The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

It's about 6-7 ' in diameter...
You found the farm? That's where I grew up, area.. Many night sleep overs at that farm when I was a kid...
That's my mates dad, lol..... I never knew they had website, doh... Just went there, the girl on the lily is my mates daughter and my nieces best friend. She's 20 now, they should update the photos, lol...
See everything's connected in weird ways. Adelaide... If only we could harness the togetherness of life, lol...
I don't know if you could cope with our winters canna, very different than what your used too... Second month of winter now and we've had extreme conditions as low as..... Wait for it..... 48 last night and theirsaying rug up for weekend could get to 40 at night. Our days have been a bone chilling 55... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
This place amazes me on a daily basis.

So, I'm out cutting more cattle fencing down and I'm in the middle of the biggest patch of wild raspberry thorns in the area...I keep hearing a very familiar sound. It's a tiny kitten and it's ears are terrible...can't locate the desperate sounding thing. I know I have stray cats, scared one out of the barn last week or it possible the babies were born in that thicket of thorns? Cats aren't real smart sometimes....
In I went.....Mew! Mew! Mewwww!
The only thing I could find was a small gray bird that kept flitting around from one thicket to another....and the mew sound kept moving. I finally realized that every time the mew got further away, so did the bird...........

I've heard bluejays mimic other birds and critters.....could it be this bird doing the sound?
Off to the internet I went after cleaning up my thorn wounds and getting the junk out of my hair.
Yep, it's called a Gray Catbird.
I found a sound file and it's exactly what I kept hearing. LOL

Here's a site with the sound if you care to listen. Scroll down and click on the "Mew sound" file.

Gray Catbird, Sounds, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Such fun around here. :)
I don't have enough to do.............:laughtwo:

If you want to mask the smell of MJ growing in your house, try this.
I have Rosemary oil and Clove oil going in crock pots today to make my own spray for pest deterrence on my plants. The SNS 217 works great, but if I run out I won't be able to order more of it right now. So, make my own. ;-)



When I come in from outside I can usually get a slight whiff of the plants in the grow room, this morning I came in a smelled a wonderful aroma of rosemary and clove. It's nice....

I used rainwater and drizzled in a little olive oil and the crocks are set on low. Supposed to do it for 24 hours, we'll see how it works. I also put a little Thyme in with the Rosemary.

Also, if anyone tried to guess the recent whatizzit, it's the inside of a zucchini flower. My hint was "veggie garden" in a later post.

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the days.

An unknown wildflower. I also saw one of the storks this morning!

Nice shot of the flicker PeeJay. Those are the cutest birds, they hang out on the feeder (when I have the feeder out. LOL)

Radogast, what a beautiful day in the garden. I've never seen a newborn woodpecker, that must have been adorable. When you wrote "Fisher", is that King Fisher?
I've got Kingfishers here every year, but I assumed they only hang out near ponds or lakes.
A few years ago, before I began to get snapping turtles in the pond, I used to float around on it in a lounge chair. I apparently interrupted the King fishers' luncheon, I saw him sitting in a tree acting quite restless. After about a half hour he must have just said to heck with me and began diving into the water for the minnows. One dive was right behind my chair. It was a fun float. :)

I stopped floating around on the pond when the first large and ancient looking snapping turtle came to be viewed. He actually grabbed one of my ducks that I was giving a day out of the pen. Took it under quite a few times, until I sent the dog into the water to try to break it up. When the dog got there, the turtle let go of the duck...the duck flew off the pond, and the poor dog is out there going in circles trying to figure out what he's there for. :laughtwo:

I figured my toes weren't going to be real safe floating around out there anymore.

Dang....have some more coffee turn into a chatty-kathy.

Nice shot of the flicker PeeJay. Those are the cutest birds, they hang out on the feeder (when I have the feeder out. LOL)

That crazy flicker came back a couple more time yesterday. He sits there and hammers away like crazy on the red plastic. I've never even filled that feeder this year. I was thinking that there might be ants on it but I looked and nope... The neighbors have three feeders up and they have a ton of traffic. I think he's trying to figure out what all the excitement is about.....
This place amazes me on a daily basis.

So, I'm out cutting more cattle fencing down and I'm in the middle of the biggest patch of wild raspberry thorns in the area...I keep hearing a very familiar sound. It's a tiny kitten and it's ears are terrible...can't locate the desperate sounding thing. I know I have stray cats, scared one out of the barn last week or it possible the babies were born in that thicket of thorns? Cats aren't real smart sometimes....
In I went.....Mew! Mew! Mewwww!
The only thing I could find was a small gray bird that kept flitting around from one thicket to another....and the mew sound kept moving. I finally realized that every time the mew got further away, so did the bird...........

I've heard bluejays mimic other birds and critters.....could it be this bird doing the sound?
Off to the internet I went after cleaning up my thorn wounds and getting the junk out of my hair.
Yep, it's called a Gray Catbird.
I found a sound file and it's exactly what I kept hearing. LOL

Here's a site with the sound if you care to listen. Scroll down and click on the "Mew sound" file.

Gray Catbird, Sounds, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Such fun around here. :)

I missed this when you posted. How incredibly cool. I can see why you ventured into the thicket to rescue what you thought was a lost kitten. What a neat site! I added it to my home screen to check out later.

Oh yeah - speaking of young critters - yesterday, while walking the river, I had a tiny young groundhog confuse him/herself by stepping out of the underbrush right in front of me. We greeted each other quickly and it turned tail and vanished into the greenery. Cutest little thing ever.

Goldfinches are really active along the river's edge too. Love the dipping way they fly. :laughtwo:
Cannafan, the Fisher in my yard was NOTa KingFisher. Love those birds. Something about their squat, regal appearance. They have a sense of presence. I see a kingfisher at the river occaisionally, they seem tprefer a long stretch of open air, so I imagine a large pond is about perfect for them.

What I saw running away across my log bridge was a Fisher Cat: the largest, and possibly nastiest, of the weasel family. They have a tapered fat tail like an otter, are taller than an otter, and move like a cross between a cat and a ferret.

- - -

PeeJay, there are lots of baby birds out there that have not figured out basic skills like eating and landing at their destinations. It is entirely possible that is a young flicker that has not connected tapping, with bugs, with infested wood. Woodpeckers seem better than some babies at flying anf landing, but real weak on planning and figuring things out. My wife and I love to watch their stupidity around bird feeders. July is an entertaining month for us.

Now the stupidity of squirrels and feeding... that's more annoying than fun :)
Beautiful shot Canna. You really have a knack for being in the right place at just the right moment, don't you? :thumb:
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