The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Beautiful Smokey. Just what I needed this morning. :love:
OMG, Smokey...that Rose is just so vivid and colorful! You inspired me to get the rest of the pics off my phone and upload> I sure as heck can't top that Rose, but here goes. LOL

First up, from Mothers' house yesterday. I took some pics of her Iris, it is just beautiful colors.
This one reminds me of an angel floating:


When I got close in and showed Mom the picture, her comment that it was something of a sexual nature shocked me. After I exclaimed "MOTHER!", I kind of had to agree..... "see it" as you like. Mother gets older, and her mind gets a little more humorous.


This is one of her Peony's:


I can imagine myself very tiny, sliding down the petals in a spiral fashion to the canyon below...


A torch is burning!


Truly on fire now.....


It's melting into the hot molten lava below.... (I'm mellllting....mellllting.....melll....ting)


All of that came from this flower:


And this is from a hanging plant on her deck, I have plans for the shots of this one later. ;-)


Hope you enjoy, I may need to adjust the pic sizes. :)
Thanks guys and gals!

Beautiful shots Canna! You always get these visual references with yours, like your poppy torch. :thumb:

SweetSue, I caught a few comments here and there, enough to know what is going on. Sue, I'm really sorry! :love:


Smokey, I'm so touched. Thank you. :love:

Let me share my own. I'll be posting the rest on my Spot, but as soon as I saw them in bloom I thought "Canna will love this!" So here you go. A tease.


They are everywhere here and gloriously in bloom... Fella rode with me to Wally World today and we went all back roads and I had just commented on how beautiful they were and that I didn't remember them being so numerous last year...Aren't they called Cannons or something like that... My momma loved them.... Beautiful shot Sue....:circle-of-love:
Thank you Sue, nice photos!
I haven't had time to get out back to see if mine have opened up yet. This reminds me to do that tomorrow morning. I get to sleep in a little. ;-)

I head for 2nd shift starting Monday. Thank goodness they didn't assign me to 3rd shift. I did that once a long time ago and absolutely hated it!

Have a great Sunday morning all.

And Happy Father's Day to all the guys out there!

About ready to head back up and do Mom duty until Thursday. It's really quite pleasant up there, a good ten degrees cooler, many places to hike and bike. Here are a couple of sunset pictures taken from her deck last week.



These next pictures are of a hillside that I helped my friend rehabilitate five years ago. It used to be mostly bare dirt and weeds. We did some minor terracing to hold water, planted native grasses and xeric flowers, and pulled weeds regularly. It looks spectacular after the wetter than usual spring.



Not sure what these are called?


Yellow columbine:

Why does it not surprise me that you would dedicate time to restoring a natural meadow PeeJay? Alpine meadows make my blood race in my veins. Spent a couple weeks up in the high Rockies one year as a camp cook for a fossil collecting adventure with a major museum and it changed my entire perspective in life to be up there so close to the top of the world. Someday I need to get back there.

Lovely pictures. I have no idea what species that gorgeous purple blossom is either. :hmmmm: Let me see if I can find it.
A good friend has a permaculture business and I enjoy working with him when I can. That is a North facing slope and they are fun to play with in the semi-arid environment. There is another one he started a couple of years ago that is a food producer on county land. He looked at it and decided he was tired of seeing the erosion and weeds. He's turned what was an eyesore into a thing of value for the community just because he wanted to. The goal is to create gardens that never require watering. I think the food producer gets buckets of water hauled to it when things get very dry but that is infrequent. I'll get some pictures of it this week.
Sounds like a good place for hugelkultur. Then water becomes much less a concern in arid locations. Tell your friend he spread that joy much further than he thought. :blushsmile: I admire the effort to make the world better for those coming behind us.
there's a guy in Australia, Peter Andrews, he drought proofs land. Things he does has the scientific world scratching their heads. He plants weeds, from different areas, most goes against conventional thought. One property within two years was 15 years ahead of what the scientist thought would take to rehabilitate it, have it holding storing and releasing it's own water. He developed/created natural sequence farming. During one of our worst droughts on record, his property had no water coming into it but never stopped releasing water downstream. There's an ABC Australian story, hour long worth checking out. Here's a little five minutes on his thought on weeds.

Great pictures Rad and PeeJay.
I just love pelicans, so strange looking but beautiful at the same time.

I hope Sue finds out what your purple flowers are PJ, those are really full and color saturated.

I would just love to pick out a disheveled piece of an eyesore of city property and do something like a food garden, or herb and flower garden. What a way to make things just a little more viewable to people, and possibly help out those in need for veggies and other foods. We've got so many run down areas that just need a little bit of care to stop making you go "UGH" when you drive by.

I'll be watching the video shortly Grizz, and thanks for posting it!

there's a guy in Australia, Peter Andrews, he drought proofs land. Things he does has the scientific world scratching their heads. He plants weeds, from different areas, most goes against conventional thought. One property within two years was 15 years ahead of what the scientist thought would take to rehabilitate it, have it holding storing and releasing it's own water. He developed/created natural sequence farming. During one of our worst droughts on record, his property had no water coming into it but never stopped releasing water downstream. There's an ABC Australian story, hour long worth checking out. Here's a little five minutes on his thought on weeds.

I find the word "weed" to be degrading. I have always preferred "spontaneous vegetation". I've been fined for my preferences, and yet I persist. :blushsmile: I'll watch this later Grizz.

I've done some digging and I believe it's a variety of wild hyacinth. I haven't found one that matches it, but it's what comes most strongly to mind. So far, no definitive identification.
I think you're right, Sue. Here are some pictures of the hillside reclamation I mentioned in progress.

First picture is on a section that is just getting started. You can see a big berm has been built at the bottom to hold water for some fruit trees and things. Gives an idea of what he is working with. Not exactly prime agricultural real estate.


The more complete sections are up the sidewalk.


There are vegetables mixed in with flowers everywere. The sunflower display toward the end of August is going to be stunning. The summer monsoons that usually begin in the next couple of week are really going to make things kick.




These tomatoes are growing in leaves that were mulched in trashbags for two summers. They have never been watered.


Macro poppy sex parts.


A couple of a pond at my friend's house. It is under a big ponderosa where it stays shady and cool.



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