The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons


I absolutely need to know.....



I planted something almost exactly like this outdoors. They said to nip it before planting the seed.

The closest seed shape I can come up with is hibiscus or Rose Mallow - but I think it is something else that I failed to make a note of.
Got to tell ya... I had stuck a gallon jar of Bubba Kush up that was grown in the PJ soil and completely forgot about it until today.... and it is about the first of it I have tried since it had time to get a good cure.... this zhit is awesome...:yahoo:... can't really believe I forgot about it but really glad I remembered and it had 3 Boveda packages in it so it is in perfect smoking order.... I am stoned to the bone......:lot-o-toke:.....:circle-of-love:

LOL Dennise. Beats the heck out of finding $1.72 in lost loose change under the sofa cushions! I'm a busy person lately but I've been meaning to poke you with a stick. I was thinking about it and you should have a bunch of all three soils left in the shed. I've got the calculator out and am getting set to do some ratio calculations for Canna's three stage LOS mix tonight. I don't have the time to go back through all the bazillion pages in your journal and see how much you should have left, but get Fella out in the shed and have him drag those bins of dirt out, dammit! We need to get you a few more gallons of sweet organic goodness to put away and forget about. I know that is some sweet smoke...

Oh it certainly is and yep there is probably at least enough to see 2 more girls all the way through and maybe even 3 but originally I was going to mix up a whole batch for fella to prepare an outdoor grow he could set up and pretty much walk away from... I thought this would be perfect but then he got hurt and hasn't been able to leave the recliner for the most part so now I just want to get it mixed up for my next round of autos.... I'm still a scatter brain PJ,, :eek:op: now that I think about it I think I may have used some of it in my tomato garden.... I will have to check the totes tomorrow....:circle-of-love:
I planted something almost exactly like this outdoors. They said to nip it before planting the seed.

The closest seed shape I can come up with is hibiscus or Rose Mallow - but I think it is something else that I failed to make a note of.

Radogast! You are my hero for the day!!! Indirectly you solved my query.

I went looking for Hibiscus type flowers and after thousands of photos I ran into the exact seed pods that I have and now I remember what she said they were.

Hollyhock! Beautiful tall flowering stalks. I sure hope these germ up and sprout!

THAT was what I was trying to remember. Hollyhocks. Of course. Rad, you're a wonder. I just knew he'd come closest to the answer, didn't you Canna?

Good morning, by the way. :circle-of-love:
THAT was what I was trying to remember. Hollyhocks. Of course. Rad, you're a wonder. I just knew he'd come closest to the answer, didn't you Canna?

Good morning, by the way. :circle-of-love:

Well I knew it would be between you and Radogast. LOL Of course, Smokey might have some of those in his garden too....:)

Good morning to you as well. I've been up since 3:30 a.m. Could not go back to sleep, I think the brain is conditioned for the early up for work. ;-)
Been outside gathering full rain buckets and putting fresh ones down. Got my seedling soil all mixed up and next up is the vegging soil.
Went to the barn and cleaned up a total mess of thrown in tarps from the firewood over the winter, found a raccoon living in one end of them and sceert him as much as me.
Checked on the outdoor plants, doing great. Planted some germed seeds to sprout. Did my dishes.. started the laundry....repotted a house plant in some nice soil...gathered up some tubs for my soil mixes...
then calmly sat on the back deck with a couple of cuppa's listening to the quiet rain and watching the deer come in across the pond. Serenity is beautiful.

Now, I'm heading out to gather up a few gallons of chicken poo from the hen den in the barn. Yes, I will be sure to wear my dust mask. LOL
Sounds like a little slice of Paradise Canna. Before Dale married me he asked me if I'd move to the country with him and my answer was an emphatic "In a heartbeat!" Unfortunately, life never cooperated with that plan, and when his health spiraled out of control and we were supporting 14 different doctors it became ludicrous to even consider moving away from one of the premier medical centers in the nation.

We haven't been out of the city in over two years now, and that was a short visit to my brother's place in rural Ohio. I live there vicariously through these excellent journals. Yours has quickly become one of my favorite diversions Canna. :love:
Those are my favorite color Canna. They add a shout of color on the perimeter. Where are you thinking?
Sounds like a little slice of Paradise Canna. Before Dale married me he asked me if I'd move to the country with him and my answer was an emphatic "In a heartbeat!" Unfortunately, life never cooperated with that plan, and when his health spiraled out of control and we were supporting 14 different doctors it became ludicrous to even consider moving away from one of the premier medical centers in the nation.

We haven't been out of the city in over two years now, and that was a short visit to my brother's place in rural Ohio. I live there vicariously through these excellent journals. Yours has quickly become one of my favorite diversions Canna. :love:

It would be great for you to enjoy this during the good months so you could have some peace and serenity. I would never give this up and will fight to the death to stay here. Literally...
Done the city life, traveled way too much and lived out of suitcases, dealt with bad neighborhoods and noisy crazy people. I swore I would move back to the country someday and leave all of that behind me. Funny....we always seem to come back home. LOL
Home for me has always been city, so somewhere in the 20+ years I likely have left I'll have to make that move happen, I think. I've always had this intense vision of walking out my front door onto the deck with a steaming cup of coffee and watching the trees move in the breeze. I can close my eyes and be there, so I know it's the promise of things to come. Just don't know when or how.
Those are my favorite color Canna. They add a shout of color on the perimeter. Where are you thinking?

I might plant them right in front of the back deck. They will get full sun and I can enjoy watching the hummingbirds feed on them while I sit there. I may put a couple by the Garage door main entrance too. I will be pulling the Allium out and transplanting them elsewhere.

I also have a Rhododendron that needs to go back to that area. I transplanted that near the pond and it has not done well at all there. I think the drainage on the slope where I put it actually keeps water away from it.
So much to do. I did transplant a lilac bush from the pond area to the front by the garage last year. That thing has grown like crazy! I sure hope it flowers next year. :)
In one of those ironic twists of fate I finally planted a lilac bush in our yard, after wanting one for over 15 years. Within two years we lost the house and the lot was leveled with a bed of gravel. Again, someday I'm going to have a bush blooming. My all-time favorite flower. I have a friend who makes a trip to drop off a bouquet from her bush every spring so I can enjoy them. Such a wonderful thing for someone to do.

Canna, I knew you'd appreciate this view of the patio garden outside the hospice. I believe that's Chinese Wisteria getting ready to bloom in a rage of beauty on that gorgeous trellis. If Dale lives long enough that they bloom I'm going to talk my way into that garden and lose myself in the beauty and perfume.
It's beautiful! I would love to be sitting at that patio table enjoying a nice cool summer drink. nice..............

I planted some Wisteria about 6 years ago. It can take up to ten years to start blooming, I've read. I keep hoping to see flowers every spring. It's climbing everywhere, I planted in 3 different locations just in case one location wasn't the best. LOL That's another project for the summer, build things for it to climb on instead of the surrounding trees. Trees fall. ;-)
They are some powerful vines. This is probably the strongest trellis I have ever seen. I can see where this plant has also invaded the surrounding trees.
Radogast! You are my hero for the day!!! Indirectly you solved my query.

I went looking for Hibiscus type flowers and after thousands of photos I ran into the exact seed pods that I have and now I remember what she said they were.

Hollyhock! Beautiful tall flowering stalks. I sure hope these germ up and sprout!


Dang! I searched Hollyhock seeds and they showed me a smooth oval type seed - no fair.
Dang! I searched Hollyhock seeds and they showed me a smooth oval type seed - no fair.

But your guess was the impetus for Canna's remembering Rad. You get extra points for that, I would think. :blushsmile:
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