The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons


Nice job on that area for sure!

And your macro picture is stunning! Did you do that with the phone?

I'll bet the fish in the pond just love their surroundings. Small ponds are so relaxing......

I had water lilies in mine a few years ago, went through major pains digging them up out of the river them growing nicely on my pond and the dog (who didn't allow anything he didn't know in HIS pond) drug them all out of there...3 times! LOL I gave up.
Don't have the dog anymore, so maybe I can give it another shot. ;-)

Wow PJ... That is just beautiful and the idea of taking an ugly piece of urban America and making it beautiful again or productive like Canna said to feed a community is such a remarkable but quite easy idea.... It is done on a small scale where I live.... The farmers here... in their personal gardens will pick one or two items to grow and the fellow at the next farm will grow one or two in his personal garden.... I got off easy this year cause they knew fella was hurt and all I got was tomato's... I threw in a couple of cucumbers cause fella likes them so much but other than that in a few weeks there will be everything from eggplant to squash all the way down this hollow and we all just share..... Now take that same plan and do it on the apartment top gardens of the big cities or the torn up cleared properties..... the investment would be slight and the pay off could be amazing.... In a perfect world.....:circle-of-love:
A couple of a pond at my friend's house. It is under a big ponderosa where it stays shady and cool.




I would LOVE to have this plant mix growing in one of my new ponds.
Any information on the species on display would be sincerely appreciated. - Sincerely as in imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :)
You should have no problem getting columbine to grow there Rad, and they come in various colors. They do add a nice linear element to the pond area. The blues may be more appropriate for a higher elevation, but Forget-me-nots might give you a sweet blue tone in the early spring. Periwinkles a good choice for a sweet blooming ground cover. Ooo, spiderwort! That would be nice around your water areas. I almost took a picture of some really nice spiderwort in an alley I was walking down earlier today. I think I'll do that tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing that PeeJay. Great work he's doing. Makes me think about some empty lots we have in the area. There's one I've looked at for years wishing I could fill it with lavender. Ahhh, the dream of a lavender field. *Sigh*
Sue if you look over on the virtual couch I posted up my lavender this year and IMO is is just magnificent this year.... I have it all along the front beds and in my back garden by the step coming in the back door.... that's were the dogs go. If you know what I mean and it sure makes is a more pleasant experience when you are out there.....:circle-of-love:
Grow Lavender and chamomile out by your grow room window, disguises any odour coming out...
Grow Lavender and chamomile out by your grow room window, disguises any odour coming out...

Chamomile.... I miss my pathways of chamomile. I had lavender growing on the east slope and chamomile on the garden paths as well as an established bed next to the lavender. My mother always carried a fresh-picked lavender stem in her pocket. I've taken to dabbing on lavender oil to carry her scent with me some days. :blushsmile:
Wow PJ... That is just beautiful and the idea of taking an ugly piece of urban America and making it beautiful again or productive like Canna said to feed a community is such a remarkable but quite easy idea.... It is done on a small scale where I live.... The farmers here... in their personal gardens will pick one or two items to grow and the fellow at the next farm will grow one or two in his personal garden.... I got off easy this year cause they knew fella was hurt and all I got was tomato's... I threw in a couple of cucumbers cause fella likes them so much but other than that in a few weeks there will be everything from eggplant to squash all the way down this hollow and we all just share..... Now take that same plan and do it on the apartment top gardens of the big cities or the torn up cleared properties..... the investment would be slight and the pay off could be amazing.... In a perfect world.....:circle-of-love:

This is something that I'm very passionate about, Denise. I'm up visiting Mom right now and this town is not quite urban and is certainly not rife with blight, but where I live it is a different story. I volunteer teaching kids in schools and after school programs as well as families in low income neighborhoods how to prepare as well as about the health, economic, and environmental benefits fresh locally grown produce in conjunction with small local organic farmers. Fun stuff!

Did someone mention lavender? This patch is out back of my Mom's building. We'll have another look at it next week.


There is an incredible organic lavender farm a scenic 45 minute drive from here up in Georgia O'Keeffe country where they grow 15 different kinds of lavender. It is insane in July. I should call and ask them about accessibility. Maybe I'll take Mom up there for a visit after the 4th.
Rado, I have no idea what most of those aquatic plants are. You should look for a pond supply store in your area. I know there is one near me that sells pond liners, pumps, fish, and plants. They are very knowledgeable.

Canna, yes the poppy macro is a phone picture. I took more while I was out waking yesterday. My hand is not as steady as yours! How many pictures do you end up deleting for each one that's a keeper? Here are some good as well as slightly blurry efforts.














When I got to work yesterday afternoon, I headed for the covered walkway stairs and this Robin followed me with a vengeance. It was raining pretty good, but she wouldn't budge.


I got into the stairwell and she swooped in and just missed my head, with every intention of spooking me. LOL
The signs were, she was protecting younguns. I looked up and in the rafters within a couple of feet of my reach was her nest.
I sat down on the stairs and waited, didn't take but a minute and she flew up in there and just sat there giving me the evil eye.


I have two of these small turtles in my pond. One is rather shy and doesn't come around me too often. This one is a "pet". I can get into the paddle boat and coax it into eating bread out of my hand. The poor thing operates on only 3 feet. One of his feet was chewed off by a large snapper I had here a few years ago.
In this picture it looks like that bluegill is coming up to give him a kiss. :laughtwo:


My tea roses have started. YEY!


And the pond edge lily's:


I just can't resist these fuzzy new grape leaves:

Outstanding PeeJay! Those are so vivid, and I just love the additions of the bugs and the Bee. Nature has it goin' on....and so do you.
So happy you are getting the hang of the phone, just beautiful.

That very first one is really nice. What kind of flower is that and how big is it?

I do delete a few. I take the picture, then immediately pull up gallery and use my fingers to enlarge it to check if the focus is where I want it. If I don't like it, I delete and take another.

As Radogast said, if there's wind....well it's tough. Tea Rose above is a perfect example. LOL

The pictures I just posted of the Robin and turtle were done with the zoom all the way out, it doesn't do well at all no matter how steady you try to hold it. That 10x zoom feature would definitely take a tripod use to get anything decent. :)

So are missed photo opportunity tales the same as fishing tales of the "one that got away"?

Well, I assure you this tale is true. LOL

I came home from work on Sunday, my last day of first shift. Drove into the driveway just reaching the edge of the lawn, and saw a hen turkey just hunkered down in the grass in the middle of the lawn. I stopped the car and she didn't budge. I opened the door, and she didn't budge...but was watching me and she nestled into the grass a little tighter trying to get that invisibility cape activated.

I have had several injured animals out here that I saved, so when I got out of the car I was thinking that in my the injured turkey.
As I approached and got within two feet she jumped up and walked away. In the spot where she had been hunkered were about a dozen very new babies just sitting there frozen.
I reached for my phone....this was a perfect close up opportunity for baby Turkeys! I was so excited.....
then my heart sank. No phone on my was in the car. Damn!
I got back to the car, grabbed the phone and headed back to the lawn...and they had already reached the edge of the woods and out of my camera range.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Fishing stories? I spent an inordinate amount of time on my morning walk stalking uncooperative butterflies and birds through never ending fields of yellow flowers with little to show for it. All I have is these crummy pictures!





I'd have to say my favorites are the grape leaf from Canna's and that magnificent Prairie Smoke from PeeJay's spread.

You guys are just bound and determined to enhance our lives with natural beauty aren't you?

Looking forward to those lavender in full bloom PeeJay.
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