The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Hi everybody, hope everyone had a great holiday! Just some randomness from my ever growing picture stash!






Are these butterflies or Moths? I think the characteristics of them are more of a moth. Whatever they are, they're sure purdy.



After I took this shot, I named him "Harry"....(he's hairy) :)


The hollyhock etc. are gorgeous as Cannafan described :)

The top butterfly is a Red Admiral

The bottom butterfly is a Little Wood Satyr.. I had to look that one up :)
We are in the midst of a cold snap... Warnings are all over the radio and news... At the moment we are in the middle of an ( as described by the meteorology society) Antarctic vortex.... It was 39.5 last night 54 today, coldest so far....
Cannafan, I have a beast of a computer because I dabble in source code, so most are ready to upload, just remove the meta. :)

Here are some of those "Harry" butterfly pictures. Maybe Radogast will identify for me, it's very frequent. :)




As it seems I've been reaching for motivation wherever I can find it lately, it gave me a thought. Since I have a photographic memory, I thought why not add these inspirational quotes to pictures I have taken that I can see in real life on a daily basis. The theory here is "positive thought placement". Next time I see the scene in real life I will immediately recall the image I made therefor randomly forcing inspirational and positive thoughts with out realizing it! :) My first example... :Namaste:

That butterfly looks just like the Red Admiral. Great shots!

I love your idea of inspirational quotes on the photos. I did one for Sue a while back. Keep them coming, they make great backgrounds for desktops and give us thoughts to ponder. :)

I've got a hummer moth hanging around the Honeysuckle. They come every year and are the coolest little creatures. Quite friendly and a treat to watch. I can't get out there enough this year to get any pics yet. Do you have those in your area too?
Smokey, these hollyhocks are breathtaking. What a wonderful thing to stumble across. :blushsmile:


I've always had a passion for linear beauty and tendrils always make my heart beat faster. Thank you for this little spark of delight this morning.


I'm also impressed that you see the beauty in the common dandelion. You deserve a hug for helping to get my day off on such a fine note.

:hug: :love:
That butterfly looks just like the Red Admiral. Great shots!

I love your idea of inspirational quotes on the photos. I did one for Sue a while back. Keep them coming, they make great backgrounds for desktops and give us thoughts to ponder. :)

I've got a hummer moth hanging around the Honeysuckle. They come every year and are the coolest little creatures. Quite friendly and a treat to watch. I can't get out there enough this year to get any pics yet. Do you have those in your area too?

Sorry Cannafan, I was being silly. Conversation has never been my strong point, best to stick with pictures. Similar looking moth's but nothing that pretty when I googled it, more of a dingy grey.

Thanks Radogast! :)

Smokey, these hollyhocks are breathtaking. What a wonderful thing to stumble across. :blushsmile:

I've always had a passion for linear beauty and tendrils always make my heart beat faster. Thank you for this little spark of delight this morning.

I'm also impressed that you see the beauty in the common dandelion. You deserve a hug for helping to get my day off on such a fine note.

:hug: :love:

Sue, SweetSue. :love: Everything I have posted with the exception of the dyed items are on my property. I spent three/four years working on this and am now enjoying all it has to offer me, most everything from seed as I do my garden every year, much more rewarding. I have to thank Canna too as well because it has made me take so many more pics from different perspectives then I ever would. I wish I could show property pictures but it makes me very nervous, I've held back quite a bit.

So this is my biggest photo bomb yet... Sorry but I thought they where so cool! Boyzz be working, that pollen basket is full! Wish I new were they were taking it. :drool:








That's just me Canna. :) I sometimes feel like I'm an old soul in a younger body. Plus I'm just different, remember the weird signature thing!? It's all good though because of this wonderful site and some of it's wonderful members, I am learning diversity is a beautiful thing and I must embrace the weirdness within me. LOL :)

Perhaps I should start watermarking my photos's... :) Lol, a little smoke colored, transparent bear puffing away in the corner! Kidding! :laughtwo:

My Globe thistle's never came up PeeJay! Great shots!

Some different pictures today! Also as I was working yesterday I realized to cover myself in the future most of my plants are from seed/cutting or root division. :)






And let's try another whatizit perhaps?


I have been having issues uploading recently and it dropped a photo of some big catnip buds I had...
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