The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

:rofl: Grizz! I would be happy to give you a tour...the bucks out here are in full velvet and starting to spar each other. I watched two at the edge of the pond before heading for work yesterday. It's too funny.

The buffalo do not roam here, although there have been feral pigs as big as one...

I'll trade you one nice mannered :cough: Woodchuck for one of your Koalas. :)

Might even throw in a couple chipmunks for free............

oh, and I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale....

(anyone remember that?)
Sorry for this. I have uploaded the pics to off-topic gallery. No watermark this time.
Here is pics. I also like the white lotus bud.

I keep goiing back and looking at those pictures, Sara. The lotus pads almost look like they are floating down a waterfall from the perspective. Nice. I do hope you'll post more if there are some that please you the next time you go out and take pictures.
Gosh, I don't really know, Canna. There are water lilies and water lotus. Do they both have lily-pads?

Yep, that's what I like about them. The dragonfly's and frogs love to hang out on the pads.
Now that I don't have a dog to drag them back out of my pond, I might go to the river (a quiet water area of it) and dig up some more. :)
The root system is massive and you almost need an axe to yank them up from the river with any kind of root. :laughtwo:
That's the spirit! Poach a few things from the native environment that catch your eye and move them. It's good exercise and the monetary cost can't be beat. I trust you not to engage in wholesale selfish environment destruction and resource rape when you translocate!

Wow, this thread has hit the century mark... So much eye candy in those pages. No disrespect to Buckshot, but the diversity here makes This the best "eyecandy" thread on the site.
I do love what everyone has contributed here for sure. :) Happy Hundred pages mark everyone! :cheer:

You know, there are people who drag up those lillies and sell them at "farmers markets" here. It sickens me. I used to think one of the vendors was a pretty good guy until I was up the river fishing and watched him tearing into the lillies and some other plants.
I never stopped at his booth again.
And there have been efforts by environmental control in past years to kill off a lot of it because they think it's getting too invasive. "Invasive" in my thoughts on this means that some river boaters, tubers, or fisherman started complaining about the decreased space they have. ;-)
Bizarre how everything is connected in someway, lol... Down from my parents is a water lily farm.. They have the worlds biggest water lily.. A friend of mine, his parents own the farm. What happened was they made money being first to plant and sell bok choy and other Chinese cabbage.. To make life easier they put in eight dams on there property.. Idea was to stock with game fish and have people pay to fish it. They put some Lily's in with the fish and the Lily's exploded. They were worth more than any of the fish were.. It's now a full time job and they are flat out, lol. So much for retirement, lol... Here's a photo, grown at their farm, Australia's biggest leaf..

Happy Hundred Page Mark! :partyboy: :party:
Bizarre how everything is connected in someway, lol... Down from my parents is a water lily farm.. They have the worlds biggest water lily.. A friend of mine, his parents own the farm. What happened was they made money being first to plant and sell bok choy and other Chinese cabbage.. To make life easier they put in eight dams on there property.. Idea was to stock with game fish and have people pay to fish it. They put some Lily's in with the fish and the Lily's exploded. They were worth more than any of the fish were.. It's now a full time job and they are flat out, lol. So much for retirement, lol... Here's a photo, grown at their farm, Australia's biggest leaf..


That is amazing. I went to peruse their web site and found this lovely Blue Lotus that appealed to the linear artist in me.


I've always been partial to water lilies. Susan means "a lily" in Hebrew and I cry so easily water lily seemed best suited for me. :laughtwo:
I headed outside this morning to look over areas to build a small greenhouse and happened into the former horse corral and found these wildflowers covering much of the area of the front section:


So while I'm snapping a couple of pics I'm still contemplating whether I want to invest dollars I really don't have into cattle fencing for the greenhouse structure, and have to buy a roll of plastic sheeting as well. I had almost decided no, when I happened to take a good look in front of me. The largest "DUH!" moment of my life hit me.

What does this have to do with the so-so wildflowers pic? Take a good look at that picture and you will see it......cattle fencing! It surrounds the whole corral on the upper portion.
I had to put this up years ago to keep the coyotes from jumping the fence and running the horses. (Yep Grizz, coyotes too)

Allrighty then! Look around some more and I find two doors on the old chicken lean-to off the I don't have to build a door for the greenhouse:


Now, my mind is set. The only investment I will have is the plastic sheeting which I would have had to buy anyway to cover the deck for the winter months.

In celebration of our century mark, how about a creative challenge?

Pick some flowers, mix them up and combine to make your own flower creation.

Here's what I did so far, but I would have loved to see what happens if I pick petals and mix them up with other flower petals within a flower. Might try that later today.
I have a mixture of Honeysuckle, Tea rose, and wild Daisy:



While I was picking the daisy, this teensy weensy bee sat up and posed for me:

Bizarre how everything is connected in someway, lol... Down from my parents is a water lily farm.. They have the worlds biggest water lily.. A friend of mine, his parents own the farm. What happened was they made money being first to plant and sell bok choy and other Chinese cabbage.. To make life easier they put in eight dams on there property.. Idea was to stock with game fish and have people pay to fish it. They put some Lily's in with the fish and the Lily's exploded. They were worth more than any of the fish were.. It's now a full time job and they are flat out, lol. So much for retirement, lol... Here's a photo, grown at their farm, Australia's biggest leaf..


give me an idea how large that lily pad really is. From this picture view it looks as big as half a freaking football field!

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