind me of the three shakespearean witches playing rub-a-dub-dub :)


The Family Altar: a place to commune with ancestral spirits.


Leaving my wife's office towards the kitchen


(There is a lot more altar and spiritual stuff in the office, but I was going for the hallowe'en vibe in this photo session.)
A Hallowe'en Journey - The Kitchen and Breakfast nook

Looking back to the office transom from the kitchen


It is bright and cheery in the kitchen with all the black corvid window clings and the white cabinets.




A few decorations on top of the grandmother clock



A traditional ash, birch, willow broom by the back door


The calendar at the entrance to the family room

Hallowe'en Docorations - Living Room

Dr Plague snd a skull cauldron


The side table on my wife's end of the sofa


The antimacassar at my end of the sofa


A mask the daughter made and wore this Hallowe'en


Graveyard outside the family room windows


I feel like I should have straightened up a bit before photos, especially the graveyard, but this is how we live :)

A look up at the balcony of our bedroom foyer


Passing through the breakfast nook again

Hallowe'en Decorations - Hallway and stairs

The daughter leaves a couple of her hats (aquired from me) in the hallway. They look better on her :)


A Victorian vintage beaver top hat: a gift from my wife before our marriage.


Halloween window clings soften the white walls of the hallway and stairs, like they did in the kitchen (Art Room in the reflection)


Climbing the stairs. Note the rat cling at the base of the tree. We have several of these near the rat cage in the hall.


Tree at the top of the stairs


An owl guarding the record collection


The foyer into our bedroom

Hallowe'en Decorations - Our Bedroom

We end our tour of halloween style decorations in our bedroom.

Aren't you glad you came up to see my etchings?

My wife's dresser


The other side of her leather hat


My wife's bedside table (Her dad's schefflera is over 40 years old)


My hat rack includes a witch's hat.


We have empty bottles and dead roses all over the house


I hope you enjoyed the Hallowe'en element decorating our house. There are lots more skulls, gargoyles and spooky things - but I had to draw the line somewhere :)
What an incredibly fascinating tour you are taking us on Radogast!

I have much to view and ponder at in the morning with my cuppa. So much to look at and thought provoking as well. Those intricate designs on the skulls, the different dolls and masks.....

I will comment further tomorrow, right now I'm heading for bed....after a song or two by Janice. Such a loss.....


Thanks for letting me post here - I ened up posting a lot more than I expected,

I miss Janice.

There are some special dolls from New Orleans I would have liked to share, but there was a major desecration of Harriet Tubman's church graveyard at the end of the Underground Railroad (in Canada just past Niagara falls) on Veteran's Day, 11/11, during he dark of the new moon. The dolls are working right now and more than a little riled up. I support them in their anger.

After 90 minutes of posting, I'm headed for bed too :)
Rad, I'm always so impressed with your family's sense of wonder and whimsy. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty of your home with us. I feel so honored. :hug: :love:
We all feel honored, I'm sure Radogast. :)

You be sure to take care of the dolls while they take care of business.

I always try to picture the people I communicate with on the internet, sometimes I'm completely off base when I finally see or meet them, and sometimes I'm pretty darn close.
I think I'm pretty close on picturing you, with the hats and other such personality clues you give. You are an interesting man, and your wonderful wife is a personality I would really enjoy talking to as well. Such stories the two of you must have!

Nothing like doing the decorations up right and plentiful! Some people put simple cornstalks and pumpkins around the house. Yours feels like the reason for the Holiday.

I love that last mask posted that your daughter made. You're going to wind up pushing me to get my craft room dusted out. LOL

Is there any story or reasoning behind the intricate designs on the skulls? Or are they just decorative purposes.

One last question at the moment, the old tattered and torn books that you have some items on top of....what are they?

That's it for now. I'm for sure going to make up some of the spooky trees and bats that you have attached to the cupboards and walls. Those just complete the whole scene. :)

I always try to picture the people I communicate with on the internet, sometimes I'm completely off base when I finally see or meet them, and sometimes I'm pretty darn close.
I think I'm pretty close on picturing you, with the hats and other such personality clues you give. You are an interesting man, and your wonderful wife is a personality I would really enjoy talking to as well. Such stories the two of you must have!
I was born under the sign of Scorprio and fit the Scorpio stereotype of being an open book. I am what I am. I hold back my strangeness unless prompted, but I don't lie or mislead.

My wife has interesting stories. I have led a boringly happy life and have a poor memory, so I don't do well on storytelling. If I had a better memory, I would be a musician, but one doesn't get on stage much without being able to remember the key, the notes, and the lyrics :)

Nothing like doing the decorations up right and plentiful! Some people put simple cornstalks and pumpkins around the house. Yours feels like the reason for the Holiday.
Except that it's not the season, those are all permanent decorations :)

I love that last mask posted that your daughter made. You're going to wind up pushing me to get my craft room dusted out. LOL
When I saw the girl smashing a mirror in a bag with a hammer, I asked "Do you know what you are doing?" She looked at me "Yep!"
So I said "Go for it." and she put the mask together with no questions. She will ask for ideas when she's stuck. NOT the mechanical/practical savant you are, but she likes creating imagery.

Is there any story or reasoning behind the intricate designs on the skulls? Or are they just decorative purposes.
Decorative. Walgreen's purchases, I think. Obviously, one can look at the Celtic single line style pattern and think about the infinity in the design, as the Celts do. Put to a purpose by a request of the skull, such a design might help one's purpose flow on and on with an infinite staying power, or at least plenty of staying power for the skull's statement of purpose to move on and on until the specified purpose was completed or the specified elapsed time is reached. The skull returning returning from it's purpose to being a decorative skull, except that now it has fulfulled a purpose, it has a sacred presence allongside the mundane beauty.,

One last question at the moment, the old tattered and torn books that you have some items on top of....what are they?

That's it for now. I'm for sure going to make up some of the spooky trees and bats that you have attached to the cupboards and walls. Those just complete the whole scene. :)


I had said the tatterred books were an ancestal author's first edition. That was someone else's 1902 Bibble when she was 36 years old. A purchase of a box at auction for about $15 that also included an older family bible with a carved front cover, 3 original haitian oil paintings, 2 of those paintings of Haitian conjures including the sand from the floor of the conjure and the unpublished veve symbols of their sacred lua spirits,

The Collected Works(not first edition) of Sir Walter Scott, one of my wife's ancestors according to ancestry<dot>com was in the same box.

I picked up a crystal vodka skull to take this photo :)
Amazing Rad. :love:

I need to run off to meet my daughter, but wanted to share shots from along the river. Enjoy. :circle-of-love:







Beautiful, Canna.

I got several pics of the sunset here last night too. It was the back end of the storm band that just swept (actually is still sweeping) through the south. Looks like yours is too. Will get them uploaded in a bit.

Yeah, same here. We had pounding rain and wind a couple hours before that. The clouds in the picture were moving quite rapidly. I think everybody out there took at least one picture with their phone. It was brilliant.

Looking forward to yours!

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