The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I was surprised when this plant flowered as I wasn't aware it would when I got it. Mosquito plant! Beautiful bloom though.

So, I'm outside a while ago stalking picture opportunities of things that fly and my Mother calls me. "You have got to come and get pictures of this!"

I headed right over there, knowing Mother has a clue how much I love a good photo shoot. Duh!

In one of their crab apple trees was a honey bee gathering the size of a basketball. I took quite a few shots from atop a step stool.



The ball actually formed a heart shape at one point:


And just as I was stepping down the bottom half of the "ball" just dropped and the bees were on the move. I shot a quick video for the sound mostly. I don't know why these videos turn out narrow like this, but it is what it is. You will hear my dear Father yakking. He's a trip. :)

Nope, not one sting. They don't bother you unless you bother them. They were on a mission.
When our daughter was about 3-4 we had a bee hive split and one of these ball-o-bees settle on some hedges across the street from our home. Dale whisked her up in his arms and headed over for a closer look. As they moved in the ball broke and the bees swarmed. One of our most wondrous memories was standing in the middle of the swarm before they moved on. Surrounded by hundreds of bees who had no concern for you in the slightest. I rank that memory right up there next to the fairy light of a solar eclipse.
My Mother has morning glory's growing wild near her garden. I just love the pink ones, usually I see them blue


When I looked deep inside one of them, I found a historical creature.... Legend has it that these flatheaded miniature Yeti-Anteaters would hide in flowers so when people came to sniff them they would chomp their noses off! While waiting for an unsuspecting human, they would feed off the small ants and bugs that wander into the crevice.

:laughtwo:'s time to "relocate" Mr. Woodchuck. I did a test with two potted mint plants, put them on the deck with the clay pebbles on top of the soil. He literally tore them to shreds last night.
Setting the trap today. Maybe I'll drop him off at the ex's garden in the middle of the night. Ha Ha Ha Ha...............nah. I won't do that.


:rofl::rofl: Drop him off at the ex's garden...too funny...
:laughtwo: Maybe I'll drop him off at the ex's garden in the middle of the night. Ha Ha Ha Ha...............nah. I won't do that.


Gee, sounds like a plan. :rofl:

edit Canna, fabulous legend. :laughtwo:
:laughtwo:'s time to "relocate" Mr. Woodchuck. I did a test with two potted mint plants, put them on the deck with the clay pebbles on top of the soil. He literally tore them to shreds last night.
Setting the trap today. Maybe I'll drop him off at the ex's garden in the middle of the night. Ha Ha Ha Ha...............nah. I won't do that.


If it weren't for Sheriff catch you in the act, most people I meet wouldn't even hesitate. A chuck has to go somewhere.
I didn't even know they were an animal.. I thought they were just part of a tongue twister..
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